The police and protection of human rights
Czerwińska-Jakimiuk, Ewa F. (2014). Woman as a victim of domestic violence. Police activity, 1, 5–21.
The topicality of this article concerns domestic violence. The main goal of the study was
content-analysis of the official police documents – “blue cards”. The studies took place in 2010 in
Poland (Crakow) in two police departments, and over 60 cards were analyzed. The studies showed
that the women, who were victims of domestic violence, usually suffered from both psychological
and physical violence, and in some families similar incidents took place before. The typical emotions,
which were shown by the victims during the police intervention was crying and fear. The violent situations
mostly concerned arguments between spouses (partners) and intoxication of the offender.
Finally, the article discusses the function for the “blue card” intervention procedure, its possible
limitations, and the most typical disorders (behavior/psychological/emotional) of the victims of the
violence, then the author makes the proposal for the further studies in this sphere. The main goal of
empiric studies was understanding and content-analysis of the secondary sources – official documents.
The author analyzed the documents concerning “blue card” police interventions. The choice
of the situations and circumstances was random. The studies took place in 2010 in Krakow in two
police departments – Police Department N. IV (ul. Krolewska, 2-4) and Police Department N. VII
(Zlota Jesień,11). Additionally, 60 “blue cards” were analyzed. As a result, it should be stated that
the studies are fragmented, and analysis of their contents in “blue card” remains topical. It should be
pointed out that according to some specialists, the “blue card” intervention procedure may serve as
a source of psychological support for a victim of domestic violence, and it also may be of value as
evidence. Additionally, it serves the following functions: standardizing police notes of intervention,
information for the victims, allowing the police to keep in touch with both the victim and the abuser,
formation of the possibility for the coordination of institutional activities and organization of persons
responsible for the assistance to the violence victims, allowing to provide more detailed evidence
of a threat of violence. Speaking of practice, there are some doubts on whether this procedure is
possible to apply in order to fight domestic violence. First of all, it should be noted that some victims
never inform the police or other institutions of the fact of aggressive and violent behavior. It may be
due to several factors, such as shame and fear of revenge of an abuser, fear and helplessness, passive
dependency functioning style, and, finally, by economic dependency on an abuser and lack of
trust in the institutions providing assistance to the victims. Additionally, since domestic violence is a
long-term matter, and it is related to deprivation and frustration of biological and psychological needs
of a victim, it can be characterized as a complicated crisis situation, having the qualities of overburdening,
threat, difficulty, painful situation. The victims of such violence have various disorders, such
as the learned helplessness, PTSD, codependency. In order to reveal close connection between a
victim and an abuser, implicating victimization and dependency on an abuser, there is need to turn to
the violence cycles, or the so-called “Stockholm syndrome” concept. The authors who pay attention
to the frequent manifestations of so-called traumatic link (D.G. Dutton, S.L. Painter), or the type of
connection with paradoxical gratitude (F. Ochberg), when the situation is influenced by demonstration
of force and advantage, as well as control over life or health of a victim, who is helpless and absolutely dependent on an abuser. It should also be remembered that both the violence itself, and
the intervention of the police are related to the cultural and social context, which includes myths and
stereotypes regarding female victims of violence, violence itself and the abusers. The functioning
of these stereotypes and myths considerably complicates the true reactions of a victim, her family,
acquaintances or persons providing official aid, and they also may have a significant influence upon
the police intervention. As a result, it may cause the victim to be unwilling or unable to explicate
violence, search for help, and it also implicates the further victimization process. If one is to speak
of the further studies in this sphere, it is worth to establish the following: whether the procedure of
“Blue card” intervention is in fact used as evidence in court in criminal cases (such as abuse of family
members) and divorce cases; whether this procedure is related to the feeling of support and growing
feeling of control for the victims of family violence; what is the aspect of preliminary influence of this
procedure towards the abusers; how efficiently the victim uses forms of official support, whether the
victim participates in psychological educational classes, support groups and therapy.
domestic violence, woman, victim, abuser, “blue card” procedure, content-analysis, behavior/ emotional disorders, “blue card” functions, “blue card” limitations, police statistics.