Mansurov E.I..
The Principle of Synchronicity in Analysis of Coincidences Between Events Described by Science Fiction Novels and Real History of Space Exploration
// Psychologist. – 2013. – № 3.
– P. 306-325.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.3.631.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-0425.2013.3.631
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Abstract: The author of the article offers an original approach to implementing the principle of synchronicity introduced by Carl Gustav Jung as well as the concept of mental models of the highest order described by T. Berezina in analyzing science fiction novels. The analysis covers novels written by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and stories by E. Marinina. The author analyzes coincidences between names of space explorers in science fiction and astronauts who lived in reality. Based on the analysis, the author makes a forecast about possible participants of future cosmic events. The author also analyzes such events as a trip to Mars and a birth of a child in space. The author focuses on the coincidences between imaginary events describing space exploration at the XX - XXI centuries and actual episodes of space exploration programs. These coincidences are explained based on Carl Gustav Jung's idea about the common semantic field. The author also explains this phenomenon from the point of view of quantum physics and the theory of mental images of the highest order.
Keywords: aerospace history, unconsciousness, prediction, consciousness, science fiction, mental image, principle of synchronicity, synchronicity, psychology, coincidences
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Bern P. Mnozhestve