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Police activity

Dikarev V. G., Grigoryev V. N. Contemporary methods in tuition organization in the system of advanced training in the framework of professional retraining of the officers of law enforcement bodies

Abstract: the article gives a description of tuition in the framework of professional retraining and advanced learning of the officers of the Internal Affairs in compliance with the module and block model (innovative) and introduction into the teaching process of an active form of tuition. The advanced learning is defined in the system of additional education of MOIA of Russia as an optional education after graduation for those who are doing official service in the sphere of ensuring of public order, main goals of this education are described. Necessity of profound studies and perfection of professional knowledge and skills are required to fulfill your work in accordance with the contemporary legislation and the best experience in the law enforcement agencies of Russia and foreign countries in the sphere of crime combat.


tuition, training, retraining, unit, module, logic, innovation, variation, education.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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