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Politics and Society

Borisov, N. A. Constitutional Alternatives of the Ukraine: Back to the Future?

Abstract: The article analyzes the draft constitutions of the Ukraine proposed by the President V. Yushchenko and the Party of Regions in 2009 from the point of view of the presidential and parliamentarian forms of government. Noteworthy that both of the drafts suggested an approach to a parliamentarian semi-presidential republic with balanced powers of the president and the parliament. However, these draft constitutions were only a part of the election campaign for both political forces. After the presidential election in 2010 the Constitutional Court repealed the constitutional reform of 2004 and V. Yanukovych recovered all significant presidential powers. Nevertheless, the author concludes that the process of reformation of the Ukraine Constitution was not over at that stage. According to the author, the Ukraine will eventually come back to a semi-presidential constitutional model due to peculiarities of the Ukraine political elite and party system.


political science, constitution, Ukraine, president, parliament, semi presidential republic, democracy, consolidation, political regime, constitutional reform

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