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Pedagogy and education

Polyakova E.I. Evolution of Ideas about Teaching Foreign Languages In History and Pedagogy

Abstract: The research object of this article is teaching foreign languages. The matter under study is the evolution of views on this pedagogical process and consequently the methods, means and forms of its realization. The author deeply studies the process of the development of the methodology of teaching foreign languages as an applied scientific discipline as well as the influence that other adjoining sciences such as linguistics and psychology havehad on it. Considerable author’s attention is paid to communicative teaching as the most practiced nowadays. The research method is the comparison based on the historical and pedagogical analysis. It helps not only to trace back the evolution of teaching foreign languages but also to distinguish the most characteristic features of the process for every definite period. The principal author’s conclusions are the following. 1) Though languages have been taught since ancient times, this process started to be treated scientifically only in early 20th century. 2) Scientists’ methodological views on teaching foreign languages were formed based on such sciences as linguistics and psychology. 3) Methodology of teaching foreign languages is an applied scientific discipline and therefore it has always conformed to society’s needs at every state of the development. 4) No method can become completely outdated. Nowadays each of proven methods can be successfully applied depending on a due level of teacher’s mastery. The novelty of this article consists in carrying out a historical and pedagogical analysis through the prism of present realities and contemporary practice of teaching foreign languages.


evolution, communication, linguistics, methodology, method, history, language, development, speech, society

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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