Question at hand
Loginova, T.A., Milogolov, N.S. (2017). Analysis of Distorting Economic Effects Created as a Result of VAT Neutrality Detoriation (Based on the Example of Applying the Reduced Rates for Food Products). Taxes and Taxation, 12, 1–9.
The object of the research is the mechanism of collection and calculation of the VAT taxable base and economic effects created as a result of selecting particular elements of this tax. The subject of the research is the taxation of food products in the process of their disposal and use of certain VAT exemptions. The authors of the article examine effects that arise as a result of implementing reduced rates established for operations with food products. The authors pay special attention to the analysis of the distribution effect as a result of applying the reduced VAT rate established in the process of disposal of food products between households with different levels of prosperity. The methodological basis of the research is the applicable Russian Federation law about taxes and levies, in particular, VAT tax, as well as official statistical data provided by the Federal Tax Service and Russian Federal State Statistics Service. The following research methods have been used by the authors in the course of their research: observation, analysis and summarisation. As a result of their research, the authors have discovered inefficiency of the VAT reduced tax rate for certain groups of food products established for the purpose of supporting indigent groups of taxpayers. The authors' special contribution to the research of the topic is that they prove the need to refuse from the established VAT rebate in the form of reduced tax rates for food products. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the authors offer a set of compensation measures in the event of refusal from the aforesaid VAT rebate as well as develop general principles of tax policy aimed at minimisation of distoring economic effects from VAT.
taxpayer’s revenue, tax policy, budget revenue, tax benefits, subsidies, lower rate, supply of goods, value added tax, supply of food, tax burden
Loginova, T.A. (2017). Results of Transferring to Real Property Taxation Upon Cadaster in Regions. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 10–17.
The object of the research is the taxation of individual property based on the cadastral value in the Russian Federation constituents. The subject of the research is the basic elements of taxation of individual property based on the cadastral value. The author of the article examines approaches to establishing the mechanism of taxation of individual property based on the cadastral value in terms of the competence of local representative bodies and legislative body of Moscow. The author pays special attention to the results of transferring to the taxation of individual property based on the cadastral value in the Russian Federation constituents. The methodological basis of the research involves applicable legal provisions regarding taxation of individual property based on the cadastral value. In the course of her research Loginova uses the following research methods: analysis of legislation and statistical data, synthesis, analogue, observation and presentation of data in a form of a table. As a result of her research, Loginova discovers barriers that hinder the implementation of the rational policy of individual taxation based on the cadastral value including incompleteness of works aimed at creation of property unit cadaster and evaluation of these items of taxation, as well as undervaluation of the fiscal importance of the individual property taxation. The author's special contribution to the research of the topic is that she defines particularities of applying tax rates and rebates on individual property upon the cadastral value based on the analysis of the local legislation that establishes the procedure for collecting this tax. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes her own suggestions on granting rebates for individual property tax based on observation of the principle of target orientation and necessity.
taxpayers, debenture on tax, cadastral value, tax benefits, tax rate, incomes of budget, tax base, property taxes, tax burden, taxation of individuals
Baidin, V.M. (2017). Definition of the Taxation Manoeuvre Scenario that is Neutral for the Real Sector of Economy. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 18–22.
This article is devoted to the definition of the taxation manoeuvre scenario that is neutral for the real sector of economy (this is the scenario when the insurance contribution rate is reduced and value-added tax is raised). The taxation manoeuvre is a part of the fiscal policy that is an efficient instrument for supporting economic activity and is used by many countries all over the world. As a result of his analysis, the author offers numerous neutral taxatikon manoeuvre scenarios in the form of the tax curve describing internal links between tax rates. The tax curve was drawn after comparing changes in cashflows created after the tax reform has been introduced based on the assumption that prices remain the same for consumers and use of the flat insurance contribution scale taking into account changes in the income tax shield. The scientific and practical importance of the research is caused by the fact that Baydin selects the topic that is very important for developing the fiscal policy of Russia. Based on the evaluations provided by the Ministry of Finances, the 22/22 scenaro (reduction of insurance contribution by 22% and increase of VAT by 22%) is not neutral. VAT can be increased up to only 19% in case the social contribution rate is reduced by 22%. The results of the research allow to conclude that disregarding the fact that this type of manoeuvre can be neutral for the budget and country's economy in general, it is not neutral for the real sector of the economy and even aggravates the sitution. The 21/21 manoeuvre under review of the Ministry of Economic Development is not neutral while reduction of insurance contribution down to 21% allows to increase VAT to 19.3 %.
Russia's economy, real sector of economy, tax curve, tax shield, taxation, tax policy, fiscal policy, VAT, insurance contributions, tax manoeuvre
Question at hand
Sharyshov, A.S. (2017). Tax Incentives for Innovation in Developed Countries. Basic Approaches and Comparison with Russia. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 23–36.
The article reviews and systemizes the main and current tax incentives and incentives for innovative private sector organizations that are used in pre-selected countries - leaders in key indicators of innovation and economic development. The prevailing tendencies and main principles that are used in the construction of tax incentives and incentives for innovative active organizations of the private sector of the economy within the framework of the national tax system of the developed countries are determined. The obtained results and the identified approaches to stimulation are compared with existing tools and approaches to tax incentives for innovative activity of organizations in Russia. The main research methods include revision of tax incentives and their further generalisation, and anlaysis, determination of prevailing tendencies and principles and comparison of obtained results. The main conclusiosn of the research are the following: The majority of developed countries use tax incentives for innovation. More than half of these countries apply so-called expendable incentives in the form of credit against tax. In a majority of countries this credit is also based on accession of research and development costs. The tax incentives offered vary according to the size of business. Only four countries out of the studied ones apply tax incentives for innovation activity revenues. Russia uses a wide range of tax incentives for innovation, however, these instruments are very different from their world versions. Russia does not have a differentiate approach to different sizes of business, either. The main directions of reforming the domestic system of tax incentives for stimulating the innovative activity of the private sector are also outlined.
tax incentives in Russia, basic tax incentives, tax for R&D, tax system, tax incentive tools, incentives for innovation, tax incentives, innovations, tax exemptions, incentive
Musaeva, K. . (2017). Balancing Tax Burden as a System Element of Tax Security at the Present Stage. Taxes and Taxation, 12, 37–47.
The subject of the research is the combination fo theoretical, methodological and practical issues aimed at raising tax safety of the state. The object of the research is tax burden in terms of guaranteeing tax security of the Russian Federation and its constituents. In her research Musaeva emphasizes the need to legally fix the definition of 'tax security' and specify the content of this definition in laws and regulations. She also analyzes such elements of tax burden as a safe level of tax burden and safe level of tax collection rate. The author describes conditional economic and social limits of the tax burden growth. In the course of the research the author has applied both general philosophical research methods (induction and deduction) and economic statistical methods (sampling, synthesis, generalisation, grouping, comparison), expert evaluation method, logical, structure-functional, systems and factor analysis. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that Musaeva offers a set of recommendations both practical and conceptual (including balancing tax burden in economic sectors) aimed at increasing tax security at the modern stage. The author also formalise and specify criteria for evaluating tax burden at the macrolevel. The main contribution of the researcher is her analysis of tax burden at the macroleve in terms of tax security and proof of the idea of unequal distribution of tax burden in economic sectors which exacerbates the problem of the socioeconomic disparity of territories and creates unequal competition for economic entities that perform their activities in different economic sectors. The researcher also discovers noticeable polarisation of tax burden distribution towards prevailing tax pressure on individuals with low income which, in its turn, creates a threat for tax security.
branches of the economy, evaluation criteria, concealment of income, tax debt, tax wedge, tax security, tax burden, diffusion distribution, insurance premiums, personal income tax