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Politics and Society

Davydov S. V. Political-psychological profile of the oppositional political actor: theoretical-methodological aspects

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the theoretical and methodological aspects of implementation of the method of political-psychological profiling in scientific-research activity, as well as solution of practical tasks of political nature. Such method is one of the most recent scientific approaches towards the examination of the personality of political leaders. Among the subjected to this method politicians, can be the representatives of the official political circles, as well as politicians and public figures of the oppositional direction. Such research must determine the personal qualities, which can play an essential role in the urgent political situations. It is a proven fact that the list of most important personal characteristics of the oppositional political actor, acquired based or with the help of the developed algorithm, is most efficient for understanding and estimation of his protest potential. It is demonstrated that the highest efficiency of the political-psychological profiling can be achieved by means of application of such criteria in distant assessment of the persona of the opponent, as if he personally participated in the testing of himself. The author detects the personal qualities, which manifest among the political figures during the periods of overcoming the political crises.


distant, assessment, leader, interpersonal relations, political profile, methodology, opponent, political actor, political portrait.

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