Editor-in-Chief's column
Gurevich P.S. (2015). The Arsenal of Cultural Enrichment. Pedagogy and education, 1, 6–11. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66321
Textbooks nowadays, as a rule, are written for students. A reason for writing this column was the publication of a manual addressed to teachers and educators – «A teacher’s book «The dialogue of cultures»: educational and methodological manual and textbook». (M., 2014). The formal theme of the manual is the dialogue of cultures. In fact, it deals with a brief but scientifically equipped analysis of the world culture represented in its civilizational dimension. Having appeared in the recent decades, the idea of establishing a dialogue between representatives of different cultures has its advocates and opponents. One thing is undoubted – without understanding of deep foundations of each culture the dialogue is unthinkable. That is why the manual is of value not only as educational material but also as a serious theoretical study.Methods of developing the theme in this article are related to the principle of historicism. Many civilizations represented on the planet are discussed from the viewpoint of their origin, specificity, and dynamics. Also, methods of comparativist analysis are used that permit to compare values of different civilizations.The novelty of the article is conditioned by critical consideration of the problem of the dialogue between different cultures and civilizations. In this connection, various civilizations are presented as specific historical entities that embody the unrepeatable spiritual experience of humankind. The article discusses the world religions that form civilizational spaces, the unity and differences of the historical process, objects of worship that form different cultural worlds. Conditions are outlined, without which the dialogue of cultures is impossible, and contradictions of this process are revealed.
humankind, culture, civilization, religion, values, objects of worship, dialogue, spiritual experience, history, rationality
Polyakova E.I. (2015). Evolution of Ideas about Teaching Foreign Languages In History and Pedagogy. Pedagogy and education, 1, 12–18. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66322
The research object of this article is teaching foreign languages. The matter under study is the evolution of views on this pedagogical process and consequently the methods, means and forms of its realization. The author deeply studies the process of the development of the methodology of teaching foreign languages as an applied scientific discipline as well as the influence that other adjoining sciences such as linguistics and psychology havehad on it. Considerable author’s attention is paid to communicative teaching as the most practiced nowadays. The research method is the comparison based on the historical and pedagogical analysis. It helps not only to trace back the evolution of teaching foreign languages but also to distinguish the most characteristic features of the process for every definite period. The principal author’s conclusions are the following. 1) Though languages have been taught since ancient times, this process started to be treated scientifically only in early 20th century. 2) Scientists’ methodological views on teaching foreign languages were formed based on such sciences as linguistics and psychology. 3) Methodology of teaching foreign languages is an applied scientific discipline and therefore it has always conformed to society’s needs at every state of the development. 4) No method can become completely outdated. Nowadays each of proven methods can be successfully applied depending on a due level of teacher’s mastery. The novelty of this article consists in carrying out a historical and pedagogical analysis through the prism of present realities and contemporary practice of teaching foreign languages.
evolution, communication, linguistics, methodology, method, history, language, development, speech, society
Educational interaction
Pustovoytov Yu.L. (2015). Developing Schoolchildren’s Speech Culture in the Epoch of Telecommunication. Pedagogy and education, 1, 19–27. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66323
The article is dedicated to problems of schoolchildren’s speech culture and its development in the context of telecommunication. The author analyses traditional definitions of 'speech culture' both from a purely linguistic point of view and psychological positions as well as schoolchildren's speech development as a pedagogical problem. Particular attention is paid to viewing communication on the Internet as a written discourse and its influence on schoolchildren’s speech culture. The research method used by the author is the analysis of classical sources and teaching practice at school as well as comparing obtained data with characteristics of the discourse on the Internet and peculiarities of its functioning. The novelty of the article consists in viewing classical postulates about speech culture from the point of view of the present reality. The main author’s conclusions are the following. 1) Written communication on the Internet is quite specific and cannot be viewed only by means of theories elaborated long before its appearance. 2) Work on schoolchildren’s speech development should proceed considering reality in which they will live when they grow up. This is why attention should be paid to not only traditional textbooks of written speech but also to the written discourse realized by means of telecommunication techhnologies.
discourse, culture, schoolchildren, text, telecommunication, communication, speech, norn, anglicism, Internet
Values and goals of education
Rybakova N.A. (2015). Problems of Teaching a Foreign Language to Future Teachers at Bachelor’s Courses. Pedagogy and education, 1, 28–35. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66324
The object of research in this article is teaching students who specialize in cross-cultural communication. The matter under study is conditions of this process under reformation of Russian education. Particular attention is concentrated on components of such programs and on demand for foreign language teachers in the present labor market in general and bachelors in particular. The method of research in this article is curriculum and Federal Education Standard analysis as well as empiric data obtained during vocational guidance talks with students. The main author’s conclusions come down to the following. Nowadays there is a contradiction between social processes with cross-cultural communication acting as a significant factor and problems of training specialists for it within the transitive period in Russian higher education. The novelty of the article consists in giving didactic curriculum analysis on the background of immense contradictions brought about by turning to the new two-level higher education system.
cross-cultural communication, teacher, two-level system, master’s course, bachelor’s course, teacher training, program, society, labor market, language
Modern strategies and forms of education
Lakomova A.A., Khusyainov T.M. (2015). Educational Migration: Causes and Characteristics of Higher Education Abroad. Pedagogy and education, 1, 36–50. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66325
The subject of this article is the main reasons that underlie modern educational migration, in particular, higher education at foreign educational institutions. In their article the authors also address to the current state of the educational migration of foreign students to Russia as well as the value of export of Russian education to the world market. The growing prestige of Russian universities and the increasing number of foreign students coming to Russia meet the basic geopolitical and socio-economic interests of the country and have a positive effect on the country's participation in the international processes of education, science and culture. The research method used by the authors is the theoretical analysis of the Russian sociological and pedagogical scientific literature. This work presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the causes and characteristics of migration of students to study at foreign universities. The authors identify the two basic motives of a foreign student involved in the educational migration: to receive quality education and become a highly demanded specialist or to immigrate to the country where he or she receives education.
social mobility, students, higher education, study abroad, foreign students, migration for education, educational migration, education, international student flows, export of education
Types of education
Probin P.S. (2015). Criteria and Difficulties of Assessing Bachelors in Non-Professional Disciplines. Pedagogy and education, 1, 51–58. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66326
The object of research in this article is the assessment of students at higher school. The matter under study is tge criteria and difficulties of assessing bachelors in non-professional disciplines. Particular author’s attention is paid to specificity of non-professional disciplines as a constituent part of educational bachelor’s programmes and to analysis of assessing students in present practice. Assessment in exact sciences and Humanities and foreign language are analyzed separately. Assessing students is also presented in the context of their motivation for learning and orientation to professional activity. The method of research in the article is the analysis of current practice of assessing students including the author’s own experience. The main author’s conclusions in this article involve the following statements. 1) Peculiarities of assessing students depend on the specificity of a discipline. 2) Even though they do not directly form professional knowledge and skills, non-professional disciplines are still an important constituent part of bachelor’s curriculum in terms of the competence approach. 3) Nowadays school grades do not often reflect their actual knowledge and intellectual level and are a formality. The novelty of this article is in presenting problems of assessment at higher school on the basis of classification of disciplines and through the prism of students’ motivation for studies and their orientation at their future professional activity.
higher education, motivation, difficulties, criteria, non-professional disciplines, assessment, grades, foreign language, competence approach
Philosophy and pedagogy
Gryaznova E.V., Skopintseva-Sedash O.Yu. (2015). Distance Pedagogy as a Scientific Direction in the Philosophy of Education. Pedagogy and education, 1, 59–66. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66327
Unlike the tradional society, the information-based society has a new form of personality socialization – 'information socialization' when social experience is passed on indirectly by means of information technologies. Remote pedagogical activity appears to be one of the mechanisms of similar socialization making changes to formation of human culture in general. Studying of specifics of this kind of activity opens the new scientific direction of pedagogy – remote pedagogy The remote pedagogy has to correspond to criteria of the scientific direction, i.e. to have the subject, categories, laws, methodology and a praxiology. The conducted research shows that in scientific literature there are no works devoted to complex studying of this phenomenon. It is proved that the existing scientific and pedagogical potentials allow to develop a matrix of remote pedagogy as a scientific direction and can form a basis for the solution of the whole range of problems of social and humanitarian knowledge that may arise in the process of implementation of pedagogical technology meeting the requirements of modern society. The main research methods used by the authors include system approach, structure functional analysis, activity approach and the method of philosophical generalization. The main conclusions of the conducted research are:
Considering the developing information society there is a need to conduct a system and complete study of remote pedagogical activity within the scientific discipline "Remote Pedagogy" as a modern direction of philosophy of education.The philosophical knowledge in this case has to become a methodological basis for the development of this direction and take the modern pedagogy to a new methodological and worldview level.
distance pedagogy, remote teaching activities, distance education, distance learning, information qua subjects, information objects, information socialization, philosophy of education, e-pedagogy, information society
Aleshinskaya E.V. (2015). Comparative Analysis of Classical and Communicative Teaching of Foreign Grammar. Pedagogy and education, 1, 67–75. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66328
The object of research in this article is teaching foreign languages. The matter under study is forming grammar skills within classical and communicative teaching grammar. The author proves the importance of the problem of teaching grammar in terms of a client oriented approach practised nowadays. The article presents a review of the main ideas of working on grammar within different approaches to teaching languages. Particular attention is concentrated on peculiarities and difficulties of communicative teaching as the most practised nowadays.The research method in the article is the comparative linguodidactic analysis of different approaches to teaching foreign grammar.The main author’s conclusions are the following statements. Nowadays the market of educational services dictates a need to reconsider teaching grammar for a communicative approach, but it should not result in giving up working on grammar. However communicative teaching has a number of peculiarities and difficulties. Classical teaching grammar that is often presented as obsolete and ineffective is nevertheless timeproof. More than one generation managed to learn a foreign language that way including those who propagandize communicative teaching nowadays. Therefore classical teaching should not be rejected but fitted to modern communicative ideals which is not an easy task.The novelty of this article consists in viewing approaches to teaching grammar through the prism of educational services that dictate not only good result but client’s satisfaction in the process as well.
structure, ideal, communication, means, approach, method, foreign language, grammar, teaching, services market
Innovative methodology and technology
Korzhuev A.V., Baksanskiy O.E. (2015). Pedagogical Research In The Context of a Dialogue Between the Author (Researcher) And Scientific Community. Pedagogy and education, 1, 76–87. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66329
In their article the authors discuss the philosophical understanding of aresearch dialogue and a classification of dialogues in the pedagogical research space, dialogue as a mean of obtaining new pedagogical knowledge and a form of a multidimensional reflection by participants of the positions, ideas and approaches; and also as a form of research cooperation. The logical bases of the dialogue argumentation focused on such segments as argument to tradition, authority, common sense, belief, analogy are in detail discussed; the statement "pedagogical dialogue as an instrument of obtaining new knowledge" is also covered. The main research methods used by the authors are the premised analysis of a phenomenon from the point of view of the studied problem field, heuristic synthesis and a retrospection of the studied problem.The article covers the following problems: philosophic representation of a research of a dialogue, classification of pedagogical dialogues; dialogue as a method of scientific discovery and a form of multiaspect reflection by participants of their ideas, approaches and positions and as a form of scientific cooperation.
tradition and analogy, search and research dialogue, thesis research, dialogue as a knowledge tool, argument to belief, authority, pedagogical dialogical culture, multidimensional reflection of a result, scientific dialogue, method of receiving result, research methodology
Effectiveness of training
Gatiatullina E.R. (2015). «The Doctor of Captivating Sciences», or About Perelman’s Books in Terms of Modern Education Issues. Pedagogy and education, 1, 88–94. https://en.nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=66330
One of «eternal» problems of secondary and higher school is raising the level of students’ learning interest and consequently their motivation. What seems interesting and useful to them is remembered many times better than boring and dull things. How can learning material be made clear, useful and interesting? This is not such an easy question as it may look at first sight. Basing on wide pedagogical empiric data and analysis of different materials and texts, the author shows that how students and their teacher perceive the same material are two different worlds. Their meeting is the peak of teacher’s mastery. The article introduces readers to one of outstanding examples of such mastery – Y.I. Perelman’s works, who was famous for popularizing science, for being a talented teacher and an outstanding master of word. It may be useful for teachers as methodological instructions, didactic training or specific master-class. It may help students to improve their erudition and get to know a rare and wonderful genre of captivating science.
learning material, learning interest, motivation, popularization, captivating science, textbooks, education process, scholasticism, anti-scholasticism, educational innovation