Air transport
Lushkin, A.M. (2017). The image of corporate safety management system of air traffic. Transportation Herald, 2, 113.
The subject of this research is the corporate safety management system of air traffic. The author carefully examines such aspects of the topic as the management of safety of air traffic of aircraft operators based on the concept of acceptable risk. Special attention is paid to analysis of the image of corporate safety management systems of aircraft that ensures the control of risks of their use in terms of the requirements and standards of the International Air Transport Association, as well as the practice of the International Civil Aviation Organization. The research methodology combines methods of systemic analysis, engineering of complex systems, analysis of flight safety, and synthesis of organizational technical systems. The main conclusion lies in the structure of the standard safety control system of aircraft formed using the experience of implementation and development of the corporate safety management system of air traffic in the leading airlines of Russia. The author’s special contribution into examination of this topic is consideration by the proposed standard system of flight safety of the international and state requirements, as well as the safety control procedures.
air traffic, operation of air transport, aviation and transportation system, sefety risk management, concept of acceptable risk, flight safety risks, flight safety management, flight safety, flight safety regulation, monitoring of flight safety
Air transport
Zinkin, V.N., Somov, M.V., Penchuchenko, V.V., Kharitonov, V.V., Sheshegov, P.M. (2017). Criteria importance of potential unreliability of actions in the research of professional work capacity of the aviation specialists. Transportation Herald, 2, 1431.
The subject of this research is the ensuring of reliable professional activity of the flight and engineer technical personnel of aircraft under the impact of aircraft noise. The object is the functional reliability of operator of the aviation ergatic system. The author examine such aspect of the topic as the analysis of reliability of professional activity of aircraft flight-lifting and engineer technical personnel that ensures the employment of modern aircraft in execution of their professional responsibilities at workplace, including the use of individual and collective protection from noise. The research methodology combines the methods of reliability theory, acoustics engineering, aeronautical acoustics, system analysis and probability theory. The main conclusions of the study consist in the positions that aircraft noise is a potential source of danger, which substantiates the increased risk of erroneous actions of aviation professionals and development of professional diseases that result in the early professional disqualification. Authors’ special contribution into the research of this topic lies in acquisition of the quantitative estimates regarding the potential unreliability of actions flight-lifting and engineer technical personnel.
flight safety, ergatic aviation system, noise protection, performance of aviation specialists, acoustic safety, aircraft noise, potential unreliability of actions, aircraft employment, efficiency of hearing protection device, functional reliability of operator
Gander, D.V., Alekseenko, M.S. (2017). Aircraft flight safety from the perspective of systemic approach. Transportation Herald, 2, 3245.
The subject of this study is the decision-making process of airlines management, as well as analysis of development of the aviation event from the perspective of systemic approach. The object is the safety of aircraft operations. The authors focus attention on such aspects of the topic as the peculiarities of systems thinking of management of the airlines and general stages of the aviation event with emphasis on the difference in conditions and circumstances of ensuring safety of aircraft operations during the Soviet and Russia times. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of air transportation system as a socio-technical system, the fundamental factor of which is the flight safety. The main conclusions of the study consist in the resulting from the theory and confirmed in practice, positions on the need for consideration of the flight safety from the position of systemic approach. Authors’ special contribution in development of this topic lies in substantiation of the fact that a negative event in its evolution undergoes several stages, the knowledge of which allows organizing the preventative work on ensuring flight safety in airlines properly and efficiently.
flight safety risks, air transportation system, systemic approach, systems thinking , development of aviation event, safety management, airlines guide, flight safety, risks of aviation incidents, risks of aircraft accident
Dvornikov, M.V. (2017). Ergonomic aspects of ensuring state aviation safety . Transportation Herald, 2, 4660.
The subject of this research is the modern medical, engineering technical, and psychological issues of ensuring state aviation safety. The author examines such aspects of the topic as reduction of the risks of state aviation safety due to ensuring the professional and functional reliability of a pilot as the key element of the flight safety control system. Particular attention is given substation of the priority directions of resolution of the identified issues by improving the life support systems and safety equipment of a pilot, the potential capabilities of which lag behind the rate of increase of the flight technical performance of state aviation aircraft. The research methodology combines methods of systemic analysis, ergonomics, aviation medicine, reliability theory, flight psychology of work, engineering of complex systems, aviation psychophysiology, and engineering psychology. The main conclusions of the study lie in the particularized promising directions aimed at improving the life support systems and protective gear of a pilot maximally focused towards the human factor. Special contribution of the author into this research consists in justification of fact that the realization of the listed directions requires mandatory cooperation of the experts in the field of aviation medicine and psychophysiology with the aircraft engineers, developers of safety systems, and specialists on avionic equipment.
aircraft performance, protective gear of pilot, life support system, protection of pilot, aviation ergonomics, flight safety, state aviation, human factor, flight crew, engineering of aircraft equipment
Transportation, energy, and environment
Bosyi, S.I., Belozerov, V.V. (2017). Model development of adiabatic internal combustion engine compressor and experimental research of key elements of the model (Project 2007-6-1.6-32-03-058 under the authority of S. I. Bosyi). Transportation Herald, 2, 6182.
The object of this research is the processes of fuel combustion in the internal combustion engines (ICE), as well as development of the model of adiabatic engine of internal combustion – compressor. The project suggests the experimental research, including materials science, because the optimization of fuel combustion in ICE, along with the help of oxygen separated from the atmosphere, rapidly increases the temperature of combustion and pressure in the cylinders, which requires the new schemes of cooling ad heat-resistant materials. The scientific novelty of this work consists in the fact that besides the increase in energy conversion efficiency of ICE due to the fuel combustion, in the separated from atmosphere oxygen, rapidly increases the efficiency and reduces the emission toxicity, particularly the nitrogen oxides, because the atmosphere nitrogen is excluded from the reaction of fuel combustion and can accumulate for further use, including the fire control.
fuel electroprocessing device, ultrasonic aerosol injection, thermomagnetic separation of air, thermo-baro firmness, separation of atmospheric air, adiabatic engine compressor, combustion engine, electro-thermoacoustic emission, indicator of quality of fuel, filter-adsorber-converter-muffler