Methods, languages and forms of human-computer interaction
Shelemet’eva Y. V. (2013). Study of the remote direct memory access technology in high-performance system architectures. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 225–229.
The article describes main principles of the remote direct memory access technology (RDMA) in highperformance
computing systems. The specific attention is given to the algorithms for data transmission to and
from network. The author reviews standard algorithm for data transmission and RDMA algorithm on the example
of TCP/IP-based networks. The author studies the most popular computational architectures supporting remote
direct memory access, proves the effectiveness of RDMA for high-performance network architectures on the
example of 10 Gigabit Ethernet. Using the theory of sets and calculations of processor\’s work cycles during
the processing of network instructions and data the author compares performance of the nodes of computing
system transmitting data via standard algorithm and nodes that implement RDMA technology. The article
explains the expedience of RDMA implementation for compute nodes of high-performance architectures. In modern computer architectures computing nodes are interconnected via network, so a considerable amount
of data is transmitted through network. One of the methods of improving the efficiency of computing nodes
and the network as a whole is to offload processor of network computations with the remote direct memory
access technology (RDMA). RDMA-mode is a technology for transmitting network data without CPU, directly
from the network adapter buffer to application buffers, thereby freeing the CPU from processing network data.
In high-performance computing architectures, systems the amount of incoming and outgoing network traffic is
very high and the processing of network data occupies a large amount of CPU time, so the proposed technology
of remote direct memory access is highly relevant to offloading processor of a specific computing node and
hence to improving the performance of the whole system . Compared with the standard data transmission in
which the processor of a compute node system completely handles network data RDMA technology frees the
CPU from network load and makes it possible to focus all production capacity to internal tasks increasing the
speed and reliability of the whole system.
high-performance architectures, remote access, direct access, network technologies, processor performance, CPU performance, RDMA, network adapter, TCP/IP, data transmission, GigabitEthernet
Denisenko V.A. Ksalov A.M., Gorshkova F.M (2013). Methods for parsing agglutinating languages for natural language interfaces in multiagent and knowledgebased
systems. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 230–232.
One of the main tasks of artificial intelligence is to simplify the process of human-computer interaction
by providing, in particular, the opportunity to communicate in natural language via natural language interface –
software that accepts text message in natural language and either translate it into some formal language, or
performs some actions based on the message received. In order to understand the meaning of the text the
system needs to parse each word of a sentence and analyze the interrelation between the words. Parsing words
in agglutinative languages at the first glance seems quite complicated, since such languages are characterized
by a variety of derivational and inflectional affixes. However, the affixes in agglutinative languages express
only one meaning, which leads to stringing affixes for different grammatical meanings. Another feature of the
affixes is that they may be adjoined to the base from both sides. Also in agglutinative languages there’s usually
no different types of declension and conjugation. One of the agglutinative languages is Bashkir languages, for
which the Bashmorph software for automatic morphology analysis is created. The Bashmorph can determine
the meaning of the entered word and detect its form, case and mood, check if it is plural or singular. Based on
such program the frequency dictionaries, automatic translators, search engines can be built. Technical progress
poses new challenges, brings new terms and changes the environment. All these changes are reflected in
language which is a mean of communication between people, and in the future, between man and machine.
Creation of natural language interfaces for agglutinative languages is an important task for preservation and
further development of such languages.
parser, grammar, parsing, agglutinating language, multiagent system, natural language interface, explainer, agent, human-computer interaction, intercommunicating system.
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Luchinin Z.S. (2013). Data structure for document-oriented databases. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 233–244.
The article presents an approach for reducing the burden of queries to a non-relational database by using
algorithms for tree-structured data storage. The performance of the data processing operations differs depending
on the selected data structures. The study of different tree structures such as B+ trees, log-structured trees or fractal
trees proved that tree-based algorithms operates faster than MySQL. The article reviews an LSM-tree algorithm in
appliance to the document-oriented databases. The author describes algorithm for basic data operations such as
creating, reading, editing and deleting. The proposed algorithm for operating with indexes is based on B or B+ trees.
The disadvantage of such data structures is in the complexity of tree balancing when new index is added and high
demands on resources because indexes are stored in RAM. Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM) is a data structure
providing a low cost of indexing operations and high speed of adding and removing of data. LMS-based algorithm can
be used for the horizontal scaling: each node forms a data sequence sorted by key. The range of keys for each server
is stored at the master-server, which allows forming a request to the server storing needed data without additional
queries. Thus an increase of the speed of data retrieval and the servers load balancing is achieved.
databases, document-oriented databases, data structure, B+ trees, LSM-trees, non-relational systems, data retrieval, data processing, activity throughput, treelike structures.
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Sultanova E. A., Filippov V. N. (2013). Automation of the choice of industrial buildings reconstruction method. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 245–249.
The article is devoted to the issues of industrial buildings reconstruction. The authors present the
algorithm of choosing of the optimal method and type of reconstruction based on the physical and moral
deterioration of the buildings, which can significantly reduce the time of reconstruction and determines the
most optimal method and type of reconstruction, based on the needs of the customer company. The software
implementing the algorithm was developed. It allows to determine the sequence of the reconstruction
works, the entire process is divided into specialized threads, arranged according to the optimal methods of
reconstructions. The algorithm also calculates organizational and technological parameters, such as the need
for machines/mechanisms, number of workers and shifts. The developed software allows not only to reduce
the reconstruction time, but also offers an optimal calendar schedule for the chosen method of reconstruction
matching the stated dates of reconstruction.
reconstruction, automation, industrial buildings, physical depreciation, functional depreciation, technical and economic assessment, reconstruction degree, constraint of production, amount of work, processspecialized threads
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Kanyukov S. I., Arzamastsev S. V., Konovalov A. V., Muizemnek O. Yu. (2013). Properties, methods and events of the objects of integrated intelligent computer-aided design system of
technological processes of forging on hammers. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 250–256.
The article provides a formal description of the structure of objects of intelligent computer-aided
design system of technological processes of forging on hammers, developed by the Institute of Engineering
Science (Ural Branch) of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Particular attention is focused on the system
objects, their relations and changing their state under the influence of internal and external control factors.
The authors note that each type of forging requires its own subsystem that takes into account all technological
features and limitations of the technological process. The first level of integration is in the creation of unified
system for all types of design of all standardized forging types. The second level of integration is associated
with the embedding of the local system into the general PLM-complex as a one of the software products for
the technological pre-production. The article reviews the interaction of properties, methods and events on a
specific example of designing of the technological process of a step-shaped shaft. Based on the object-oriented
programming technology the authors developed the class-objects of the integrated intellectual computer-aided
design system of technological processes of forging on hammers for components of different configurations,
implemented the methods and events for designed objects.
properties, methods, events, integrated intelligent computer-aided design system, forging on hammers, technological processes, object-oriented technology, class-objects, design
Automation of manufacturing and production planning
Novakova N. E., Goryachev A. V., Goryachev A. A. (2013). Concept of design management in computer-aided design systems. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 257–263.
One of the main directions in the improving of automated design quality is in the use of new forms
of automated design process organization. The model of design process is required to complete the task of
managing the design process in the automated design systems. The design process can be represented by
various models depending on the goals of appliance of the models, on the forms accepted and rules of their
construction. The theory of Yoshikawa is in the most extensive use. The aim of the design process is to create
a project solution that satisfies all requirements to the developed object mostly expressed in the technical
assignment. The design process consists of design stages, design procedures and design operations. Stages are
composed of design procedures, each of which in its turn includes a serious of design operations. The article
describes the basic principles of the design flow, which are an important concept in the theory and practice of
the computer-aided design. The authors compare the basic concepts of the theory of computer-aided design
and project management, matches the basic concepts of the theory of computer-aided design and the project
management methodology. The authors also present a web-based application for organizing the mechanisms
of managing the design works in computer-aided design systems.
design flow, computer-aided design, object recognition, axiomatic approach, formalization of the process, design, task of the management, network models, network diagram
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Denisenko V. A., Nagoev Z. V., Nagoeva O. V. (2013). Computer system design based on the recursive cognitive architecture for synthesis of an intelligent agent
behavior. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 264–267.
The authors suggested an approach to solving a fundamental problem of artificial intelligence (AI) of
formalization of the semantics of rational thinking with the use of cognitive modeling based on the concept
of recursive (fractal) cognitive architecture and a hypothesis of invariant of organizational and functional
structure of the process of intelligent decision based on the cognitive functions. This researches with previously
suggested method of learning in a multiagent neural like systems based on the ontoneuromorphogenesis
are leading to the creation of self-organizing multiagent emergent networks, capable of simulation of psyche
functions, goal-setting and adaptive goal-directed behavior based on the semantization of reality and building
social connections. The principles of cognitive organization of intelligent systems are tightly connected with
multiagent division of functions in multicellular organisms. Cognitive centers as in human brain as well as in
an artificial intelligent system should be made as active systems, interworking with each other on the basis of
the collective optimization parameters, critical in the first place to maintain the integrity of the system and its survival. Formal description of the agent should take into account that agent’s behavior consists of actions,
which are carried out in the agent’s habitat and require energy. It is also important to note, that the exchange
of energy and information happens not only between agent and the environment, but also between inside
agents (organs, neurons) of the agent of a top level of recursive cognitive architecture.
multiagent systems, cognitive architecture, neural-like networks, intelligent systems, neural networks, agent, development, design, intelligent behavior, modeling
Knowledge Base, Intelligent Systems, Expert Systems, Decision Support Systems
Sidorkina I. G., Belousov S. A., Khukalenko K. S., Nekhoroshkova L. G. (2013). Algorithm for plagiarism detection in software source code. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 268–271.
Programming is characterized by a variety rules, techniques, methods and means of its implementation,
applied depending on qualification, experience and individual peculiarities of programmers. The authors analyze
the different algorithms of source code plagiarism detection and semantic noise values calculated by those
methods for different source codes. The article presents algorithm based on the combined approaches of
several text and semantic algorithms, shows the form to which the source code is transferred in the majority
of modern algorithms, describes classes of the modern algorithms for plagiarism detection in software source
code. As a result the authors present an improved algorithm for plagiarism detection suggested for use in
educational practice to detect plagiarism in students’ works. The given algorithm combines features of both
text and semantic algorithms, the computational part has high parallelization, which lowers the execution time
in presence of computation power.
plagiarism, source code, program code, token, semantics, semantic algorithms, matching coefficient, coefficient of commonality, metric, combined algorithm
Virtual worlds and virtual reality systems
Rozhentsov V. V., Afonshin V. E. (2013). Virtual reality in team sports tactical training. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 272–276.
The authors suggest method of teaching the tactical actions by simulating game situations in virtual
reality. A database of players is filled on the server, the coach forms the attacking and defending teams, their initial
placement and the location of implement at the field, that will be sent to the players’ computers. The players of
attacking ream try to bring the virtual game object to the affected area or to hit the gate of the defending team.
Players of the defending team tries to possess the virtual game object and to prevent the actions of the attacking
team. The proposed method allows to simulate and unlimited number of game situations, analyze different
scenarios and improve the game thinking and interaction of players. It can be used for tactical teaching in teams
of varying level of training specializing in football, hockey, handball, rugby, basketball and other team sports.
sports games, tactical training, computer technologies, virtual reality, individual actions, group actions, team actions, game thinking, young athletes, skilled athletes
Systems analysis , search, analysis and information filtering
Gorokhov A. V. (2013). The formal synthesis of structure of a simulation model (on example of the synthesis of system-dynamic
models). Software systems and computational methods, 3, 277–284.
The author suggests an approach to formalization and presentation of collective expertise knowledge
in a form of conceptual models, based on a functional-oriented technology. Implementation of the conceptual
model in form of base of knowledge enables the ability to use expertise knowledge autonomously in solving the
tasks of a simulation model structure synthesis. A mechanism of simulation model generation is in consequent
appliance of formal rules of base of knowledge to its declarative data. The base of knowledge contains three
groups of inference procedures. The first group of procedures provide the selection of the declarative knowledge
needed to solve specific task (specific simulation model synthesis) from the entire base. The second group of
procedures generates the composition and structure of the simulation model. The third group of procedures forms the informational connections in the synthesized model. Appliance of the formal-oriented approach at
the stage of formalization of expertise knowledge provides adequacy of the structure of synthesized model to
the tasks of the subject area and can significantly improve efficiency of the use of expertise knowledge in the
modeling and study of complex systems.
expert knowledge, conceptual model, base of knowledge, formal synthesis, rules of inference, algorithm, structure, simulation model, system dynamics, complex system
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Burda A. G., Metelskaya E. A. (2013). Mathematical modeling of expanded reproduction processes and computational experimentation in
manufacturing parameters of peasant” (farmers’) farms at different rates of accumulation. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 285–294.
the article shows mathematical approaches to modeling of expanded reproduction processes in
peasants’ (farmers’) farms, formulates the optimization task of defining rational parameters in crop farming,
presents symbolic economic-mathematical model of optimization of peasant farming parameters, that reflects
production, economic and technological conditions and requirements on the use of labor and land resources, on
crop rotations, on defining volumes of production and sales in terms of volume and value, on demand for basic
production assets, on determination of its wear and calculation of the amount of its depreciation, on insurance
premiums and payments on short-term and long-term loans. The authors provides results of computational
experiments on the six variants of solving the optimization problem, each represents a relatively independent
task, reflecting a new production and economic situation. The article defines optimal parameters of a particular
farm at various rates of accumulation, shows calculations of transition period to the optimal variant of use of
productive resources, makes suggestions on the use of economic-mathematical methods and models, carrying
out the computer experiments in economics and farm management on an extended basis.
mathematical model, production parameters, computational experiment, the rate of accumulation, optimization, farm, expanded reproduction, task, optimality criterion, objective function
Mathematical models and computer simulation experiment
Korobeinikov A. G., Ismagilov V. S., Kopytenko Yu.A., Petrishchev M. S. (2013). Processing of experimental studies of the Earth crust geoelectric structure based on the analysis of the phase
velocities of extra-low-frequency geomagnetic variations. Software systems and computational methods, 3, 295–300.
the article presents the results of experimental study of geoelectric structure of the Earth crust held in
Karelia. Simultaneous measurements of extra-low-frequency variations of the Earth electromagnetic field were
held in August 2012 near Tolvuya village (Karelia) to determine the depth of crustal conductivity anomalies.
The choice of this exact place was made due to the fact that in this area there are outputs of highly conductive
shungite rocs on the Earth” surface. For the research five highly sensitive trinary geomagnetic-variation systems
GI–MTS-1 where placed at a distance of 10.5 km from each other. The data was recorder at a frequency of 50
Hz. At all five systems the data processing was performed in two ways using magnetotelluric method (DOLE)
and phase-gradient sensing to analyze the changes in apparent resistivity with increase of the depth. The phasegradient
sensing method was developer in the St. Petersburg branch of the N. V. Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial
Magnetism, Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences and it requires at least
three geomagnetic-variation systems placed in a triangle on the earth’s surface. Comparison of the interpretation
results of the magnetotelluric method and method of phase-gradient sensing showed their good match.
geoelectrical structure, Earth crust, extra-low-frequency variations, highly conductive shungite rock, stationary recording magnetometer, registration site, geomagnetic perturbation, medium resistivity, phase velocity, conductive bed