Madatov O.Y..
The Evolution of Russia's State Security Agencies: a Historical Analysis from the CHEKA to the FSB
// Genesis: Historical research.
2025. № 2.
P. 53-84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2025.2.73345 EDN: GJMEQJ URL:
The work is devoted to the analysis of the historical development of the state security agencies of Russia, from the moment of their creation in 1917 to the present. The relevance of the research is due to the high historical and institutional importance of security agencies for the Russian state, their influence on political processes, economic development and cultural life of the country. Of particular importance is the analysis of the adaptation of services to modern challenges and threats in the context of political instability and reorganizations.The purpose of the article is a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of Russia's state security agencies over the course of more than a hundred years of their existence, identifying patterns and continuity in their activities, and evaluating the effectiveness of services during critical periods of history. The subject of the research is the stages of formation, development and reform of the state security bodies of Russia, their structure, functions, working methods, role in ensuring national security and influence on political and socio-economic processes in the country.The research methodology consists of a historical and legal analysis of regulations, archival materials and scientific publications, a comparative analysis of various periods of development of security agencies, and the study of biographies of key figures involved in the development of the services. The novelty of the research is a comprehensive and multifaceted analysis of the evolution of Russian state security agencies over more than a hundred years of their existence, covering the periods: pre-war (1917–1941), war (1941–1945), post-war before the collapse of the USSR (1946–1991) and modern (from 1991 to the present). Special attention is paid to the analysis of the influence of political leaders, historical events and socio-economic factors on the formation and development of security agencies. The modern structure and functions of the Federal Security Service are the product of a long historical development reflecting the specifics of state building and the evolution of the national security system of the Russian Federation. Throughout history, the State security agencies, despite numerous reorganizations, have maintained their continuity and played an important role in ensuring the security of the country. The principles of the FSB's activities are based on the traditions laid down by its founders and leaders, including the unity of the system of bodies, centralization of management, legality and humanism. The flexibility and adaptability of the system is noted, as well as the high professionalism and dedication of the staff.
establishment of the service, historical figures, reforming the services, modern period, post-war period, wartime period, pre-war period, ensuring security, Russian state, state security agencies
Polyanina O.A..
"One-story" Zemstvo: K. N. Paskhalov's project on the abolition of provincial zemstvo institutions
// Genesis: Historical research.
2025. № 1.
P. 55-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2025.1.73113 EDN: RPMTBP URL:
The subject of the study is the project of one of the leaders of the right-wing movement of pre-revolutionary Russia, K. N. Paskhalov, on the abolition of provincial zemstvo institutions. The main purpose of the work is to evaluate Paskhalov's reforms that took place in the zemstvo —local government system. Based on this goal, the author faced two tasks: 1) to analyze the mechanism of transition to a "one-story" zemstvo developed by Paskhalov; 2) to study the results of the discussion of these ideas in zemstvos and on the pages of the periodical press. Special attention is paid to the legal prerequisites for the formation of the Paskhalov concept. The emphasis is placed on the relevance of this topic, since the arguments of Paskhalov's supporters and opponents may be in demand during the discussion on the territorial organization of local self-government in modern Russia. The methods used in this study include historical and legal ones. Methodological foundations also include the principle of objectivity, the principle of historicism, and the principle of consistency. The scientific novelty of the work consists in comparing Paskhalov's project with the responses to his proposals from the zemstvo authorities and individual municipal figures. According to Paskhalov, the Zemstvo Regulations should have clearly delineated the powers and functions of the two levels of zemstvo self-government. The absence of such standards led to an increase in unproductive expenditures of the provincial zemstvo and to the depletion of county budgets. Paskhalov argued that the county should remain the only territorial unit of local government. The procedure for the transition to a single-level model provided for the gradual transfer of the provincial zemstvo's property and capital into the hands of the counties. In the course of the study, it was found that Paskhalov's project caused quite a large public outcry. In 1909-1910, this topic was discussed at county zemstvo meetings in different regions. Many zemstvo leaders agreed with Paskhalov's theses on the need to reform medical institutions, road and insurance business. Several county zemstvos decided on the need to abolish provincial local government bodies. In 1911, the topic was repeatedly discussed on the pages of the specialized magazine Zemstvo Business. Objecting to the complete transition to a "one-story" zemstvo, the authors of the magazine, at the same time, proposed a number of specific measures to regulate the relationship between provincial and county zemstvos.
two-level model, single-level model, Separation of powers, Zemstvo Business Magazine, county zemstvo, provincial zemstvo, Zemstvo, Zemstvo Position, local government, K. N. Paskhalov
Borisov A.A..
On the prerequisites for the state organization of epidemic control in Yakutia in the second half of the XVIII - early XIX century.
// Genesis: Historical research.
2024. № 10.
P. 153-162.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.10.71887 EDN: EJQLHE URL:
The subject of the study is the activities of the state authorities of the Russian state in Yakutia, which became prerequisites for the organization of the regional epidemic control system in the region in the second half of the XVIII – early XIX century. The object of the study is the state anti-epidemic policy in its initial stage since the second half of the XVIII century. The author considers such aspects of the topic as specific historical prerequisites for the organization of local government measures against the spread of epidemics (smallpox, leprosy) in Yakutia. We are talking about the formation of special medical bodies of the regional administration (medical board, officials – doctors, staff doctors, doctors), the direction of medical personnel for the prevention (smallpox vaccination) and treatment of diseases of an epidemic nature, the allocation of funds for these activities. Special attention is paid to those government measures that served as prerequisites for subsequent stages in the history of epidemic control in the Yakutsk region. The main research methods were historical, comparative and typological methods, as well as the method of retrospection, when facts already known from sources about the phenomenon under study (anti-epidemic measures in the region) are considered with a look back at previous periods. The main conclusions of the study are: Firstly, organizationally, the territory of the Yakutsk district (province) became subordinate to a special regional medical body, the Medical Board of the Irkutsk Provincial Administration. Secondly, since the 1760s, doctors began to be sent to Yakutia to combat the emerging foci of epidemic diseases: leprosy and smallpox.Thirdly, initially highly qualified medical personnel arrived in Yakutia, who were trained not only in Russia, but also abroad.Fourth, during the period under review, the local population began to form positive ideas about the benefits of these activities, which was important for the success of the fight against epidemics in the future. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author for the first time drew attention to the study of the historical prerequisites for the organization of epidemic control in Yakutia in the XVIII century, the effectiveness of which became visible during the subsequent XIX century.
Smallpox, Doctors, Vaccination, Staff doctors, History, Prerequisites, Event organization, Epidemics, Struggle, Leprosy
Tarabara D.O..
G. E. Rein's Healthcare Reform Project: Missed Opportunities for Modernization of the Russian Empire 1906-1917.
// Genesis: Historical research.
2024. № 1.
P. 92-110.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2024.1.40765 EDN: DFYNZN URL:
The article is devoted to the analysis of the most ambitious and promising project of the reform of medical and sanitary legislation developed by the central government of the Russian Empire in 1906-1917. The measures proposed by the reformers to optimize health care management, modernize medical and sanitary legislation and provide the population with public medical care are considered; special emphasis is placed on ensuring a balance of interests of state authorities and local self-government bodies. The object of the study is the healthcare system of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the twentieth century, the subject is the corpus of bills in the field of medical law developed by the Interdepartmental Commission for the Revision of Medical and Sanitary Legislation, as well as the Ministry of Internal Affairs under the Office of the Chief Medical Inspector. The author used traditional methods for historical and legal research: analysis, synthesis, systematic approach, formal legal and statistical. The conclusions are drawn that the reform project under study corresponded to the trends of the development of Russian statehood and pan-European trends in medicine policy, was adequate to the needs of domestic healthcare of the period under review, and also sought to take into account, if possible, the long-standing traditions of Russian public medicine. The reasons for the failure of the reform are primarily associated with subjective political factors, rather than with its internal shortcomings. The results of the study allow us to correct the traditional historiographical approaches to public health policy in the early twentieth century and to the relationship between state authorities and local self-government in the inter-revolutionary period.
medical and sanitary legislation, local finance, cities, zemstvos, public medicine, centralization, public health care, healthcare system, reform, subsidizing
Kolpakov P.A..
Provision of sanitary standards by the gendarmerie railway police of the Russian Empire in the late XIX-early XX centuries.
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 11.
P. 124-134.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.11.68887 EDN: YKFWUO URL:
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the historical experience of the participation of gendarmerie police officers in ensuring sanitary order on the railways of the Russian Empire. The purpose of this article is to study measures to prevent the spread of dangerous infectious diseases taken by the railway gendarmerie, both in cooperation with medical and sanitary services, and independently. The object of the study is the historical experience of the official activities of the gendarmerie railway police of the Russian Empire. The subject is the role of gendarmes in ensuring sanitary standards on railways. Along with general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and concretization, the author used historical-systemic and historical-genetic research methods. The theoretical basis of the study, along with the published materials, were the office documents of the gendarmerie railway police, which are stored in the State Archives of the Russian Federation. It is concluded that the ranks of the gendarmerie railway police performed a significant role in ensuring sanitary standards by bypassing the entrusted sites, assisting doctors in veterinary examinations, inspections of premises for the detention of prisoners of war, preventing outbreaks of epidemics on the railways that would pose a threat to the health and life of the population on a global scale.
cholera, epizootics, epidemic, sanitary rules, sanitary supervision, transport police, gendarme, railway, quarantine, veterinary inspection
Bondarev S.V..
"The council was a conflict commission, not a governing body".
Activities of the Council of Curators of Suburban Palaces and Museums.
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 10.
P. 11-24.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.10.54688 EDN: XYXIWH URL:
The subject of the study is the Council of Curators of Suburban Palace Museums. In mid-1918, under the People's Commissariat of Education, the Council of Suburban Leaders was created in order to consolidate efforts to transform the royal residences into museums. The guardians of Peterhof, Tsarskoe Selo, Gatchina, and Pavlovsk palaces decided at meetings numerous issues regarding the future of the royal palaces. The author examines in detail such aspects as the problems of the daily activities of the suburbs, reforms in the management of palace-museums. Particular attention is paid to the following areas of the Council's activities: the authorities' claims to the property of former residences, personnel issues, problems of financing, security, etc. The methodological basis of the study is the principles of historicism, objectivism and systematic scientific analysis. The main conclusion of the study is the determining role of the Council in relation to state policy to create a unified management body for palaces and museums. The Council was a platform for expressing the public position of representatives of the intelligentsia. The curators openly discussed with cultural officials about the future structure of the palace-museums. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time an attempt has been made to analyze the activities of the Council of Curators of Suburban Palaces and Museums. Despite the lack of authority to make independent decisions, the Council was able to prove to the authorities the need to separate palace-museums into a separate group of art-historical organizations. And also achieve the creation of a separate government body to centralize the management of the suburbs.
Gatchina, Tsarskoe Selo, Peterhof, imperial residences, palace museum, royal palaces, Council of Guardians, public opinion, Leningrad, Petrograd
Kolpakov P.A..
Police protection of postal activities by railway gendarmes in the Russian Empire
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 7.
P. 34-44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.7.43581 EDN: TBAHUD URL:
The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the historical experience of police protection of postal institutions by the ranks of gendarmerie police departments of railways in the Russian Empire. The purpose of this article is to study the main measures that were implemented by the gendarmerie police to ensure the safety of postal transportation by rail, as well as the disclosure of the tactics of intruders who committed daring robberies on mail trains. The object of the study is the historical experience of the official activities of the gendarmerie railway police of the Russian Empire. The subject is the police protection of the activities of the post office within the railways by gendarmes. Following the fundamental principles of historicism, comprehensiveness and objectivity formed the methodological basis of the study. During the research, the author relied on the apparatus of general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, concretization. The use of special historical research methods made it possible to reveal the content of the process of police protection of postal items from criminal encroachments within the domestic railways: from the standpoint of the historical-systematic method, the gendarmerie service is understood as an integral complex of interrelated measures; the historical-genetic method made it possible to form a detailed description of the main features of the railway gendarmes service in terms of the protection of postal goods.
escort, criminal gang, train robbery, mail train, post office, transport police, gendarme, Police Department, railway, identifying informers
Kostrikov S.S..
I.N. Kuznetsov: "The sphere of management is a noble, lively, human activity..."
// Genesis: Historical research.
2023. № 4.
P. 75-83.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2023.4.40575 EDN: QMBOZU URL:
The subject of the study is the process of formation of management education in Soviet times. The search for new solutions in production management in the conditions of post-war reconstruction and adaptation of industry to the conditions of NTR. Development of the fundamentals of domestic management science, introduction of automated control systems at industrial enterprises of the Soviet Union. Solving problems related to new industries and training qualified personnel for all sectors of the national economy. The creation of the first textbooks and manuals on management, the organization of research laboratories at enterprises, the creation of a Research Laboratory (NIL MGSNH) and the opening of the first information and computing center in the USSR at the Ordzhonikidze Moscow Institute of Engineering and Economics. The object of the research is the contribution of Igor Nikolaevich Kuznetsov to the development of the foundations of managerial education in the conditions of the socialist economic system and the scientific and technical revolution. His work is in the field of scientific organization of production management, evaluation of efficiency at enterprises of different industrial purposes, improvement of the internal structure of the enterprise, development of theoretical problems of management of socialist industrial production and in the field of research of patterns of economic development of socialist industrial enterprises. The basic principles of the introduction and operation of automated control systems are considered separately, the practice of improving the training of personnel in the field of industrial production management is shown by connecting industry enterprises and universities on a research basis.
development of management science, production management functions, production management, scientific organization of labor, State University of Management, management, domestic management education, Kozlova Olympiada Vasilyevna, Kuznetsov Igor Nikolaevich, shopless production
Savvinov P.O..
Trips to the Precincts in the Communicative Space of Magistrates in Yakut Oblast in the late 19th − early 20th Century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 11.
P. 89-101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.11.38873 EDN: REFVZY URL:
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The research subject is the trip of judges of the peace to the districts in the Yakutsk region in their communicative space in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The object is the communication practice related to the development of judicial proceedings in the Yakutsk region in the period specified. The trips to the sections in the communicative space of justices of the peace are analyzed. The research follows the methodological principles of the frontier modernization approach of I. V. Poberezhnikov, the one commonly used for the analysis of the peripheral regions of the Russian Empire. The comparative-historical method, revealing cause-and-effect relationships and patterns of the historical process, is used as a cognitive tool. The scholarly novelty of the study is that for the first time in the national historiography, the magistrates’ court proceedings are studied specifically in the context of communication space in the North-East of the Russian Empire in the late 19th − early 20th century. Based on the results of the study, a conclusion is made that, during the period under review, overland communications and summonses for magistrates of the Yakutia region served as the main communication channel in the judicial proceedings. In Yakutia, given that overland communications were seasonal, magistrates rarely traveled to certain inaccessible areas. In addition, frequent trips to vast areas of judges of the peace led to the fact that they practically did not have time to hide all the mail received during their absence, which became one of the reasons for the slowdown in legal proceedings. During their trips, magistrates could use any suitable premises for court proceedings as a temporary chamber.
Yakut Oblast, appellate court, district court, post house, trip, volost administration, overland communications, postroad, communicative space, magistrate's court
Pishchuk M.D..
Approaches of the USSR and the RSFSR to the Institutionalization of Ethnic Policy on the Example of the Creation of the Goskomnats of the USSR and the Goskomnats of the RSFSR in 1989-1991
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 9.
P. 1-17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.9.38693 EDN: TXYWXQ URL:
The article deals with the problem of institutionalization of ethnic policy in the USSR and the RSFSR, namely, the process of creating state institutions for its implementation in 1989-1991. The main purpose of the work is to identify the reasons for the creation of the Goskomnats of the USSR and the Goskomnats of the RSFSR, as well as to analyze the specific features of their further status. The main research methods are historical-genetic and historical-systemic, the use of which allows analyzing the information received from historical-institutional positions. The research is based on the provisions of institutional theory, according to which the process of institutionalization reflects important features of the development of the public administration system as a whole. The relevance of the study is explained by the fact that the study of the process of institutionalization of ethnic policy in the USSR and the RSFSR allows us to obtain new information about the measures taken by the leadership of the USSR and the RSFSR in the field of ethnic policy. The novelty of the study is based on the fact that the Goskomnats of the USSR and the Goskomnats of the RSFSR have not previously acted as an independent subject of research. The main conclusion of the study indicates that the process of creating the Goskomnats of the USSR and the Goskomnats of the RSFSR reflects different approaches to the institutionalization of ethnic policy. If the Goskomnats of the USSR could not become an effective state institute of ethnic policy of the USSR, then the Goskomnats of the RSFSR became such, having survived the collapse of the USSR and having existed until the beginning. In the 2000s, while participating in solving many problems of regulating interethnic relations in the RSFSR (Russia). Such a difference in the fate of the two state institutions is due to the fact that the leadership of the USSR reacted to the creation of the Goskomnats of the USSR very formally, showing little interest in its future fate, and the leadership of the RSFSR was able to realize the importance of creating the Goskomnats of the RSFSR, as a result of which it supported him in his future activities.
Interethnic relations, Perestroika, the RSFSR, Goskomnats of the USSR, Goskomnats of the RSFSR, the USSR, the collapse of the USSR, state institutions, institutionalization, ethnic policy
Tkachenko I.Y..
Creation of a Provision order and local bodies for providing troops in the XVIII century .
// Genesis: Historical research.
2022. № 8.
P. 113-124.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2022.8.36283 EDN: XJJIXV URL:
The article describes the reasons for the creation of the department of centralized provision of troops, decisions taken at the stages of the formation of the Provision Order, local management bodies of the armed forces. From the very beginning, the organizational principles of the new department were also defined. This step was due to the need to centralize the supply of food to the army and navy, as well as the creation of a special management and control body for the activities of local food authorities. The article also tells about the work of the proviantmasters - the first administrators of the food department, about the activities of the Provision Commissions and their contribution to the development of the army supply system. During the formation of the Provision Order, many different decisions were made on this problem. As a result of the study, the processes that formed a new department for the Russian state were identified. The sources of the article are mainly archival materials of the Russian State Archive of Ancient Acts (RGADA), as well as literary sources. During the creation of the Provision Service, the main tasks that the department faced, including the military, were highlighted — the formation of a provision corps, the construction of military structures, the formation of food establishments, the provision of food for troops, the formation of food warehouses and the provision of soldiers' food.
regular army, Proviantmaster General, forage, rear, The Northern War, Provisions order, Peter I, The Russian Empire, provinces, fleet
Chekushkina E.O..
Activity of the Prosecutor's Office of Khakass Autonomous Oblast in the 1960s (based on archival materials)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2021. № 12.
P. 218-224.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2021.12.37092 URL:
Leaning on the archival materials, this article examines the work of the Prosecutor's Office of Khakass Autonomous Oblast in the 1960s, as well as highlights positive and negative aspects therein. The object of this research is the Soviet Prosecutor's Office. The subject is the activity of the Prosecutor's Office of Khakass Autonomous Oblast in the 1960s. Archival sources contain meeting protocols, briefing notes on the work of city and district prosecutor's offices of Khakass Autonomous Oblast, internal reports on the work of the prosecutor's office, etc. The article employs the historical-comparative method for studying the types of activity of district prosecutor’s offices of Khakass Autonomous Oblast and criminal situation in these districts; quantitative methods for tracing the amount of crime, percentage ratio, number of cases, etc.; systemic-functional method for consideration of tasks faced by the prosecutor's office. The main types of activity in the 1960’s indicate oversight activity, crime prevention, legal propaganda, monitoring the execution of the decrees of the Prosecutor General of the Soviet Union, participation of the prosecutors in court hearings, consideration and resolution of citizens’ complaints.
struggle against crime, supervisory activities, supervision, Khakass Autonomous Region, prosecutors, procuracy, legal propaganda, investigation, crimes, criminality
Borodina E.V..
Yekaterinburg division of judicial and country affairs during the 1735–1740: structure of presence of the institution
// Genesis: Historical research.
2021. № 11.
P. 16-29.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2021.11.36796 URL:
The subject of this research is the Yekaterinburg division of judicial and county during the 1735–1740. Despite the fact that any institution of the XVIII consisted of chancellery and presence, attention is focused on the analysis of the composition of “judges” – presence of the division throughout six years of its existence. The goal of the article is to determine the dynamics of changes in the composition of judges of the institution, which revealed the peculiarities of human resource policy in the Ural local administration in the mid XVIII century. The research relies on the documentary sources stored in the State Archive of Sverdlovsk Region, primarily minutes record books of minutes of the division of judicial and country affairs for the indicated period that contain information on the composition of officials in panel sessions of the institution. In this regard, the methods of research have become the methods of source research. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that reconstruction of the composition of presence of the regional administrations of the XVIII century are virtually absent. For the most part, they pertain to the time of major judicial and administrative transformations of the first and last quarters of the XVIII century. The institutions vested with judicial powers that existed in the second and third quarters of the XVIII century usually are do not receive due attention. In the course of analysis of the documentary materials, the conclusion is made on instability in the composition of the division of judicial and county affairs. The members of the presence rarely met in full, and the seat of the “chief magistrate” often lied vacant. All members were military servants with regular assignments, which was unrelated to their work in the department. The clerks remained the main driving force in the judicial process.
judges, militarymen, chancellery, History of State, Russian Empire, History of the Urals, Russian History, Tatishchev, minute books, Ekaterinburg
Solovev K.A..
The elements of public administration theory in the “projects” of Count P. I. Shuvalov
// Genesis: Historical research.
2021. № 3.
P. 94-109.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2021.3.33542 URL:
The subject of this research is the development of theoretical representations on the mechanism of public administration in Russia of the XVIII century. The goal is to determine in the texts of draft reforms prepared by Count P. I. Shuvalov the provisions on the objectives and principles of public administration, as well as to analyze his views on the process of reforming state and social institutions. In the texts of P. I. Shuvalov examines such elements of public administration theory as the administrative objectives, its subject matter, instruments, and administrative decision-making process. It allowed establishing correlation between the two concepts: “the good of the state” and “the common good”, as the goals pursued by public administration. The formulated by Shuvalov principles of public administration fully corresponded to the principles advanced by the philosophers of the European Enlightenment. The conducted analysis decision-making mechanism reveals a universal algorithm, which implies several stages of development of the reforms: a) outlining the problem that needs to be solved using the instruments of public administration ; b) determining the causes of this problem; c) proposing solution to the problem, d) discussing the proposed solution, indicating the instruments that need to be implemented by the state.
common good, Shuvalov, state, history of managerial thought, history of public administration, history of Russia, the reign of Elizabeth, XVIIII century, history of political thought, governance
Arkhipova A.I..
Governor’s Office of Yakutsk Region as a reflection of the principles of human resource policy of the Russian government (middle XIX – early XX centuries)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2019. № 12.
P. 55-66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.12.31651 URL:
The subject of this research is the personnel of the Governor’s Office of Yakutsk Region in the middle XIX – early XX centuries. The object of this research is the human resource policy of the government of the Russian Empire aimed at formation of the Governor’s Office. The author examines the formal and informal criteria of the selection of candidates for this post. Attention is given to the role of governor in career of the officials of the prerevolutionary period. The article analyzes the key features of state policy in selecting candidates for the post of the governor, as well as implementation of these principles for human resourcing of Yakut Region in the middle XIX – early XX centuries. The author leans on methodology introduced by P. A. Zaynochkovsky, which suggests the integrated application of legislative acts, official lists, and a number of other sources for identification of quantitative characteristics of the Governor’s Office alongside their qualitative parameters. The conclusion is made that the human resource policy, in the context of formation of the Governor’s Office, was characterized by the absences of the well-established legal rules and certain flexibility in approving the candidates. For officials, the gubernatorial position was a way to move up in ranks, and retire with a higher pension. The novelty of this research consists in comprehensive characteristics of the Governor’s Office of Yakutsk Region viewed through the prism of human resource policy of the government of the Russian Empire.
vice-governor, governor, the Russian Empire, periphery, personnel policy, Management, senior adviser, legislation, career, criterion
Pestova O..
Peculiarities of record keeping at the beginning stages of the formation of Soviet Militsiya
// Genesis: Historical research.
2019. № 7.
P. 57-64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2019.7.28302 URL:
The subject of this article is the legal and theoretical-practical basis of the organization of record keeping in police forces of the Soviet Union during the 1917-1920. The article examines the existing in theoretical research classification of documentation, which correspond with the types of the titled documents reflected in the acts of establishment of the Soviet Militsiya, and the acts regarding the order of implementation of record keeping at the stage of formation of the Soviet police forces for the purpose of determination of the principal classifications of record keeping documents in the Soviet police forces, which allow grouping any types of documentation. Methodology is based on the historical-legal analysis of regulatory acts, as well as comparative method with regards to classification of documentation. The scientific novelty consists in the legal assessment of historical acts on organization of the Soviet Militsiya alongside the record keeping acts, namely in determination of the mechanism of entrenchment of rules of record keeping, order of allocation of authorities in accordance with the territorial principle, which formed the range of record keeping documents within the framework of the separate branch of the Soviet Militsiya.
Soviet law, departmental record keeping, document, types of documents, historical source, the bodies of internal Affairs, documents of the people's Commissariat of internal Affairs, records management, Soviet police, document classification
Pozdnyakova A.S..
The establishment and activity of Vyatka Governorate Commission on combating desertion in 1919
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 11.
P. 56-66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.11.27453 URL:
This article is dedicated to examination of the establishment and first year of operation of Vyatka Governorate Commission on combating desertion. Based on the previously unstudied documents of the State Archive of Kirov Oblast, the author describes the approaches and methods used by Commission, as well as presents the most resonant cases of mass desertion. The study provides the examples of reports of the anti-desertion units, and describes the work of command centers. The article cites the statistical data on the number of deserters in Vyatka Governorate during the 1919. The scientific novelty lies in introduction into the scientific discourse of the previously unknown archival materials. A conclusion is made that Vyatka Governorate Commission on combating desertion in 1919 practiced various methods. It is noted that desertion carried “seasonal” character; one of the major reasons of evading military duty was the fact that the financial support to the families of Red Army soldier was not rendered in a timely manner.
banditry, Red army, revolutionary tribunal, emergency services, Eastern front, Civil war, desertion, Vyatka province, Soviet court proceedings, the establishment of Soviet power
Semenova N.L..
Office of the military governor and special order officials in the system of local government of Orenburg Krai in the early XIX century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 11.
P. 67-79.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.11.28092 URL:
The object of this research is the office of the Orenburg military governor and special order officials in the first half of the XIX century. The subject field of the problem includes the analysis of the structure, composition and functions of the office of Orenburg military governor during the mentioned timeframe, as well as the role of the special order officials in the system of governor administration based on the archival sources and literature. The solution of research problems will give a fuller picture on the functionality of military governor institution in one of the remote boundary provinces of the Russian Empire. The chronological framework include the period of existence of the Orenburg military governorate. The scientific novelty is defined by introduction of the new archival documents into the scientific discourse. A conclusion is made that the formal status of the military governor’s office in the early XIX century was not high; but personal participation of the military governor in selecting the leader and secretaries, size of salaries of the officials, centralization of management office, entire correspondence of the military government with the “tops” and the “bottoms”, secret and pressing issues attached special importance to it. The military governor held interest in operative solution of the tasks, thus seeking for young, educated and qualified officials with service experience.
civil administration, border management, the emperor, special orders officials, military governor, office of the military governor, Orenburg Province, command of irregular forces, states, department
Roshchevskaya L.P..
Control over the islands of Arctic Ocean in 1920’s
// Genesis: Historical research.
2018. № 4.
P. 73-84.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2018.4.25890 URL:
The subject of this research is the activity of the branches of local executive authorities on the islands of Arctic Ocean, various responsibilities and scientific interests of the head of Administration of the Islands of Arctic Ocean I. A. Perfiliev: characteristic of economic situation of arctic land and its place in national economy; organization of control over a vast territory of the islands in 1920’s; explorations of systematics and study of flora of the islands. The goal is to analyze the documental base on history of the branches of local executive authorities and examination of plant resources of the islands of Arctic Ocean in 1920’s from the perspective of the social history of science. For periodization of activity of the Administration is applied a comparative method; the criterion for periodization is the administrative changes in control over the islands. The history of Administration counts three periods: 1917-1925; March of 1925 – June of 1927; 1927-1934. In the context of substantiation of the geopolitical and socioeconomic interests of the country, the author analyze the documental data on development of the islands as a part of Russia, reveal the geography and sizes of the region headed by I. A. Perfiliev during the 1920’s. The scientific novelty lies in introduction into the academic discourse of Perfiliev’s manuscripts preserved in the Institute of Biology of Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The author determines the vectors of Perfiliev’s activity in Arctic in 1920’s: organization of control over the islands; characteristic of people’s occupation; development of deer farming; exploration of flora of the islands as deer forage.
floristic research, plant resources, Arctic Ocean, management of islands, social history of science, socio-cultural problems, geopolitical space, Arctic, Perfiliev Ivan Alexandrovich, National economy
Savelev D.L..
Formation of the system of public education management during the first years of the Soviet power (on the example of Tyumen governorate)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2017. № 3.
P. 33-41.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2017.3.22304 URL:
The article is devoted to examination of the processes of formation of the system of public education management and cultural-educational activity during the first years of the establishment of Soviet power in Tyumen (Tobolsk) governorate, before its entry into the Ural Region in 1923. Based on the analysis of archive materials, the author determines and analyzes the features of formation and human resources of the governorate's department of public education under the conditions of the civil war and establishment of a system of councils. The article gives assessment to the role of military revolutionary committee of Tyumen governorate alongside the governorate political and educational committee in the organization of public education. The scientific novelty is substantiated by introduction into academic discourse of the archive materials that allow expanding the perception about the content of the state building processes in the field of public education, as well as political agitation in the territory of Tyumen governorate. The author underlines that the development of organizational structures alongside the public education management system in the region were under the influence of the circumstances of civil war and repeated change of political power.
council of public education, Soviet power, revolutionary committee, civil war, military crisis, department of education, public education, Ministry of Education , Central Committee of the Republic for Political Education, Tyumen governorate
Serov D..
Legal educational qualification requirements and formation of the association of jurists in government service of the Russian Empire
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 6.
P. 123-138.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.6.20515 URL:
The object of this article is the part of Russian bureaucracy, which performed their service in justice agencies during the second and third part of the XIX century. The subject of this article is the processes that lead to the transformation of this part of bureaucracy into the association of jurists in government service of the empire. Due to this fact, special attention is given to the coverage of the history of introduction of the legal qualification requirements for the officials of the justice agencies in Russian legislation, as well as dynamics of the educational level of the judges, prosecutors, and investigators over the period of 1850’s – 1860’s. The work suggests the definition of the notion “professional association”, as well as formulates the conditions required for the emergence of the association of jurists in government civil service. The author substantiates the conclusion about the presence in pre-reform Russia of the deficit of individuals with the higher education in law. Based on the attraction of an extensive circle of legislative acts and normative material, the author carefully examines the history of establishment of the legal educational qualification requirements in the first half of the 1860’s. The article is first to provide the systemic data on the dynamics of the educational level of judges in pre-reform and reformed agencies of justice, prosecutors, and investigators over the period of 1851-1868. It is demonstrated that the conditions necessary for the establishment of the association of jurists have formed in Russian during the course of judicial reform and reform of the investigative bodies, and the graduates of the Imperial School of Jurisprudence comprised the backbone in origination of this association.
higher legal education, educational level, prosecutor, judge, Russian bureaucracy , state civil service, association of jurists, Ministry of Justice, Russian Senate, Imperial School of Jurisprudence
Abdulin R.S..
Political-legal nature of judicial administration in Russia (1917-1998)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 2.
P. 63-96.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.2.17669 URL:
The subject of this research is the political-legal nature of judicial administration in Russia. The author claims that judicial administration is an original, inimitably specific phenomenon in the history of the Russian state and law, which has its peculiar legal nature. Due to this fact, it is important to understand on the doctrinal level not only the system of legal norms that regulate this legal phenomenon, but also a combination of essential actions on its implementation and realization, as well as its inner foundation and content. Therefore, the author gradually reveals the legal nature of judicial administration, which represents a complex multilevel process of comprehensive research and determination of the specific conceptual aspects. The research of the political legal nature of judicial administration carries a major significance – it establishes its genesis, defines the initial principles of structural organization, which leads to a deeper understanding of the place and role of judicial administration within the system of the government authority bodies. Scientific novelty consists in the fact that this work is a complex interdisciplinary research, which for the first time in history examines the political-legal nature of the Russian judicial administration as a variety of government activity in judicial sphere.
Judicial, Administration, Political-legal, Senate, Modernization, Russian Empire, Party dictatorship, Communist Party, Soviet State, Judicial system
Abdulin R.S..
General characteristics and models of court administration in the RSFSR (1917-1998).
// Genesis: Historical research.
2016. № 1.
P. 138-202.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2016.1.17542 URL:
This article examines the formation and development of judicial administration in Russia from 1917 to 1998 the Main part of the article is devoted to the development of judicial administration in the RSFSR, reviewed the model at various stages of the Soviet state. The author believes that the judiciary of the RSFSR originates in pre-revolutionary Russia, since at the initial stage of its development, the Soviet state created the judicial management -the people's Commissariat of justice of RSFSR and gave it functions similar to the Ministry of justice of the Russian Empire and the Provisional government. The author explores the development of each model trial and shows their dependence on state policy in the field of justice and influence on these processes of the Communist party. Throughout the study, the author carries out the idea that in any transitional historical periods of formation and development of judicial control of substantial importance is given to past experience in judicial management, creative perception of the national traditions of such governance, objectively exist between different historical periods of the development of the state.
Communist Party, Communist ideology, party dictatorship, in-system management
Abdulin R.S..
The origin of the court administration (historical legal analysis)
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 6.
P. 692-763.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.6.17391 URL:
The subject of this research is the origin of the Russian judicial administration. Within the Russian juridical science since the pre-revolutionary period the tendency to determine what is the “judicial administration” is quite evident. The author believes that the judicial administration takes its roots from the period of Peter the Great's Administrative and Judicial Reforms and represents a complicated socio-political phenomenon that is subjected to a constant action and change. Due to this fact, the author conducts a systemic analysis of genesis and evolution of this phenomenon, defines its elements, which give an understanding of the mechanisms and principles of functioning of the institution of court administration within the specific historical period. In his research, the author examines the establishment and development of judicial administration in the Russian Empire, as well as in the inter-revolutionary and Soviet periods, and its transformation into the modern internal judicial administration carried out by the judicial authority itself.
sources, court, control, government, Russian empire, Soviet, modern, system, justice, history
Sevryukov D.S..
Features of formation of the judiciary in the development and adoption of the Constitution of the USSR in 1936
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 3.
P. 651-671.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.14460 URL:
The subject of the research is the set of normative legal acts regulating the formation of judges of courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation. The author explores not only regulations, but also archival sources. The paper makes an interesting conclusions, allowing the show features of the procedure of formation of the judiciary in the study period. The above circumstances actualize the theme chosen for the study because of historical and legal analysis of the experience of becoming the organizational and legal mechanism of formation of the judiciary in the RSFSR can make positive adjustments to the process of reforming the modern judicial system in order to avoid the mistakes made in the past. Methodological basis of this work are the general principles and methods of scientific knowledge related to the research unit of the humanities. This includes, in particular, the principles of dialectics: Development and historicism, general scientific approaches - methods of analysis and synthesis, systematic approach, induction and deduction, etc. In addition, were used special methods: formal-legal, concrete historical, comparative legal, chronological, sociological, etc. due to the fact that the presented thesis is the first in the domestic legal science work that attempts to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the organizational and legal mechanism of formation of the judiciary courts of general jurisdiction in the Russian Federation. In the course of the study to obtain new results and conclusions, supplemented, clarified, specifying either refute prevailing in the domestic legal science views on the issues of formation of the judiciary in Soviet Russia.
termination of office, recruitment, the work, staff, Soviet Russia, history, proceedings, judiciary, court, the status of judges
Tret'yakova E..
The establishment of the Ministry of foreign Affairs of the Russian Empire in the XIX - early XX century
// Genesis: Historical research.
2015. № 3.
P. 672-690.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-868X.2015.3.14484 URL:
The article explores the process of formation of the Ministry of foreign Affairs as one of the most important bodies of state power in the XIX - early XX century. Considered normative acts of the Russian state, determined the structure and powers of the Ministry of foreign Affairs on the stage of active international cooperation of the Russian state. The main stages in the formation of patterns and issues, analyses the relevant transformations that took place in the course of the reform. Attention is paid to individual personnel policy within the Ministry. The study of historical and legal analysis of the claimed processes based on primary sources (acts of domestic legislation adopted in the specified period of time). Conducted historical and legal analysis of the formation of the Ministry of foreign Affairs in the XIX - early XX centuries, the tendencies associated with the process of forming the structure of the public authority, carrying out the foreign policy activities in the specified period, based on the analysis of normative legal acts of the structural elements of the foreign Ministry, their legal status, functions.
normative regulation, structure, questions of competence, Reform of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, XIX century, Ministry of foreign Affairs, staff policy, the conduct of, the value of the Ministry of foreign Affairs, management of foreign operations