Political process
Davydov S. V. (2016). Present and future of the Russian oppositionality
and its role in the political life of the country. Politics and Society, 9, 1181–1186. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54596
This article explores the causes of the formation of various types of opposition and prospects for
development of systemic and non-systemic opposition in modern Russia with variants of development of
political situation in the country. The author gives characterization and highlights the differences between
each type of opposition, as well as substantiates the character and mechanism of its interaction with the
current authority. The work points out the main representatives of the systemic and non-systemic opposition
in modern Russia and possible versions of development of opposition depending on the development of
the economic situation in the country, including the versions of development of systemic and non-systemic
opposition in the conditions of stable and crisis development. The novelty of this research consists in the
substantiation of the possibility of minimization of risks of political radicalization of both, the systemic,
as well as non-systemic opposition under either version of development of the political process in modern
Russian Federation. The author concludes that with constant monitoring of the state of the oppositional
political actors using the criteria for the level of political activeness it is possible to determine the situations
that directly precede radicalization of the political activity of the opposition.
political competition, political system, systemic opposition, opposition, non-systemic opposition, leader, elections, politician, psychology, characteristics.
Legal and political culture
Davydov S. V. (2016). Political-psychological profile of the
oppositional political actor:
theoretical-methodological aspects . Politics and Society, 9, 1187–1193. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54612
This article is dedicated to the theoretical and methodological aspects of implementation of the
method of political-psychological profiling in scientific-research activity, as well as solution of practical tasks
of political nature. Such method is one of the most recent scientific approaches towards the examination of the
personality of political leaders. Among the subjected to this method politicians, can be the representatives of the
official political circles, as well as politicians and public figures of the oppositional direction. Such research must
determine the personal qualities, which can play an essential role in the urgent political situations. It is a proven
fact that the list of most important personal characteristics of the oppositional political actor, acquired based
or with the help of the developed algorithm, is most efficient for understanding and estimation of his protest
potential. It is demonstrated that the highest efficiency of the political-psychological profiling can be achieved
by means of application of such criteria in distant assessment of the persona of the opponent, as if he personally
participated in the testing of himself. The author detects the personal qualities, which manifest among the
political figures during the periods of overcoming the political crises.
distant, assessment, leader, interpersonal relations, political profile, methodology, opponent, political actor, political portrait.
Question at hand
Buchkova A.I. (2016). The attitude of the Russian youth towards politics and political parties: sociological snapshot just before the federal electoral cycle. Politics and Society, 9, 1194–1201. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54613
The object of this research is the youth of the modern Russia. The subject of this research is the attitude and interest of the youth towards politics as a whole, including political parties and federal level elections. The author examines the importance of political sphere for the young generation, as well as specificity of their interest towards the political processes and political parties, which at the present stage are one of the active conduits of political ideas. Special attention is given to the analysis of youth’s perception of the upcoming elections into the State Duma of Federal Assembly of Russia along with the Presidential elections. Scientific novelty lies in the comparative analysis that is based on sociological snapshots right before the federal electoral cycles of 2011-2012 and 2016-2018 with regards to the attitude of the young generation towards politics, political parties, and elections. The following trends are highlighted: the number of youth interested in political life of society on the permanent basis is decreasing; portion of those who is randomly shows interest in politics alongside those who do not show any interest in politics is increasing; the growing sympathy of the youth towards the political parties, etc. The conclusion is made that there is no significant changes are observed in the views, orientations, and interest of youth towards politics , political parties, and elections.
political socialization, Russian presidential elections, elections to the State Duma, political party, electoral cycle, interest, politics, attitude, political sphere, youth
Theory of political sciences
Surkova E.A. (2016). Theoretical grounds of the notion of “smart” power. Politics and Society, 9, 1202–1207. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54614
The relevance of the phenomenon of “smart” power is being defined by a number of circumstances. First, this is a growing understanding among the politicians and political scientists of the fact that for the better insurance of the state and other interests it is necessary to attract the resources and mechanisms of “smart” power. Second, under the conditions of interdependence of the political and economic factors, any compulsion or use of force can turn against those who apply it; and due to this, the problem of exerting influence without coercion, but by means of the indirect methods of affecting public consciousness in the world politics remains relevant. Third, despite the extensive coverage of the problematic of “smart” power and interesting scientific approaches, they do not provide the necessary comprehensiveness regarding to the theoretical understanding of the term “smart” power to the full extent. The author makes a conclusion that “smart” power holds a specific place in theoretical understanding of the phenomena associated with the functioning and evolution of political power, as well as creates new opportunities for choosing a political strategy for the modern states and other members of the system of collective leadership in the world politics.
Management, Authority, Political science, Politics, International relations, Government policy, Political process, “hard” power, “soft” power, “smart” power
The heritage of transformation
Voropaev D.S. (2016). Political Confucianism and reproduction of the elite patriotism in modern China. Politics and Society, 9, 1208–1217. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54615
The subject of this research is the phenomenon of rehabilitation of the Confucian tradition in the modern Chinese society, as well as the attempts to revive the school of political Confucianism based on the example of Jiang Qing’s theory. Attention is given to the analysis of the traditional sociocultural and political codes of the Chinese civilization. The author performs the review of Jiang Qing’s theory, its strong and weak aspects, including a brief historical-philosophical insight into the differences between Confucianism “heart” from the political Confucianism, structural and superficial levels of Confucianism. The analysis of the three sources of the legitimacy of political power (heavenly, earthly, and human) is also given in the article. The scientific novelty of this work is defined by its theoretical-methodological basis. The author makes the following conclusions: 1) Confucianism should be understood as the “acknowledging” latent matrix of Chinese civilization, which cannot be overcome by nothing that is assumed or informative, but allows it in form of simulative discourse; 2) The popularity Jiang Qing’s theory substantiates the thesis about the only possible for hieroglyphic way of thinking model of political modernization – reincarnation of the traditional political Confucianism in the relevant to modernity form. Such form represent the form of vertical democracy, in which public support is achieved by means of ritual and “symbolic” cycles rather than electoral, as well as functioning of the authentic mechanism of reproduction and rotations of the patriotic elites.
Hieroglyph, Post-structuralism, Concrete-symbolic thinking, Simulacrum, Linguistic politics, China, Jiang Qing, Political institutions, Legitimacy of power, Political Confucianism
Political technologies
Konopleva T.V. (2016). Ukrainian crisis in the mirror of mass media. Politics and Society, 9, 1218–1226. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54616
The object of this research is the influence of mass media upon public opinion. The subject of this research is the information coverage of the Ukrainian crisis in mass media. The author set a goal to determine the level of influence produced by mass media upon the perception of the Ukrainian events by the citizens of various countries. The author carefully examines the images of Russia and President of the Russian Federation that have formed in the consciousness of the citizens my means of mass media in the context of Ukrainian situation; as well as presents the results of sociological research, which confirm the changes in public consciousness. During the course of this research, the author used the method of content analysis of the publications of Russian, Ukrainian, and Western mass media; the annexation of Crimea was used as the main event. The main conclusion consists in the fact that the foreign mass media, using the manipulative methods of influence, have established the image of Russia as the enemy and counterrevolutionary force, which acts against the West; and the President Vladimir Putin as the dictator. Such interpretations promoted increased hostility towards Russia in Western countries. The Russian mass media on the contrary, presented the annexation of Crimea in connotations contribution into the establishment of positive perception of the events among Russians, producing an outburst of patriotism and increasing the level of trust towards the President. The author believes that mass media should me attracted into the political struggle for power, processes of changes in the level of trust to the government and the leading regime.
Ukrainian crisis, mass media, agenda for the day, cognitive system of an individual, degree of confidence to the mass media, image of Vladimir Putin, government information policy, public opinion, information warfare, manipulative methods of influence
Political technologies
Neymatov A.Ya. (2016). Risks and threats of the color revolution in Kyrgyzstan. Politics and Society, 9, 1227–1232. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54617
The object of this research is the political situation and political process in the Kyrgyz Republic. The subject of this research is the risks and treats of the color revolution on Kyrgyzstan at the present stage. The author thoroughly examines the current political situation in Kyrgyzstan in the context of regional processes that destabilize the situation in Central Asia., as well as draws peculiar attention to the color revolutions, which are used by the West as the main instruments of political destabilization and dismantlement of the political regimes. It is noted that the modern color revolutions consists in the techniques of the government overthrows, in which the main mechanism is the youth protest movements that often on the collision courses with the authorities under nationalistic slogans. From the perspective of implementation of the color revolution scenarios, Kyrgyzstan remains in the high-risk zone for almost a decade. It is namely associated with its geostrategic location in Central Asia, as well as participation in the Eurasian integration projects. The risks of the color revolution just prior to the 2015 Parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan are justified by the presence of the constantly existing source of political instability in the Osh Region (the unofficial capital of the southern part of Kyrgyzstan); as well as by the unsolved problems pertaining to the distribution of power among the northern and southern elites, which bring a schism into the society, and also by the fact that the Kyrgyz Republic among all countries of Central Asia is the “weakest link” that is the easiest to break. In addition to these factors, the majority of the residents are villagers, usually with a poor level or lack of education, who could be easily affected by the pro-American or Islamist campaign or propaganda.
interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security
Political communications
Savchenko I.A., Ustinova O.E. (2016). The relevant issues of Internet communication between the government authorities and citizens: sociological analysis. Politics and Society, 9, 1233–1243. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54618
This article is dedicated to the examination of relevant issue in development of Internet communication between the government authorities and citizens in modern Russia. As the example, the authors use the analysis of Internet communications of the municipal authorities of the Meshchansky District of Moscow. The subject of this research is the process of realization of Internet communication between the municipal authorities of the Meshchansky District of Moscow and the citizens. The article reveals the notions of Internet communication, as well as defines the peculiarities of Internet communication between the government and municipal administration and the society. The analysis of the normative legal grounds of administration of Internet communications between the aforementioned subjects, and the modern forms and methods of its realization is being conducted. The main conclusions of this work consist in substantiation of the need to improve the Internet communications between the government and municipal authorities and citizens regarding the provisions of the information openness and establishment of constant feedback system. The scientific novelty lies in the interdisciplinary character of this research, use of sociological methods for examination of the separate aspects of Internet communication between the government administration and citizens.
communication, information transparency, interaction, website, government administration, Internet communications, state, citizens, public administration, Internet
International policy
Kharkevich M.V. (2016). Forms of public diplomacy and types of states. Politics and Society, 9, 1244–1255. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54619
The article examines the factors determining the choice of a public diplomacy form. The author identifies two basic forms of public diplomacy – a hierarchical and a network – corresponding to two dominant structures of social relations. The article also identifies three types of states based on the criteria of a state attitude towards a value of sovereignty: modern, premodern and postmodern. The analysis of variability of forms of public diplomacy and the conditions of its determination have produced the following results. First, in certain way the determinant of variability of the forms of public diplomacy is the structure of social relations, within the framework of which it is being implemented. Second, the choice of the network or hierarchical form of public diplomacy mostly depends on the type of state, which uses the instruments of public diplomacy. Modern and postmodern states are more prone to hierarchical forms of public diplomacy, and the postmodern more often choose the network form of public diplomacy. Sovereignty being understood as strive for autonomy rather corresponds with the hierarchical form of public diplomacy, which is more often used by the modern states. Deviation from sovereignty as the highest value allows the postmodern allows using the network public diplomacy, which in the long-term perspective is more efficient than the hierarchical form. Premodern states can use both forms of public diplomacy if permitted by their resources.
mediated diplomacy, premodernism, postmodernism, modernity, networks, hierarchy, government, public diplomacy, world politics, propaganda
State and civil society
Shashkova A.V. (2016). The mechanisms of counteracting corporate corruption. Politics and Society, 9, 1256–1264. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54620
The subject of this research is the analysis of interaction between the state and business on the matter concerning counteraction of corruption. The author thoroughly examines the models of interaction between those who give the bribes and those who receive the bribes, such as bilateral monopoly, stronger positions of bribe takers or bribe givers, as well as fragmentariness of bribe givers and bribe takers. The article presents the analysis of the political and economic components for the emergence of one or another model of interaction between the bribe givers and bribe takers. The substantiated conclusion is made on the necessity of increasing of the general and corporate legal awareness of the parties and corporations for the successful counteraction of corruption. Thus, the corporations consciously implement the principles of compliance in their corporate activity. This article conducts a research of the historical development of business practice in the United States regarding the application of the principle of compliance. The author compares the practices of counteracting corruption in the Unites States and Great Britain. Based on the report by Transparency International, the author examines the status and place of the Russian Federation with regards to corruption, as well as makes a conclusion on the need to implement the principle of compliance towards the Russian corporations. The scientific novelty consists in the in-depth analysis of the introduced in Russia court decisions, normative legal acts and good faith agreement, as well as their comparison with the implementation of the UK Bribery act on the question of counteracting corruption. The scientific novelty consists in the author’s attempt to formulate a politological concept on the practice of counteracting corruption, international and domestic problems on the fight against laundering the illegal incomes, as well as the assessment of the foreign experience on this matter. The main conclusion lies in the concept of cooperation between the government and business to prevent the general and corporate corruption.
collaboration, counterracting corruption, political methods, bilateral monopoly, bribe taker, corporate corruption, bribe giver, law and business, FIFA, international problems
Lidzhieva I.V. (2016). Nomadic minorities of the steppe area of the North Caucasus. Politics and Society, 9, 1265–1271. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54621
The subject of this research is the process of administrative-territorial modelling by the imperial authorities of the steppe territory of North Caucasus, populated by the nomadic people in the XIX century. The author thoroughly examines such aspects of the topic as the administrative-territorial structure of the Kalmyks, Nogais, and Turkmens, as well as its legislative formalization. Peculiar attention is given to the laid in the foundation of the administrative-territorial modelling ethnical principle, which did not violate the economic purposefulness, but rather rationally and effectively complemented it. With preservation of the admissible legal norms and local customs and traditions, the major goal of the imperial policy, regarding the entered into the composition of Russia ethnic groups, consisted in unification of the system of administration due to the growing strategic and economic importance of the region. The scientific novelty of this research lies in the analysis of the determined sources, based on which the conclusion was made that the administrative-territorial modelling pf the steppe area of North Caucasus depended on the political, economic, and ethnical factors, which justified the multivariant government structure as a whole.
XIX century, government structure, Nomadic people, ulus, empire, province, steppe area of Norht Caucasus, foreigners, administrative-territorial modeling, administrative-territorial structure
Social studies and monitoring
Kekkonen A.L., Fedorova E.A., Simakova A.V. (2016). Educational strategies of high school students and their impact upon the expanded reproduction of the human capital of the region (on the example of the Republic of Karelia). Politics and Society, 9, 1272–1286. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54622
The subject of this research is the educational plans and the ways of their realization by the high school students of Karelia. Peculiar attention is given to the questions of the informative components of educational strategies of high schoolers, types of educational strategies, and factors justifying the choice of strategies. Based on the determined types and factors of educational strategies, the authors examine the aspects that limit the expanded reproduction of the human capital in the region, as well as suggest the implementation into the educational system of the forecast-oriented career guidance using the advanced modern technologies, which are based on the best Russian and foreign experience. During the course of this research, 864 high school students have been surveyed. The results of the survey demonstrated that approximately quarter of the students support the dysfunctional for the regional job market educational strategies. The factors affecting the choice of the educational strategy consist in the status value of the chosen profession by a high schooler, level of education of their parents, and reputation of the reference groups. The career guidance specialists, teachers, government authorities, and researchers can consider the results of this research in organization of professional activity.
Region, Career building, Forecast-oriented career guidance, Job market, Professions in demand, Factors of choosing strategies, Reproduction of the human capital, Type of educational strategy, Component of educational strategy, Educational strategy
People and work
Golubushina L.G. (2016). Doctrinal approaches to definition of the “highly-qualified specialist” concept. Politics and Society, 9, 1287–1295. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54623
Being source of human capital and the welfare of the country, highly-qualified specialists are of major importance in the context of globalized world. The article is dedicated to the various approaches with regard to definition of "highly-qualified specialist" both in foreign and in Russian literature. It focuses on the fact that in the modern scientific knowledgeis focused that in today's scientific knowledge there is no unity of views on the substantive content of the concept of "highly qualified specialist". The absence of this unity creates problems on theoretical and practical levels. Preparing this article a series of general scientific methods of knowledge were used. Such as comparison, analysis, synthesis, generalization, concretization, abstraction, modeling. The result of the study is to summarize the criteria used in the doctrine for the definition of "highly-qualified specialist". In conclusion the author gives the original definition of the term "highly-qualified specialist": it is a person with a higher professional education, skills, experience, and (or) other special qualification requirements, which may be applied to them in the hiring process.
level of income, skills, experience, level of education, doctrine, classification, approaches, definition, highly-qualified specialist, qualification
Religion and politics
Beskov A.A., Kocheganova P.P. (2016). The image of the Russian Neopaganism in the Russian media of the early XXI century. Politics and Society, 9, 1296–1311. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=54624
This article examines the peculiarities of the phenomenon of the Russian Neopaganism in the Russian media during the period of 2001-2014. The authors analyze the questions associated with the manner of presentation of information on the aforementioned phenomenon by the journalists, the level of objectivity and trustworthiness of this information, specificity of the sources used by the journalists, as well as the major information reasons provoking the emergence of the articles on Neopaganism and the possibility of determination of the targeted information campaigns regarding its discredit or propaganda. However, the main question is the possibility and purposefulness of using the media publications by the scholars as the source of empirical material on the Russian Neopaganism. The acquired data allows making the following conclusions: although at the present stage the Russian Neopaganism does not represent the subject of peculiar attention of the Russian media, we can observe a certain trend in the growth of the number of publications on this matter; the image of the Russian Neopaganism formed in the Russian media carries mostly negative character; the cause for the formation of such image lies in the insufficient research of the material by journalists, as well as lack of religious studies training, and the “diffusion” of the notion of “Neopaganism” itself. Based on the above, it seems impossible to recognize the examined type of sources relevant to the research tasks.
religious studies, mass media, Russian press, content analysis, Native faith, Russian Neopaganism, pseudopaganism, quasipaganism, Neo-Nazism, Russian nationalism