Bratanovskii S.N., Barinov A.V., Shustova M.V..
Organizational-legal characteristic of the system of civil aviation control in Russia
// Transportation Herald.
2017. № 1.
P. 1-13.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-8906.2017.1.20205 URL:
The subject of this research is the normative legal foundation and law enforcement practice within the system of civil aviation control in Russia, while object is the social relations within it. The relevance of the topic is substantiated by the theoretical and practical importance of the choice of strategic and tactical solutions of sociopolitical, economic, legal, and ideological character, which ensure the development of civil aviation in the Russian Federation. It is guidedly connected with irrevocability of the processes of establishment of the democratic, free, and just society and state in Russia. The authors explain the need for the coordinated complex development of all elements of the aviation transportation infrastructure based on the comprehensive analysis of statistical data and use of the mathematical methods of forecasting of the demands of economic sector and population in transportation services, development of the system of statistical accounting, establishment of the transportation-economic balance, analysis of the model of development of transportation system for the purpose of selection of the optimally balanced options, etc. Special attention is given to the increase of the level of legal support to the civil aviation control. The main conclusion consists in the fact, that at the present stage in order to ensure the efficient management of civil aviation in Russia, it is necessary of improve the forms and methods of administrative activity, as well as provide the essential level of lawmaking and law enforcement in this sphere. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the inherent peculiarities of functionality of the system of civil aviation control in Russia, as well as characteristics of the constituent elements of organizational-legal relations.
coordination, planning, regulations, right, civil aviation, objects, subjects, management, system, judicial practice