History of transportation
Bratanovskii, S.N., Barinov, A.V., Shustova, M.V. (2017). Organizational-legal characteristic of the system of civil aviation control in Russia. Transportation Herald, 1, 1–13. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8906.2017.1.20205
The subject of this research is the normative legal foundation and law enforcement practice within the system of civil aviation control in Russia, while object is the social relations within it. The relevance of the topic is substantiated by the theoretical and practical importance of the choice of strategic and tactical solutions of sociopolitical, economic, legal, and ideological character, which ensure the development of civil aviation in the Russian Federation. It is guidedly connected with irrevocability of the processes of establishment of the democratic, free, and just society and state in Russia. The authors explain the need for the coordinated complex development of all elements of the aviation transportation infrastructure based on the comprehensive analysis of statistical data and use of the mathematical methods of forecasting of the demands of economic sector and population in transportation services, development of the system of statistical accounting, establishment of the transportation-economic balance, analysis of the model of development of transportation system for the purpose of selection of the optimally balanced options, etc. Special attention is given to the increase of the level of legal support to the civil aviation control. The main conclusion consists in the fact, that at the present stage in order to ensure the efficient management of civil aviation in Russia, it is necessary of improve the forms and methods of administrative activity, as well as provide the essential level of lawmaking and law enforcement in this sphere. The scientific novelty lies in examination of the inherent peculiarities of functionality of the system of civil aviation control in Russia, as well as characteristics of the constituent elements of organizational-legal relations.
coordination, planning, regulations, right, civil aviation, objects, subjects, management, system, judicial practice
Automobile transport
Burkaltseva, D.D., Kosten, D., Kovalyova, I.N., Borsch, L., Blazhevich, O. (2017). Peculiarities and prospects of development of the car insurance market in Russia. Transportation Herald, 1, 14–30. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8906.2017.1.20134
The economically developed countries successfully realize vehicle insurance – the process of financial compensation for damage to the individuals suffered as a result the use of their vehicle or its theft. Such type of insurance compensates for various damages not only to the participants of motor vehicle traffic, but also to the third parties who accidently become the victims of the road traffic accidents. Considering the currents status and development prospects of the motor vehicle pool in Russia, it can be suggested that in near future, car insurance will become a leading branch of the national insurance market. Due to this fact, the timely solution for the existing in this sphere issues of institutional, organizational-legal, and socioeconomic character will be required. The subject of this research is the peculiarities of trends in car insurance. The goal is the examination of these peculiarities alongside the prospects of development of the car insurance market in Russia at the present stage. The author determines the main trends in car insurance in the Russian Federation, as well as demonstrates the number of accidents and their victims. The specificities of car insurance in Russia are being revealed on the example of OSAGO and KASKO. Taking into account the main trends and issues in car insurance in the Russian Federation, the author proposes the development of strategy aimed at institutionalization of the system of socioeconomic relations. The stages of the concept of strategy on institutionalization of safety of the system of socioeconomic relations consist in the following: cryptographic algorithms and infrastructure; organization of business models based on the new peer relations and touring technologies; development of practical solutions for the new generation business models. The car insurance market in Russia is represented by multiple companies, thus the main goal of car owners is to make the right choice of their insurance provider.
peer relationships, blockchain, insurance fund, economic security, institutionalization, car accident, car insurance, computing technologies, strategy, insurance services
Zasyad'ko, K.I., Vonarshenko, A.P., Soldatov, S.K., Solomka, A.V. (2017). Analysis of professional reliability of the operators of air traffic control. Transportation Herald, 1, 31–38. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8906.2017.1.19565
The subject of this research is the professional reliability of operators of the air traffic control as the level of flawlessness, accurateness, and promptness of their work with regards to interaction with the technical systems or other specialists involved in the process of air traffic control. To benefit the increase of the professional reliability of operators of air traffic control, the authors conduct a research on the connection between the level of their professionally important qualities and the work experience, as well as analyze the possibility of the target training of these qualities, aimed at their development during the period of the scheduled advanced training. The professiographic analysis alongside the methods of engineering psychology, psychophysiology, mathematical psychology, and ergonomics are applied in this work. In the conclusion, the authors determine the professionally important qualities of the operators of air traffic control, the level of which has significantly increased as a result of special training. The article demonstrates the possibility of their improvement and development by means of the cycle of trainings, using the staff automated work place of the specialist of professional selection.
operator activity, reliability of work, professional suitability, professional reliability, professional activity reliability, flight safety, professional qualities, air traffic control, increase of reliability of the work, reliability management
Logistics and transportation
Oleinikova, S.A., Romashchenko, D.A. (2017). Multi-agent approach towards resolution of the task on optimization of freight transports. Transportation Herald, 1, 39–48. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8906.2017.1.20021
This article examines the task on optimization of the process of freight transports from the perspective of maximization of the profit. The object of this research is the material and corresponding to them financial flows emerging in delivering of the incoming orders. The subject of this research is the coordination of actions on managing the process of selection of an order by transportation means in large volume transports. The goal of the work consists in formulation of the approach, which allows optimizing the process of freight transports considering the current status and load of the transport from the perspective of maximization of the gained profit. The authors suggest a multi-agent approach as a method of solution of the set task. Each of the intellectual agents of the system resolves the task of purposefulness of receiving the order based on the assigned by it transportation means. As a result, the authors propose a mathematical model of the system, which takes into account the current status of transportation means, their capacity, and the ability of execution of the same order by multiple transports. The scientific novelty consists in development of the structure of multi-agent system with clarification of the key functions of the agents alongside the description of specificity of their interaction.
multi-agent approach, mathematical model, minimization of costs, order, transportation means, optimization, freight transports, intellectual agent, structure of multi-agent system , interaction of agents
KlIUEVA, S.F., Zav'yalov, V.V. (2017). The results of computer modelling of algorithm for positioning of vessels across the depths. Transportation Herald, 1, 49–58. https://doi.org/10.7256/2453-8906.2017.1.21390
The goal of this research is the examination of results of the work of algorithm for positioning of vessels across the depths of the seabed based on the clusterization of the initial digital seabed map. The classical methods of positioning in the marine navigation systems are based on comparison of the map of the depths and measurements using onboard depth sensors. Unlike the classical search algorithms the proposed algorithm uses depth clusters as the map, and executes the search of the most likely points of vessel location based on clusterization of data. The methods of this research is the classical theory of correlation-extreme systems alongside the modern theory of cluster analysis. The initial data were acquired in the result of pilot experiments. The computer model allows visually displaying the results of the work of algorithm. Graphic information in combination with the numerical parameters of the work allows carrying out the analysis of results, as well as visually and analytically assess the efficiency of the developed algorithm. The work contains the detailed images of graphic information, clusterization of the initial data, and stage process of clarification of coordinates of the vessel. The results of this research represent the new contribution into the theory of algorithms of the navigation systems across geophysical fields. The conducted research along with the results of calculation demonstrated the efficiency of application of the cluster analysis in navigation systems across the depths of the seabed.
depth , correlation-extreme systems, bathymetry, criterion function, metrics, navigation systems, clustering, seabed, accuracy , digital terrain model