State and civil society
Volokh, V. A. (2010). The Role of Civil Society Institutions
in Formation of National Policy in the Sphere of Population
Shift: New Trends. Politics and Society, 12.
Much has been done in the Russian Federation
in order to build an effective migration policy. However,
there is still a great number of various problems regarding
this issue. Analyzing the role of civil institutions, the
author underlines the importance of social and non-governmental
organizations in formation and implementation
of migration policy. Community Board under the
Federal Migration Service is one of the new civil institutions
in the sphere of migration in our country. The
author describes activities held by the Community Board
and summarizes its role and experience during the first
three years of its work.
political science, migration policy, migration processes, globalization, social agency, community board, labor migration, Federal Migration Service
The nationality issue
Suslov, M. G. (2010). National Movements in the History
and Modernity. Politics and Society, 12.
This article is dedicated to the causes and phases
of national movement in the history and modernity, the
entry of the modern world in the fourth stage of national
movements, which will result in tendencies of ethnically
pure State, and will be accompanied by ethnic cleaning
and the rise of nationalism in individual countries and
national movement, reasons, stages, threats. ethnic cleaning, ethnically pure states
Social studies and monitoring
Gulyaikhin, V. N., Galkin, A. P. (2010). Political and Legal
Values of Citizens in Transforming Russian Society:
Experience of Regional Study. Politics and Society, 12.
The article evaluates the modern process of formation
of hierarchical system of Russian public mind.
Based on the authors, this system determines milestones,
stereotypes and norms of political and legal behavior.
Based on the social research held in the Volgograd region,
the authors makes a conclusion about infantile and paternalistic spirits prevailing in the region population
consciousness which does not help their social and political
activity at all.
social studies, politics, law, value, civil society, Russian citizen, region, social research, public mind, the Volgograd region
Conflict and consensus
Bogatyrev, K. A. (2010). Ethno-Confessional Conflict in
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. Part 1. Prehistory. Politics and Society, 12.
The article briefly describes the process of formation
of relationships between the western region of
China mainly inhabited by the Uigurs and the country
Center throughout all the time until formation of PRC in
1949. The author describes the main features of this process
during different periods in history. The author also
describes the role of Islam in this process.
political science, China, Central Asia, Eastern Turkestan, the Uigurs, conflict, Islam, aggression, Sufism, historical features
The heritage of transformation
Gorozhanina, T. V. (2010). Conciliarity and Democracy:
Can Russia Change its Political Culture?. Politics and Society, 12.
The article compares the natural and religious
grounds of the two political cultures, - Western democracy
and Russian conciliarity. As a result of the analysis of
influence of environment on appearance of the first centralized
states and comparison of geographical, religious
and mentality features of Europe and Russia the author
concludes that Russian conciliarity is very different from
Western democracy. Consequently, there is a very low
chance that Russian political culture can be actually
changed from conciliarity into democracy.
political science, conciliarity, democracy, personacentrism, systemocentrism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism, civilization, political culture
The heritage of transformation
Borisov, N. A. (2010). Constitutional Alternatives of the
Ukraine: Back to the Future?. Politics and Society, 12.
The article analyzes the draft constitutions of
the Ukraine proposed by the President V. Yushchenko and the Party of Regions in 2009 from the point of view
of the presidential and parliamentarian forms of government.
Noteworthy that both of the drafts suggested an
approach to a parliamentarian semi-presidential republic
with balanced powers of the president and the parliament.
However, these draft constitutions were only a
part of the election campaign for both political forces.
After the presidential election in 2010 the Constitutional
Court repealed the constitutional reform of 2004 and V.
Yanukovych recovered all significant presidential powers.
Nevertheless, the author concludes that the process
of reformation of the Ukraine Constitution was not over
at that stage. According to the author, the Ukraine will
eventually come back to a semi-presidential constitutional
model due to peculiarities of the Ukraine political elite
and party system.
political science, constitution, Ukraine, president, parliament, semi presidential republic, democracy, consolidation, political regime, constitutional reform
Main human rights and liberties
Grinina, L. A. (2010). Enforcement of the Right for Education
of the Russian Federation Citizens: Problems and Perspectives. Politics and Society, 12.
The article views the problems connected with
provision of the constitutional rights for education. The
author analyzes the current state of the problem, describes
the defects and collisions of the current law on
education and considers international law acts on education.
The author also analyzes how the law on education
correlates with the other rights of the RF citizens. The article
shows possible solutions of these modern problems.
studies of law, state institution, citizens, law, right, freedoms, Constitutions, guarantees, education, agency
Legal history
Yaroslavtsev, V. V. (2010). History of Labor Law in Russia
and the Factor of Labor Motivation in Russian Manufacturing Law. Politics and Society, 12.
The article considers the issues of the theory and
history of labor law from the point of view of motivation
and stimulation of labor at factors and plants. The author
studied the basic positions of the manufacturing law
on labor. Certain role is given to labor discipline, labor
schedule and punitive sanctions related to violation of
the labor discipline. The article also contains a comparative
analysis of the foreign and Russian legislation in the
sphere of labor motivation at the end of the 19th century.
studies of law, labor, professional unions, labor law, labor class, labor relations, stimulation, manufacturing law, motivation, labor discipline
Legal history
Bulatov, O. Sh. (2010). Plurality in Russia: Historical and
Legal Aspects of Peculiarities of Establishing Political Parties in the Russian Federation. Politics and Society, 12.
Plurality institution is one of the most important
qualities of the civil society and democracy in modern
Russia and political parties are the key factors to reinforcement
of the democratic nature of the country. Due
to the fact that establishment of plurality in Russia developed
in many directions and underwent a number of
serious stages, the author of the article makes an attempt
to describe how the country transferred from the system
of one party to the system of multiple parties. The author
also analyzed the basic variants or ways of establishment
of political parties in modern Russia and described the
main problems related to improvement of legislation on
political parties. The author also considered the latest
legislative initiatives of the President of the RF declared
at the meeting of the State Council on development of the
political system of Russia held in January 2010.
studies of law, pluralism, parties, constitutions, president, improvement, body of electors, council, Medvedev