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Kabanov, P.A. Anti-corruption education as a legal category in regional anti-corruption education: the critical analysis experience.

Abstract: The object of the study includes anti-corruption education as a legal category in Russian regional anti-corruption legislation, providing for the use of anti-corruption education as one of the instruments for the state policy against corruption; goals and main targets of the anti-corruption education provided for in the Russian regional legislation; specific features of the provisions for the anti-corruption education as an instrument for fighting corruption in the regional anti-corruption legislation; quality evaluation for the legal category “anti-corruption education” in the Russian regional anti-corruption legislation. The main method is the method of comparative legal studies as well as the general scientific methods of structural and systemic analysis. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that it is the first study in Russia, which is devoted to the critical analysis of the legal category “anti-corruption education”, which is widely used in the Russian regional anti-corruption legislation. The author provides a critical evaluation of the legal category of “anti-corruption education” in the Russian regional legislation. Then the author draws the following conclusions: 1. The regional anti-corruption legislation lacks legal definition, which could be used as a model for the normative legal acts regulating organization and implementation of anti-corruption education; 2. Regional legislators have various and contradictory understanding of the elements of anti-corruption education as an instrument for fighting corruption, its main goals and purposes; 3. The main reason for the inferior quality of the legal regulation of anti-corruption behavior with the regional legislators includes low level of their professional training, and the lack of the universal and uniform definition of the “anticorruption education” category, which could have been used in the regional law-making. 4. In order to improve the quality of legal regulation of anti-corruption education in the regional anti-corruption legislation there is need to develop and propose a legal category of “anti-corruption education”, and there is also need for the regional legislators to make relevant amendments into the regional anticorruption legislation.


corruption, fighting corruption, anti-corruption policy, anti-corruption education, anti-corruption upbringing, anti-corruption world-view; anti-corruption competence, anti-corruption behavior, anti-corruption activities.

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