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Administrative and municipal law

Belenko, V.V. Influence of international law in the sphere of fighting legalization of criminal income upon the Russian system of financial control in the banking sector.

Abstract: The article concerns topical issues of development and improvement of the Russian legal institution of financial control in the sphere of fighting legalization of criminal income. Topicality of the study is due to the great public importance of this direction in the financial legal policy. Providing arguments regarding constructive moments in the sphere of fighting money laundering and terrorism financing in the foreign system of control over the financial resources, the author at the same time points out the problems should Russia follow foreign legal norms without regard to varying specificities in the understanding of democratic principles in various states. The study is based upon the combination of general and special methods of scientific analysis: dialectic, logical, comparative legal, normative. The conclusion is made on the need to develop Russian standards for the financial control based upon following the FATF recommendations in close interaction with its Member States. The author offers a set of measures in order to improve the quality of work of the special financial control body: Federal Financial Monitoring Service.


fighting legalization of income, financial control, banking sector, financial resources, risks, terrorism financing, accounting operations, client, FATF Member States, FATF standards.

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