Beliefs, religions, churches
Mol'kin, A.N. (2014). Some Aspects of the 'Revival' of Islam in Russia (the Case of the Penza Region) . Genesis: Historical research, 2, 120–130.
Object of research - the reasons and prerequisites (internal and external), forms of manifestation of a phenomenon of Islamic "revival" in the USSR / Post-Soviet Russia (activization of confessional practice of Muslims - increase in ceremonialism, growth of number of petitions from believers in various instances, etc., restoration of mosques, training of new shots of attendants of an Islamic cult, formation of system of Islamic education and education, etc.) at regional level - in the Penza region in the late eighties - the 1990th. As a teoretiko-methodological basis of research the principles were chosen: a) objectivity; b) historicism; c) systemacities, d) the objective account social and personal in an object of research and the most possible neutralization of the subjective relation of the researcher at an assessment and interpretation of the facts. Except the methodological principles in work the special and historical principles were used: comparative-historical, updatings, problem and chronological, diakhronny; also general scientific principles: structural and system, statistical, the classifications, allowed to analyse evolution of the state and Islamic relations to consider ñîâåòñêî / the Russian Moslem in a complex of its components, to analyze and compare various data for determination of the main features and intrinsic characteristics.New sources have been introduced in science and and that allowed to draw the following conclusions:- process of basic changes begins with the middle of the 1980th in the USSR in a context of reorganization in the relations between the state and church, limits on activity of the confessional associations, operating for many years that created conditions for active involvement of believing citizens and their religious organizations in social and economic and spiritual life of the country were gradually lifted. In the second half of the 1980th considerable surge in religiousness in the country, caused, first of all, by crisis of the Russian society - social, economic, political and moral was observed. Besides, a certain role in this phenomenon was played by discredit and withdrawal pains dominating in the society of socialist ideals and values. Change of a vector of cultural and moral reference points in mass consciousness of the population promoted revaluation of a role and a religion place in society, positioning it, first of all, as a phenomenon of world and national culture, as a moral support of society. Serious value had also crash of system of atheistic education. However deideologization process in the country went very roughly, the Soviet management had no accurate program and in general understanding of democratization of the country. Contacts of the state and confessional associations, including Muslim, often had spontaneous character, were under the influence of tactical political situations and sometimes personal interests. - from the 1990th the process of Islamic "revival" that was expressed, first of all, in growth of religious consciousness, active revival of Islamic ceremonialism, increase in quantity of mosques, folding of system of religious education, etc. began. The impulse to the Islamic Renaissance was external and was a consequence, first of all, activity of the secular authorities, on the one hand, and weakening of the central power in the years of reorganization, with another.
USSR, post-Soviet Russia, religion, Islam, revival, confessional policy, religious education, education, mosques, Penza Region