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Software systems and computational methods

Gorokhov A. V. The formal synthesis of structure of a simulation model (on example of the synthesis of system-dynamic models)

Abstract: The author suggests an approach to formalization and presentation of collective expertise knowledge in a form of conceptual models, based on a functional-oriented technology. Implementation of the conceptual model in form of base of knowledge enables the ability to use expertise knowledge autonomously in solving the tasks of a simulation model structure synthesis. A mechanism of simulation model generation is in consequent appliance of formal rules of base of knowledge to its declarative data. The base of knowledge contains three groups of inference procedures. The first group of procedures provide the selection of the declarative knowledge needed to solve specific task (specific simulation model synthesis) from the entire base. The second group of procedures generates the composition and structure of the simulation model. The third group of procedures forms the informational connections in the synthesized model. Appliance of the formal-oriented approach at the stage of formalization of expertise knowledge provides adequacy of the structure of synthesized model to the tasks of the subject area and can significantly improve efficiency of the use of expertise knowledge in the modeling and study of complex systems.


expert knowledge, conceptual model, base of knowledge, formal synthesis, rules of inference, algorithm, structure, simulation model, system dynamics, complex system

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