Kashirskii D.V., Molotova V.V..
Legal awareness of the individual: a view from the standpoint of cultural, historical and activity methodology
// Psychologist.
2024. № 5.
P. 1-15.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.5.71967 EDN: XIPBKL URL:
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The article is devoted to the theoretical understanding of the phenomenon of legal consciousness of personality from the standpoint of L.S. Vygotsky's cultural and historical theory and A.N. Leontiev's general psychological theory of activity. The regularities of the formation of the legal consciousness of the individual are presented, the psychological properties and functions of the legal consciousness of the individual are described, the hypothesis of the systemic and semantic structure of the phenomenon under consideration is theoretically substantiated. The content of the legal consciousness of the individual is described at the level of "meanings", "personal meaning" and "sensory tissue" of consciousness. The process of formation of the system of legal consciousness of personality is considered through the application of the principle of unity of affect and intelligence, formulated by L.S. Vygotsky, according to which the will of the subject is a single basis and an intermediary link in the formation of consciously controlled processes (the formation of arbitrariness), where in the process of development there is a change in the relationship between affect and intelligence. The theoretical propositions formulated by the authors can form the basis for extensive empirical studies of the legal consciousness of the individual in line with the national psychological tradition, laid down in the cultural-historical approach and the general psychological theory of activity. The regularities of the formation of the legal consciousness of the individual are presented, the psychological properties and functions of the legal consciousness of the individual are described, the hypothesis of the systemic and semantic structure of the phenomenon under consideration is theoretically substantiated. The theoretical propositions formulated by the authors can form the basis for extensive empirical studies of the legal consciousness of the individual in line with the national psychological tradition, laid down in the cultural-historical approach and the general psychological theory of activity. The theoretical analysis of the phenomenon of legal awareness from the standpoint of the national cultural, historical and activity methodology allows us to draw the following conclusions and generalizations. The process of formation and development of legal awareness is a transition from simpler semantic generalizations about law to more complex ones, in the course of general personality development. Thus, the system of meanings of the "language of law" (with different levels of generalizations) determines the content of the components of the structure of legal consciousness, the "development" of these generalizations may indicate the level of development of legal consciousness. A deep study of legal consciousness is impossible in isolation from the categories of "personal meaning", "sensual fabric", as well as those "meanings" in which law finds its objective expression in culture and in a specific person, a subject of law.
the cognitive component of legal awareness, personal meaning, meaning, legal awareness, conscience, cultural and historical psychology, affect and intelligence, consciousness and activities, the emotional component of legal awareness, the sensory fabric of consciousness
Shevelenkova T.D., Salnikova M.M..
Changes in mental rigidity and attitude to one's body during treatment of adolescent girls suffering from anorexia nervosa
// Psychologist.
2024. № 2.
P. 1-19.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2024.2.70033 EDN: ZAHDYL URL:
The authors, considering domestic and foreign studies of cognitive rigidity/flexibility and ideas about one's own body in anorexia nervosa, note the practical lack of research on both dynamics and ideas about the existence and nature of the connection between these psychological characteristics of girls suffering from anorexia nervosa. The object of the study was psychological characteristics, namely, mental rigidity, cognitive flexibility and the attitude of teenage girls suffering from anorexia nervosa to their bodies. The subject of the study was the change in the level of rigidity/flexibility and negative attitude towards one's body, as well as their relationship during inpatient treatment of anorexia nervosa. Objectives of the study: to identify changes in the characteristics of mental rigidity and attitude to one's body, as well as in the nature of the relationship between cognitive rigidity, flexibility and attitude to the body from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment of adolescents suffering from anorexia nervosa. Teenage girls (13-17 years old) with a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa participated in the study conducted at the Center for the Study of Eating Disorders (CIRP) in Moscow. Used: the classic J. R. Stroop test, a simplified version of the Tomsk rigidity questionnaire, a questionnaire of cognitive flexibility, a questionnaire "Attitude to one's body". A factor analysis of the relationship of the studied parameters was carried out. A special contribution of the authors of the study is proof that a negative attitude towards one's body in anorexia nervosa, both at the beginning and at the end of inpatient treatment, positively correlates with a high level of rigidity and a low level of flexibility, as well as the fact that the nature of this relationship fundamentally changes from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment. The novelty of the study lies in the discovery that from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment, a shift in the psychological problem occurs: low cognitive flexibility, as well as the inability to identify with one's body, cease to be the main problem, and a negative assessment of the attractiveness of one's body for oneself comes to the fore, which at the end of inpatient treatment should become a specific target for psychotherapeutic work. The practical significance of the study lies in the fact that it allows to identify the targets of psychological work (psychotherapeutic, correctional, rehabilitation) and their change from the beginning to the end of inpatient treatment.
connection of indicators, dynamics of indicators, longitudinal study, inpatient treatment, anorexia nervosa, teenage girls, attitude towards the body, flexibility, mental rigidity, problem shift
Livak N.S., Portnyagina A.M., Tkacheva A.V., Popov V.V., Vladykin I.V..
Formation of a responsible attitude of the children of primary school age to their health
// Psychologist.
2023. № 4.
P. 62-84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.4.43899 EDN: WBLSPM URL:
Today, children's health problems need new approaches. In this regard, the educational function of teachers and psychologists is important in order to form a child's idea of a healthy lifestyle, to form right attitudes to their's own health. This is of particular importance for young people, children, since they are the future generation that will continue our history, which has determined the relevance of this work related to the formation of a responsible attitude to a healthy lifestyle of children, which is the subject of this work. A psychological and pedagogical program for 4th grade students has been developed to form a responsible attitude to their health and healthy lifestyle. The implementation of the program includes three main levels: 1) Emotional involvement (emotional-value component of a responsible attitude); 2) semantic (cognitive component); activity (activity component). As a result of the implementation of the psychological and pedagogical program, the level of responsible attitude of children to their health has significantly increased. Namely, the number of children with a conscious attitude to their health has increased (cognitive component), the level of mastery of cultural norms has increased (emotional and value component), the number of schoolchildren participating in health-preserving and promoting a healthy lifestyle has increased
upbringing, health-saving technologies, junior schoolchildren, health, values, activity, emotional attitude, responsible attitude, attitude, cognitive component
Lautkina S.V., Bogomaz S.L., Luk'yanova E.V., Artyukhova T.Y., Petrova T.I..
Claims on Younger Schoolchildren with Speech Disorders
// Psychologist.
2023. № 2.
P. 64-75.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2023.2.40091 EDN: UBECXN URL:
The claims of primary school children with speech disorders are characterized by the presence of maladaptive forms of behavior in a situation of success or failure. Students with speech disorders demonstrate such features of behavior in a situation of failure as: blaming others and circumstances for their failures (including language), problems in communication and interpersonal interaction, taking responsibility for their actions, discrediting goals and objectives, low productivity of organized activities. The article presents the results of a study of the level of claims of primary school students with speech disorders and their peers without speech pathologies. The purpose of the article: to study the level of claims of younger schoolchildren with severe speech disorders. The study sample consisted of 40 students of grades 3 – 4. The level of students' claims was determined using the "Schwarzlander Motor Test" technique. For students with speech disorders, the predominance of an inadequately inflated level of claims is characteristic. Unrealistically high levels of claims were found in 75% of students with speech disorders. Moderate and high levels of pretensions prevail among students with normotypic development. Students with speech disorders have an inadequately inflated level of claims. An unrealistically high level of claims was revealed only in a group of students with speech disorders. Their claims are characterized by: firstly, low resistance to failure and low ability to withstand prolonged stress, and secondly, a great need for high claims associated with unrealistically inflated self-esteem.
communication, normotypic development, development, speech, speech disorders, speech errors, junior schoolchildren, the level of claims, claims, training
Griber Y.A., Nankevich A.A..
The Effect of Noise on the Color Associations of Citizens
// Psychologist.
2022. № 6.
P. 29-39.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.6.39243 EDN: OZQVZC URL:
The object of the study is urban residents accustomed to noise, the subject is the effect of noise on their color associations with anthropologically significant concepts. The aim is to experimentally test the hypothesis that under the influence of noise, changes in the structure and density, frequency of colors with different chromatic characteristics (lightness, tone, saturation) will be observed in the system of color associations. The experiment involved 50 people (14 men and 36 women) aged 17 to 24 years (average age 19.71, SD=1.72). Their responses were compared with the results of a control group that participated in the same study earlier and was not exposed to the sound stimuli. The experiment palette included 27 color samples of the NCS natural color system. Participants were asked to compare color palette samples with 26 anthropologically significant concepts. The experiment showed noticeable transformations of the color association system under the influence of noise. We identified an increase in the occurrence of red color choices, as well as growth in the rating of blue, yellow, and achromatic white, black and gray. Color associations have become less diverse and have acquired a simpler structure. At the same time, the structure of color associations was not affected by the change of loudness: the patterns obtained under the influence of 60 Db (A) and 80 Db (A) were identical. The data obtained are important for understanding the cognitive mechanisms of color impact and establishing causal relationships between the parameters of color stimulation in the environment and its effect on an individual.
NCS color system, anthropologically relevant concepts, noise effect, associative experiment, percept, color perception, chromatic sensitivity, color associations, color, color cognition
Griber Y.A., Tsygankova K.Y., Ustimenko Y.A..
Color as a Trigger: the Effect of Chromatic Characteristics of Touch Buttons on the Motivation
// Psychologist.
2022. № 6.
P. 73-87.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.6.39497 EDN: TGRQQV URL:
The object of the study is modern smartphone users, the subject is the influence of chromatic characteristics of touch buttons on the motivation. The purpose of the study was to experimentally test the hypothesis that various chromatic characteristics of buttons that a person sees on a touch screen (their brightness, tone, saturation) can act as visual triggers and have a noticeable effect on the motivation to touch them. The experiment involved 48 people with normal color vision (24 men and 24 women) aged 19 to 21 years. The color stimuli of the experiment were developed on the basis of the PCCS color system (Practical Color Coordinate System) and included 52 shades. The analysis evaluated the frequency of occurrence of (1) individual colors; (2) groups of colors; (3) colors of a certain tone; (4) the probability of choosing a certain color out of two. The frequency of occurrence was assessed using procedures and methods of visual statistics. To estimate the probability of choosing a certain shade from two, the method of associative rules was used. The analysis showed that the most motivating are the shades with high saturation of four tones – bright blue and yellow, green and red colors. Women are more motivated by red and red-purple shades, men – by yellow, orange, green and green-blue. At the same time, the strategy of choosing one shade out of two in a pair is more predictable for women than for men. The obtained data have a wide application potential. They can be used in the design of websites, web applications, interactive educational materials, as well as training programs for users with different socio-demographic characteristics.
motivation, tactile sensation, touch, visual trigger, experiment, association rule, PCCS color system, color cognition, color perception, color
Rostovtseva M.V., Goncharevich N.A., Shestakov V.N., Savel'eva T.G., Barkanova O.V..
Success in the Career of Spouses in Patriarchal and Egalitarian Families
// Psychologist.
2022. № 5.
P. 18-35.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.5.38774 EDN: JTDIPL URL:
The subject of the study is the ratio of indicators of success in career and interpersonal relationships of spouses in patriarchal and egalitarian families. The purpose of the study was to determine the direction and nature of changes in marital relations in situations of career growth of one of the spouses. To conduct the study, we used: the questionnaire "Communication in the family" (Yu.E. Alyoshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M. Dubovskaya), the methodology "Role expectations and claims in marriage" (A.N. Volkova), the methodology "Distribution of roles in the family" (Yu.E. Alyoshina, L.Ya. Gozman, E.M. Dubovskaya), a test questionnaire of satisfaction with marriage (V.V. Stolin, G.P. Butenko, T.L. Romanova, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University), the method "Life Line" Golovakha E.I., Kronik A.A., adapted for the purposes of the study - measuring attitudes to career growth, methods of qualitative and quantitative data processing were also used. The sample of the study is represented by a group of men and women aged 35 to 40 years, in the number of 12 people who have been married for 10-15 years. Based on the conducted research, it can be concluded that traditional patriarchal families are not characterized by high social activity, focus on career development of both spouses, a high level of trusting communication and mutual understanding. As a result of the correlation analysis, it was found that there are a large number of correlations between various spheres of family relations, satisfaction with marriage and career success. Thus, the data obtained will increase the level of consistency of family values and the role adequacy of spouses, which will reduce the number of conflicts arising in the family and will contribute to the harmonization of family relations and thereby increase the level of satisfaction with marriage by spouses.
patriarchal type, egalitarian type, proximity, spouse, marriage, success, satisfaction, career, family relations, family
Dulinets T.G., Nakonechnaya E.V., Suvorova N.V., Shepeleva Y.S., Tyukanov V.L..
Increasing the motivation of high school students through multimedia technologies
// Psychologist.
2022. № 5.
P. 36-54.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2022.5.38942 EDN: KAZSUN URL:
The subject of this study is the influence of multimedia on the development of motivation for learning among schoolchildren. A study was conducted on the basis of MBOU Lyceum No. 8 in Krasnoyarsk among students of two ninth grades. In the course of the study, the following methods were used: studying the motivation of M.I. Lukyanova's teaching; determining the level of motivation of N.G. Luskanova's teaching, interviewing teachers and students. Prior to the experiment, the level of motivation among the students of the control and experimental groups was measured, which corresponded to the level of "low" and "medium" for 46 and 52% of respondents, respectively. After the experiment, when more than 100 chemistry and biology lessons were conducted for two quarters, the level of motivation in the experimental group increased according to the indicators "high" and "very high" according to the results of two methods. thus, after conducting an experiment with the use of multimedia technologies in the classroom in the experimental group, there is a decrease in the number of students with low and very low levels of educational motives. The main conclusions of this study are related to the fact that as a result of the study, it was proved that the level of motivation for learning among schoolchildren increases when using multimedia technologies in the classroom, such as multimedia presentations, audio and video clips, electronic textbooks, interactive whiteboards and online testing. The study revealed an increase in academic performance in the experimental group. Academic performance in this group has increased due to an increase in the level of motivation for learning among schoolchildren. According to the results of the study, it can be concluded that the use of multimedia technologies contributes to an increase in the level of motivation for learning and, therefore, directly affects the academic performance of students.
presentation, doctrine, experimental group, control group, education, multimedia, technology, school students, motivation, Information Technology
Osin R.V., Baranov A.A..
Specificity of the virtual and real image of communication partner
// Psychologist.
2021. № 6.
P. 40-51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.6.36563 URL:
This article examines the peculiarities of social perception of a person in the Internet discourse. The relevance of the topic is dictated by the rapid development of the Internet and cyberspace, which leads to the trend that the new information space of virtual reality is considered the new reality. Various types of social communication, including empathy, compassion, manifestation and perception of emotions are shifting to the online sphere. The authors assume that the respondents have clearer perception of socio-psychological peculiarities of personality of the partner in direct communication, rather than in the context of Internet discourse. For proving this hypothesis, the survey was conducted among 80 young people aged 18 to 27, using the following methods:: the value questionnaire of S. Schwartz; orientation of the personality by Bass, Smekal, and Kuchera; Gaol-Means-Result questionnaire by A. A. Karmanov; and Rotter's Locus of Control Scale. A decision was made to balance the attraction factor, i.e. communication was carried out in the messengers Telegram and WhatsApp. The acquired data indicate that the participants of the group of direct communication are characterized with the primary values of power, and satisfaction with personal career success; they try to avoid in-depth emotions. The results quantitative analysis of Internet discourse group indicate that the respondents are characterizes with the primary values of power. It is established that the representatives of the group of direct communication have better perception of the socio-psychological peculiarities of personality of the partner than the respondents of the Internet discourse group; the ability to perceive the motives and values of the communication partner is statistically important.
real life, the Internet, communication partner, image on the internet, direct communication, internet communication, communication, internet discourse, social perception, virtual life
Tikhonova E.A..
Approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior in Russian and foreign scientific research
// Psychologist.
2021. № 6.
P. 1-11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.6.37005 URL:
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of coping behavior in Russian and foreign scientific research. The object of this research is the approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior. The goal lies in the attempt to systematize the approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior in Russian and foreign scientific research. Methodology is based on the scientific-analytical review on the topic of coping behavior in the works of Russian and foreign researchers. The novelty lies in detailed examination such aspect as the approaches towards studying the concept of coping behavior in scientific research. It is underlined that the problem of coping behavior has been studied in foreign psychology since the 1960s; however, in Russian literature it is a fairly new direction. The theoretical framework for foreign research is comprised of the existing representations on the nature of psychological defense mechanisms, cognitive strategies, and stresses. Special attention is given to explanation why some individuals a resilient to stress, while others face difficulties to overcome stressful states. The author’s contribution lies in consideration of foreign experience and representations on the nature of psychological defense mechanisms, cognitive strategies, and stresses. The article analyzes coping behavior using the concepts of psychological defense, personal determinants, problem event, style of coping, pathological processes, and stress factor. The main conclusion is as follows: initially, an individual identifies a problem event as dangerous and unstable; and then, for choosing the way of coping, assesses the impact and characteristics of stress factor, and personal traits.
problem event, personality determinants, coping behavior, stressful influences, psychological defense, oping behavior, psychological resources, coping style, pathological processes, stress factor
Iakimanskaia I..
Social representations of infidelity among married and unmarried men and women
// Psychologist.
2021. № 1.
P. 47-59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2021.1.34994 URL:
The goal of this research is to examine the specificity of social representations of infidelity among married and unmarried men and women. The hypothesis was advanced that married and unmarried men and women differ in their perception of infidelity. The differences depend on the gender and marital status, and pertain to definition of this concept and the underlying causes. The article employs the methods of questionnaire, content analysis, and the developed by the authors projective technique “draw infidelity”. It was established that the respondents view infidelity from two perspectives: those who commit adultery (more typical to men), and those against whom adultery was committed (more typical to women). Married individuals more often describe their own infidelity, while unmarried persons describe the infidelity of another partner. The main cause infidelity for men are new sensations (new sexual experience, etc.), while women it is love for another person (strong emotional experiences). Married respondents describe infidelity as a rare, tough, and long-term phenomenon. Unmarried respondents consider infidelity a rather frequent phenomenon that gives new experience in relationships. Women view infidelity as an emotional, passionate, and unique phenomenon. Men tend to assess infidelity as an indifferent, typical, and rational event. The acquired data can be used in family counseling on the problems of infidelity, as well as in psychological counseling overall. The results can also be used in psychoprophylactic work with youth on the question of family and marriage.
content analysis, projective methods, content of infidelity, reasons for infidelity, marriage, infidelity, word associations, women, men, social representations
Iakimanskaia I..
The peculiarities of marriage leadership and psychological climate in a family
// Psychologist.
2020. № 2.
P. 32-44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2020.2.32513 URL:
Psychological microclimate of a family is an important factor determining health, social and work activity of family members and society overall. The following traits are characteristic for a favorable psychological climate – team spirit, opportunity for personal growth for each spouse, kindness to each other, feeling of security and emotional satisfaction, pride for being a part of their family, responsibility. The basis for favorable climate of a family is marital relations, namely such manifestations as leadership and domination. In accordance with this, the research divided the families into three groups: with traditional leadership (patriarchy), nontraditional leadership (matriarchy), and egalitarian leadership (equal partnership); and then compared the psychological climate and wellbeing of family members. Based on the acquired results, the article states that in family relations women demonstrate higher level of frustration than men do. Women desire emotional closeness, aspire to achieve understanding, experiencing anxiety, tension and guilt. The highest level of anxiety and tension is noticed in couples with patriarchy. The article suggests that subordination leads to decrease of self-confidence of women, fear to end up alone and lose support of their husbands. Inclination to the feeling of guilt manifests among women who demonstrate leadership in family relations, as well as among those who desire to avoid it.
matriarchy, male leadership, female leadership, psychological climate, marriage leadership, family, leadership, patriarchy, egalitarian family, nervous and mental stress
Savinkov S.N..
Study of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” in psychology
// Psychologist.
2019. № 6.
P. 11-16.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.6.29697 URL:
This article examines the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” as the relevant problems of modern psychology that are an inseparable part of the process of studying the subjective self-esteem of a person. The data presented in the works of leading foreign and national psychologists covering this topic is provided. The study demonstrates the results of survey conducted among teenagers and reflecting the level of hope/hopelessness in this age period. An ambivalent nature of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” alongside their correlation with emotional states and mental processes is underlined. The author carried out a theoretical analysis of psychological-philosophical literature on the problem of hope and hopelessness of a person. Understanding of essence of the phenomena of “hope” and “hopelessness” presented in the concepts and views of various scholars allow speaking of the methods and tools for regulating emotional, emotional-value, and activity spheres of personality. Both, hope and hopelessness carry not only social, but also individually-inciting character, since they directly relate to self-esteem of e person, emotional regulation of its activity, as well as motivation and needs.
phenomenon, philosophy, psychology, personality, researches, hope, hopelessness, being, man, activity
Kazantseva E.V., Kholina O.A., Moskalenko A.E..
Assessment of Mindfulness Level among the Students Prone to Addictive Behaviour
// Psychologist.
2019. № 5.
P. 1-10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.5.31257 URL:
The article deals with a new cognitive construct of mindfulness, strongly discussed in the foreign scientific area. It describes principal characteristics and spheres, in which the development of the given cognitive phenomenon occurs, for example, in spheres of therapeutic approach, philosophical and pedagogical approach, the approach of personal knowledge and development. Based on foreign and national data, the study emphasizes the impact of mindfulness on significant personality structures, such as reflection, thoughtfulness, and personal life satisfaction. At the empirical stage of the study, it checks university students for the correlation between inclination to addictive behaviour and a high level of mindfulness. The sample encompasses 100 university students including 52 girls and 42 boys with an average age of 20.2. For the examination of the proposed hypothesis, the authors use such methods as The Method of Inclination to 13 types of Addiction by G.V. Lozova and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) by K.W. Brown, R.M Ryan in the adaptation of A.M. Golubev. To verify the data, the authors use methods of mathematical statistics, as well as empirical results obtained in several foreign studies. The authors perform mathematical processing using the SPSS Statistics 6.0 program. In general, the study found that the high level of mindfulness has an inverse correlation with the inclination to addictive behaviour.
Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, method MAAS, Mindfulness revolution, personal reflection, living on automatic, mindfulness, meditation, addictive behaviour, full awareness, contemplative practices
Komissarova O.A..
Interpersonal Relationships Diagnosis as a Method of Determining the 'I am' Image of Students-Managers
// Psychologist.
2019. № 1.
P. 16-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2019.1.28941 URL:
The study aims to conduct a comparative analysis of images 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager' in the perception of students-managers based on the styles of interpersonal relationship chosen by them. The subject of the study is the styles of interpersonal relationships manifested among students-managers in the chosen by them images 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager'. The object of the study is students of management faculty. The study obtained significant differences in the styles of interpersonal response reflected in the 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager' profiles in the group of first-year students-managers. In the study were used such methods as a psychodiagnostic method with the use of the methodology of interpersonal relationship determining by L.N. Sobchik; method of statistical analysis: non-parametric Mann–Whitney U-test. The novelty of the conducted research is due to the analysis of 'I am real', 'I am perfect', 'successful manager' profiles obtained as a result of psychodiagnostics of first-year students-managers, and also due to identifying the significant differences in students' preferences of certain interpersonal relationships styles in the course of comparative analysis. It is concluded that interpersonal relationships styles based on a strong type of response are the most significant for students and most selected for the top positions. In students' profiles 'I am real' and 'I am perfect' the opposite tendencies in interpersonal response leading to internal tension and internal conflicts were determined.
internal conflicts, comparative analysis, responsibility, interpersonal relationships, the image of a successful Manager, I am perfect, I am real, perseverance, students-managers, psychodiagnostics
Kapustina T.V., Kadyrov R.V., Lyukshina D.S..
Coping Behavior Strategies and Psychological Defence Mechanisms of Young Women with Particular Early Maladaptive Schemas
// Psychologist.
2018. № 5.
P. 25-33.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.5.27644 URL:
The object of the research is the Early Maladaptive Schemas. The subject of the research is the coping behavior strategies and psychological defence mechanisms used by young women with different Early Maladaptive Schemas. The authors of the article analyze Early Maladaptive Schemas as particular behavioral stereotypes that have a negative influence on life activity. The authors underline the importance of the research results for psychological counselling regarding difficult life situations caused by Early Maladaptive Schemas. In the course of their research the authors have used empirical research methods and data processing methods. In particular, they use such tests as the Young Schema Questionnaire YSQ-S3R, Coping Strategy Inventory and Life-Style Index. For statisticall processing of data the authors use Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient. The results of the empirical research of young women aged from 21 to 30 years with Early Maladaptive Schemas demonstrate that the coping strategies they mostly use are distancing and repression as an ego defence mechanism. The research results can be used for psychological counselling of clients and patients with Early Maladaptive Schemas and increasing efficiency of psychological assistance by transforming or changing habitual inefficient behavioral schemes. The novelty of the research and the authors' contribution are caused by the fact that they extend the empirical basis of Early Maladaptive Schemas and give the results that can be u sed in psychotherapy and psychological counselling.
psychotherapy, psychological defence mechanism, ego defense, coping strategy, coping, coping behaviour, Schema Therapy, Early Maladaptive Schema, psychological aid, psychological support
Sennitskaya E.V..
What is Attention?
// Psychologist.
2018. № 3.
P. 41-53.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8701.2018.3.23373 URL:
The subject of the study is attention, the main task is to explain the fact established as a result of observations of the course of school and university teachers, as well as as a result of a natural experiment conducted by the author. The article discusses the reasons why is the maximum attention with minimal willed effort achieved in case when each object that needs to be opened is explained with the help of 3-5 objects known to the reader or listener which are on the same level in the hierarchical system of the information presented. In other words, in this paper we propose an explanation of why 3-5 interrelated objects, facts or examples, illustrating a certain concept or rule, reliably attract the attention of the reader or listener, while a smaller or larger number is perceived as insufficient or excessive, respectively. This paper is a theoretical study based on the methodological principle of the unity of consciousness and activity. It analyzes the existing definitions of attention and compares them with the above results, obtained experimentally. The novelty of the study is to develop the definition of attention as a concept related to the quantity and hierarchical structure of perceived information. A hypothesis was also put forward that the connection of the object with 3-5 others is perceived as important, attracting attention, because attention sets are conditioned by the structure of the human body and its activity in the process of filo- and ontogenesis.
oscillation of the set, involuntary attention, voluntary attention, attention and emotions, attention and abstracting, formula of attention, attention and activity, definition of attention, attention, category of non-randomness
Kapustina V.A..
Socio-Psychological Determinants of Socialization of Adolescents from One-Parent and Two-Parent Families
// Psychologist.
2017. № 1.
P. 16-26.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8701.2017.1.21093 URL:
The object of the research is socialization as a process. The subject of the research is the determinants of socialization of adolescents from one-parent families and two-parent families. The hypothesis of the research is that there are some differences in the determinants of the socialization between adolescents from one-parent families and two-parent families, in particular, the author supposes that the psychological content of the relations in the group 'teenager - parents' is more versatile and positive in two-parent families wihle personal traits that complicate communicatoin in the group 'teenager - peers' are more frequently demonstrated by teenagers from one-parent families. The research took place in Novosibirsk Region and covered 3 secondary schools of Novosibirsk and 2 secondary schools of Novosibirsk Region. The research was carried out in 2013-2016. The total number of participants was 185 aged 13-16 y.o. (93 boys and 92 girls). There were 113 teenagers from two-parent families and 72 teenagers from one-parent families. The sample has been divided into 3 groups according to the used set of diagnostic tools. The data of this research confirms the author's hypothesis that there are differences in the process of the socialization of adolescents from different family types. The described results proves the influence of external determinants (interpersonal relationships in a social system “teenager-parents”) on a socialization of teenagers from one-parent and two-parent families. Besides the differences in external determinants, there were found some internal determinants (individual traits: interpersonal anxiety, verbal hostility, negativism, extraversion, rigidity, sensitivity, aggression and emotiveness) which are differerent according to family structure. The author has an opinion that all negative effects of the incomplete structure of family can be compensated by developing necessary skills (for example, communicative and organizational skills).
communicative skills, determinants of socialization, personal features of adolescents, teenagers, personality of an adolescent, upgrowing, organizational skills, one-parent family, socialization, family lifecycle
Goncharuk E.A..
Erich Fromm and Jean-Paul Sartre about Masochism: Comparative Analysis
// Psychologist.
2014. № 4.
P. 74-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2014.4.13020 URL:
In article the comparative analysis of a phenomenon of masochism at the neofreudian E. Fromm and the existentialist J.-P. Sartre is undertaken. It is shown that Freud saw masochism roots in secrets of children's psychosexual development. Fromm as the representative of a neofreydizm made an attempt considerably to change this diagnosis. He came to the conclusion that a phenomenon of a sadism and masochism not so much psychoanalytic, how many a social phenomenon. People become hostages of this neurotic state as a result of education, socialization and realization of the interpersonal relations. The power corrupts people. She forces many to seek for love of power, and others dooms to humiliation and subordination. Essentially other look is developed by Sartre. He believes that masochism not so much social, how many an anthropological phenomenon. The power can't force the personality to cruelty or submission if it doesn't coincide with its existential choice. Sartre creates the concept of masochism in polemic with Simona Beauvoir with whom it was connected by the love relations. The author uses methods of historical reconstruction of a problem. It allows to show that masochism has historical aspects. At different stages there were different versions of sources of masochism. In article also methods of philosophical comprehension of the person are applied. Thus, the phenomenology of a sociality is replaced in article with existential thinking. Novelty of article that the problem of masochism isn't reduced only to psychological aspect. For the first time in domestic literature in historical aspect views Freud, Fromm and Sartre are compared. It is as a result shown that from a stage to a stage the judgment of this phenomenon becomes more and more developed, clear and theoretically productive. Existential examination is characterized as the most well-founded.
psychology, philosophy, neurosis, masochism, sadism, society, existential choice, power, human existence (being) , desire
Suleymanova S.S., Podolskii A.D..
Psychological Problems of Modern Families
// Psychologist.
2014. № 3.
P. 60-127.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2014.3.12542 URL:
The article is devoted to the conflicts and problem zones of a modern family. Marriage and a family are considered in the context of modern (public-historical and economic) society living conditions. The special attention is paid to specifics of relationship in a modern family on which gender factors and systems of role installations have impact. As major problems of a modern family and the marriage relations are allocated and described: trouble of families, inequality of marital status of spouses; woman's overload; disharmony of the sexual relations; inadequacy in perception and manifestations of prestigiousness of spouses, intra family violence, motives of the birth of children, an androgenization of family members. The main method of research in this work is the analysis of scientific literature, and also the statistical data which are in open access. Scientific novelty of this work is made by the fact of that very small number of researchers notes an androginization of family members and a malodetnost as problems of psychological character. As a conclusion it is possible to note that the families which avoided all companion problems of marriage practically don't exist, but each family possesses a certain resilience to marriage problems as circumstances often differ and can vary. From this it is possible to conclude that each family is individual and is subject to studying from various sciences, relevance and a rich scope for researches of a subject of a family follows from here.
modern family, marriage, androgenization, family disadvantages, low birth rate, marriage disadvantages, disharmony, family psychology, role set, divorce rate
Pogontseva D.V..
Concepts of the Physical Beauty in Modern Culture
// Psychologist.
2013. № 8.
P. 71-79.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.8.10582 URL:
Modern idea of beauty enough not steadily also is under continuous change therefore an object of research is the analysis of representations of women about a beautiful body of the woman. Female selection is caused by an orientation of the modern industry of beauty on female audience, and object of an assessment is the woman, since modern social psychology, being engaged in studying of social ideas of women (policy, the businessman, the teacher, the doctor), analyzing social ideas of mission of women and men in society more pays attention to object of representations – the woman and, to a lesser extent, focuses attention on research of women as subjects of ideas of the woman. This foreshortening of studying of "a female view" of the woman is of particular importance in connection with research of ideas of female beauty or the beautiful woman. In work the first part to the author's questionnaire "An assessment of compliance of physical parameters of appearance, personal features and characteristics of the social and psychological status to idea of the beautiful woman" which is directed on studying "estimates of compliance of physical parameters of appearance to idea of the beautiful woman" was used. During the analysis of the received results, by us it was revealed that the beautiful woman is described as the woman of average height from 158 to 175 centimeters, weighing from 48 to 64 kilograms. In article conclusions that in ideas of the beautiful woman, from the point of view of her growth weight, most often there are above listed characteristics (average height, "not the thin - not full", a proportional figure, harmonous) also are drawn. It is possible to assume also that participants of research relied on own idea of a figure that could have impact on formation of representations that there is "a thin body" and that there is "a full body", also it can be caused by that estimating both growth and weight of the woman slightly increased range completely, meaning that "the beautiful woman can be different".
body, beauty, concept, woman, beautiful woman, leanness, weight, body mass index, culture, mass media
Rozin V.M..
The Problem of Using Scientific Concepts in Humanitarian Approach to Psychotherapy
// Psychologist.
2013. № 3.
P. 214-248.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.3.627 URL:
The author of the article discusses the two points of view on using scientific theoretical concepts in humanitarian approach to psychotherapy. While some researchers say that a psychotherapist would not do without theoretical concepts, others do not agree with that. The latter is well demonstrated by A. Puzyrey's phenomenological approach. The author of the present article supports the first point of view and therefore he analyzes Pavel Volkov's experience who uses theoretical concepts (both psychological and philosophical) in his psychotherapy. It is shown that theoretical concepts set a conceptual framework of 'healing constructs'. Such constructs are not fully based on these theoretical concepts but must comply with them. Volkov's work is compared to a famous publication by John Nardone. These two works have very similar methodological grounds. The final part of the present article presents the main provisions of the author's teaching about psychic realities. Rozin believes that this teaching can help humanitarian psychotherapists to expand the scope of their scientific concepts.
schemes, changes, facts, notations, theory, reality, psychotherapy, efficiency
Berezina T.N..
The reserve abilities on the tree of human evolution
// Psychologist.
2013. № 2.
P. 229-257.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.2.260 URL:
This article deals with the position of psychic abilities on the evolutionary tree of humans. It analyzes publications about psychic phenomena over the last two centuries as well as the writing of A.G. Li, R. Dzhan and others. The analysis shows a complete lack of progress: researchers have conducted the same experiments in order to explain the same ideas again and again. The article takes note of the paradox of psychic phenomena: no one can prove or deny their existence. It provides examples of phenomena in the same order as other living species: simple organisms, worms, cephalopods, birds and monkeys. It is assumed that any new ability appears in the evolutionary sequence twice: first as unstable accident and, at a later stage, as a stable ability. Perhaps this is true of psychic abilities also. The article proposes directions for future research in order to study the nature of psychic abilities. It argues that the issue of reserve abilities can be clarified only after we understand the mechanisms of the functioning of psychic abilities.
psi phenomena, psychic events, psyche, evolution of abilities, evolution, extrasensory perception, reserve abilities, abilities, psychology, zoopsychology