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Police activity

Analysis of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Osintseva Lyudmila Mikhailovna

Lecturer at the Department of Information Science and Special Equipment of Barnaul Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

656922, Russia, Altaiskii krai, g. Barnaul, ul. Gazobetonnaya, 12
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Abstract: The dynamics of innovative processes taking place in modern society, changes in indicators in the list of state accreditation of universities, where a new indicator has been added – "Educational activity of an educational institution", indicates the importance of the educational component in the training of cadets and the extreme relevance of the research topic. Based on the above, the subject of the study will be the educational work carried out at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), as well as the conditions and factors affecting it. Our research involves evaluation of the state of educational work carried out in the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to study, evaluate, predict, develop positive and prevent negative processes. The analysis of educational work in a narrow sense is limited to the goals of studying and evaluating the educational process. In order to verify the effectiveness of educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a methodology was chosen in the form of a questionnaire and a survey. The article presents the results of a study aimed at showing the effectiveness of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The concepts of "education", "educational work", "educational system" are disclosed, the main goals of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the tasks of education, as well as the main duties of the curator of the study group are considered. Approaches and criteria for an effective assessment of educational work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are proposed based on the results, which were summarized and systematized the data obtained. The effectiveness of educational work cannot always be assessed immediately after the survey. Many results manifest themselves in the long term, so it is also important to consider the dynamics of changes in students' behavior, relationships, and communication skills over time. When evaluating the effectiveness of educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the following criteria were used: attitude to study; prospects for their studies (service); psychological state; physical well-being; interpersonal skills; participation in events held at the institute; change in motivation to study over the past year.


educational work, cadets and students, teaching staff, curator, study group, learning perspective, physical well-being, interpersonal relationships, psychological state, survey

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Introduction. The training of cadets at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia) involves not only teaching them the necessary knowledge and skills in their chosen profession, but also gaining skills to solve emerging problems of relationships in a team, with colleagues, friends. Because it is at the university that, by actively participating in creative teams, scientific circles, and public organizations, cadets and students acquire solid life guidelines, personal qualities, and organizational skills necessary for a future police officer.

The modern young generation is very different from the former youth, it is more erudite, has diverse interests and many opportunities for further development. Their growing up period takes place in the age of global digitalization, thanks to which they quickly master computer technology and various gadgets [1].

In the context of digitalization of education, new approaches to educational work are emerging, which include:

– the use of information technology to involve students in the educational process;

– promoting the development of personal blogs, student media and socio-political activities of students;

– organization of interuniversity and international training projects and conferences.

The main purpose of the study is to increase the effectiveness of educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the development of cadets' personal and social skills, value orientations and motivation for self-improvement [3].

The object of the study is educational work carried out by curators of study groups with cadets of the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The subject of the study is to identify factors influencing the development of positive and prevention of negative processes of educational work carried out at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

The main tasks of educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are:

– providing conditions for self-education and self-development of the personality of each cadet and listener;

– education of students' spiritual and moral qualities, norms of behavior and culture of speech and communication;

– maintaining the traditional way of life of the institute;

– formation of a patriotic feeling and a more active civic position;

– formation of individual characteristics that are necessary for further professional activity;

– formation of intercultural interaction;

– formation of self-organization and self-development skills, including health-saving;

– organization of social and psychological assistance to cadets and students.

As mentioned above, now higher educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia have had to face the younger generation, who grew up in a modern society where the boundaries between physical and digital space are blurred, which leads to the problem of misunderstanding of generations and substitution of life values.

In the Strategy for the Development of Education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, the process of education is considered "as a strategic national priority requiring the consolidation of efforts of various civil society institutions and departments at the federal, regional and municipal levels" [5, p.8].

In pedagogical science, many interpretations of the term "education" have been given, for example, well-known researchers Rozhkov M.I. and Bayborodova L.V. consider education "as a pedagogical component of socialization, which involves purposeful actions to create the necessary conditions for human development" [6, p.3].

Podlasyi I.P., the author of one of the popular textbooks on pedagogy, gives the following definition: "Education is a specially organized, controlled and controlled influence of educators and pupils, with the ultimate goal of forming a personality that is necessary and useful to society" [6, p.4].

In particular, such scientists as V.A. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova give the following exhaustive definition of this concept: "education is the management of the process of personality development through the creation of favorable conditions for it" [7, p.4].

The pedagogical terminology dictionary defines the concept of "educational work" – "this is a purposeful activity for organizing the life of adults and children, aiming to create conditions for the full development of personality" [8, p.3].

Sidorov S.V. points out that "education implements the following functions: cultural and creative (preservation, transfer to a new generation and reproduction of the cultural heritage of mankind); humanistic (development of the potential of the child's personality); the function of socialization and social adaptation (training of the student and his introduction into the social environment)" [9, p.3].

An analysis of published scientific materials devoted to educational work has shown that modern society puts forward a number of requirements for the upbringing of a modern, competitive person, therefore, the process of education and upbringing is considered as a means of human development not only as an individual, but also as a member of society. In this regard, the most important element in the preparation of students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is educational work with cadets and trainees.

Also, educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is aimed at achieving the following goals:

– formation of a socially active and harmoniously developed personality;

– instilling cultural and moral and ethical values in the cadets;

– preparation for professional and social activities.

At the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the teaching staff act as curators and organizers, creating conditions for self-realization and comprehensive development of cadets and trainees.

In accordance with the law on education, the regulations on the curators of educational groups of the Faculty of Training Police Officers and investigators of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and other regulatory documents, the main responsibility of the curator of the study group is to provide practical and methodological assistance to the management of the course and the group in conducting educational work.

The activities of curators of study groups are aimed at developing communication skills and behavior in the educational team, instilling in cadets and students the qualities necessary for service in the internal affairs bodies, educating cadets and students a conscious attitude to acquiring knowledge, creating a cohesive, organized and highly disciplined team of the study group [11].

In the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the curator of the study group should know:

– the personnel of the supervised group, the characteristic features of each cadet, his hobbies, habits, interaction with classmates;

– to involve cadets in science and creativity, to develop their interest in research activities;

– to provide assistance in the form of mentoring to the asset of the study group in the organization and conduct of educational and leisure activities;

– regularly analyze the state of academic performance and discipline in the supervised group, help the asset, take measures to comply with the requirements of the Institute's Charter, and strengthen official discipline;

– to carry out individual work with cadets included in the group of psychological and pedagogical attention, as well as with cadets belonging to the category of orphans and children left without parental care;

– to know the living conditions of cadets and trainees living in the city [12].

Since it is during the interaction of training and upbringing that the educational process is carried out, which allows the cadet to form a personality with his own opinion, capable of self-improvement, forms the skills of making the right decision in any difficult situation, promptly solve emerging professional tasks, be responsible for the tasks assigned to him.

Methods. The main purpose of educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is "to create conditions for active life, civic self-determination, maximum satisfaction of the needs for intellectual, cultural and moral development of students"[1]. As a result, the question arises, how can this goal be achieved and how can the effectiveness of educational activities at the university be assessed?

The analysis of the conducted review of scientific literature on the topic of interest to us showed that the following approaches and evaluation criteria are used to assess the effectiveness of educational activities at the university: questionnaires and surveys, self-analysis of participants, study of performance indicators, observation and evaluation of behavior, student portfolios, practical results, interviews and reflection, reports and analytical records of the organizers, evaluation on the part of experts, comparative analysis, long-term tracking of results.

Based on the above-listed approaches, the methodology was chosen in the form of a questionnaire and a survey, since the questionnaire allows you to obtain a characteristic sample for statistical data processing, namely, to present objective results [4].

Results. Educational work in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a set of actions aimed at forming the personality of cadets and students, developing their intellectual and moral qualities, as well as preparing them for life and professional activity in society. It includes not only the transfer of knowledge, but also the development of skills of social adaptation, independence, responsibility and respect for social norms [2].

The educational system is "an integral social organism functioning under the condition of interaction of the main components of education (subjects, goals, content and methods of activity, relationships) and possessing such integrative characteristics as the lifestyle of the collective, its psychological climate" [10].

The effectiveness of educational work cannot always be assessed immediately after the survey. Many results manifest themselves in the long term, so it is also important to consider the dynamics of changes in students' behavior, relationships, and communication skills over time.

The correct selection of criteria for the effectiveness of educational work is the main requirement, since incorrectly selected evaluation criteria do not allow achieving the desired results, which are determined by the goal. As a result, an assessment of the effectiveness of educational work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia allows to identify gaps in the educational system and develop a strategy to eliminate these gaps [13].

The following criteria were used to assess the effectiveness of educational work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:

  1. Attitude to study.
  2. The prospects of their training (service).
  3. The psychological state.
  4. Physical well-being.
  5. Interpersonal skills.
  6. Participation in events held at the Institute.
  7. The change in motivation to study over the past year.

1. The calculation method according to the criterion "Attitude to study at the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" is calculated according to the following formula: A / C * 100%, where A – I like studying; C – the total number of responses.

Question: Evaluate your attitude to studying at the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

A – I like studying, it has great value for me, I study with a desire;

B – I am indifferent to my studies, I perform only the educational and service minimum;

C – I don't like studying, it doesn't make sense or value to me.

As a result of the conducted survey of cadets who took part in the survey, the following indicators were obtained (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The attitude of cadets to studying at the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

2. The calculation method according to the criterion "Prospects for their training (service)" is calculated according to the formula: A / C * 100%, where A – continue service; C – the total number of responses.

Question: What are the prospects of your training (service) Do you see it now?

A – Finish the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. To serve in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

B – Finish the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. I haven't decided on further plans yet.

C – Transfer to another university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

D – Resign from the service (studies) in the near future.

As a result of the conducted survey of cadets who took part in the survey, the following indicators were obtained (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Prospects for training cadets in the BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

3. The calculation method according to the criterion "Psychological state" is calculated according to the formula: A / C * 100%, where A – improved; C – the total number of responses.

Question: How has your psychological state changed over the year?

A – improved;

B – has not changed;

B – it got worse.

As a result of the conducted survey of cadets who took part in the survey, the following indicators were obtained (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3. The psychological state of the cadets of the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

4. The calculation method according to the criterion of "Physical well–being" is calculated according to the formula: A / C * 100%, where A – improved; C - the total number of responses.

Question: How has your physical well-being changed over the year?

A – Improved;

B – Has not changed;

B – It got worse.

As a result of the conducted survey of cadets who took part in the survey, the following indicators were obtained (Fig. 4)

Fig. 4. The physical well-being of the cadets of the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

5. The calculation method according to the criterion "Interpersonal relations in a team" included thirteen questions that were calculated according to the formula: A / C * 100%, where A is "Yes"; B is "No"; C is the total number of answers.

Question 1. Sincere participation and emotional support of team members in case of successes or failures of individual cadets;

Question 2. Conflict, aggression and antipathy in the relationship between classmates;

Question 3. Rudeness, insult from classmates;

Question 4. Emotional unity of team members in difficult professional situations;

Question 5. The achievements or failures of the team are experienced by all cadets as their own;

Question 6. Team members show a negative attitude towards participating in joint informal events;

Question 7. The feeling of pride among the cadets for their team;

Question 8. The criticisms of classmates are in the nature of explicit and open attacks;

Question 9. Spreading gossip and rumors;

Question 10. Friendly attitude towards newcomers in the team;

Question 11. Mutual respect for each other's opinions;

Question 12. Psychological compatibility between members of your team;

Question 13. High psychological tension in the team;

As a result of the conducted survey of cadets who took part in the survey, the following indicators were obtained (Table 1)

Table 1

Interpersonal relationships in the team among the BYU cadets THE Ministry of Internal Affairs Of Russia

No. p / p




A – "Yes"

is present

B – "No"



A – "Yes"

is present

B – "No"

not typical


Sincere participation and emotional support of team members in case of successes or failures of individual cadets






Conflict, aggression and antipathy in relationships between classmates






Rudeness, insult from classmates






Emotional unity of team members in difficult professional situations






The achievements or failures of the team are experienced by all cadets as their own






Team members show a negative attitude towards participating in joint informal events






The cadets feel proud of their team






The criticisms of classmates are in the nature of explicit and open attacks






Spreading gossip and rumors






Friendly attitude towards newcomers in the team






Mutual respect for each other's opinions






Psychological compatibility between members of your team






High psychological tension in the team





The indicators presented in Table 1 indicate that educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is being fully implemented. These data help to identify strengths and weaknesses in the educational work system and identify areas for further development and improvement of the educational system in an educational organization [14]. But, despite the results presented above, curators of study groups need to pay attention to the decrease in the indicator "The feeling of pride of cadets for their team", since this indicator directly affects interpersonal relations, including the cohesion of team members, assistance to each other, as well as the quality of educational work carried out at the university.

Thus, educational work at the university is an integral part of the educational process, contributes to the formation of not only qualified specialists, but also educated, proactive, active citizens capable of constant self-improvement and decision-making in various spheres of life.

Practical significance. The research results obtained by us can be used in the course of planning and organizing educational work in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. At the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the experience presented in the article was recognized as positive and recommended for further use.

Conclusion. The educational organization's development program clearly defines the graduate model at each stage of education [15]. The management of the educational organization and the curators of the groups are constantly in continuous search for various forms and methods of working with students, as evidenced by the results presented in Figures 1-4, which indicate the high efficiency of the educational work carried out in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. At the same time, it should be emphasized that curators of study groups need to pay more attention to the intellectual direction in educational work, which includes introducing cadets to various types of research activities, encouraging students' initiative, their independence in studies, self-development and self-education. Also, in order to further determine the main directions of educational work, curators should clearly represent the range of urgent problems that exist in the cadet environment, since planning educational work with students is a creative process that takes into account the specifics of the university and the peculiarities of the region. In addition to this, I would like to note that the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia has: own educational program; programs corresponding to the main directions of educational work; the schedule of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the implementation of the action plan for the implementation in 2021-2025 of the Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025, in addition, each curator has a plan of educational work, a journal of educational work is kept.

[1]Order No. 67 dated 02/22/2018 "On approval of the Regulations on curators of educational groups of the Faculty of Training Police Officers and investigators".

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2. Osintseva, L. M. (2022). Problems of self-organization among students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Police activity, 6, 62–70.
3. Ilyinsky I. M. (2015). On the strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period until 2025. Scientific works of the Moscow Humanitarian University, 1, 5–14.
4. Stepanov P.V. (2017). The concept of “upbringing” in modern pedagogical research. Siberian Pedagogical Journal, 2, 121.
5. Selivanova N.L., Stepanov P.V., & Shakurova M.V. (2014). Scientific school of L. I. Novikova: basic ideas and development prospects. Domestic and foreign pedagogy, 1(16).
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7. Sidorov, S. V., & Tazhetdinova, A. F. (2012). Diagnostics of students’ education. Bulletin of the Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute, 1(14), 213–216.
8. Ostwald, G. V., Dovbysh, S. A., & Nevinskaya, N. A. (2008). Educational aspects of the educational process. III International Scientific and Practical Conference “Agricultural Science for Agriculture”. Barnaul. AGAU, 3, 390–392.
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14. Bukhmin, V. S., Gabdrakhmanova, L. A., Sokolova, E. A., & Fathullova, K. S.(2009). Questioning as a means of assessing the organization and content of the educational process. Bulletin of the Kazan State Energy University, 1(1), 151–156.
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First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The article "Analysis of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" is submitted for review. The work is a brief theoretical overview with the identification and analysis of the main provisions, as well as a proposal for a methodological approach to solving the problem. The subject of the study. The work is aimed at describing and analyzing educational work in an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The author describes the main theoretical approaches and evaluates its effectiveness at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The methodology of the study. The author has analyzed a number of works that address the problem in the following aspects: - basic approaches to the phenomenon of "education" (Stepanov P.V., Podlasy I.P., Karakovsky V.A., Novikova L.I., Selivanova N.L., Sidorov S.V., etc.); - problems of organizing educational work in an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The relevance of the study is due to a number of factors: - training of cadets in an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia involves not only teaching them the necessary knowledge and skills in their chosen profession, but also obtaining skills to solve emerging problems of relationships in a team, with colleagues, friends; - it is important to build an educational process taking into account modern realities, the demands of the younger generation and the requirements of legislation; - it is necessary to define criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the organization of educational work in an educational institution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the following: the research results obtained by the author can be used in the course of planning and organizing educational work in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Style, structure, content. The style of presentation corresponds to publications of this level. The language of the work is scientific. The structure of the work is traced, the author highlights the main semantic parts. The logic of the work can be traced. The content of the article meets the requirements for works of this level. The volume of work is small, but this allowed the author to conduct a theoretical review, as well as to substantiate the content of the basic methodological approach to the organization of educational work in the educational institution of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The introductory section defines the research problem. The author highlights its relevance. Special attention is paid to the analysis of new approaches to educational work, taking into account the conditions of digitalization of education. At the same time, it is important to determine the content of educational work in educational organizations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in accordance with the requests of the younger generation and the Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation. The complexity of the object and subject of the study prompted the author to analyze the theoretical approaches of teachers. The paper presents approaches to the interpretation of the terms "education", "educational system" by such scientists as: Stepanov P.V., Podlasy I.P., Karakovsky V.A., Novikova L.I., Selivanova N.L., Sidorov S.V., etc. The following section is devoted to the description of the content of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia: the content of the tasks and goals, the duties of the curator and the main directions. The analysis allowed the author to raise the question of how to evaluate the effectiveness of educational activities at the university. As a result, the following approaches and evaluation criteria were identified in the work: questionnaires and surveys, self-analysis of participants, study of performance indicators, observation and evaluation of behavior, student portfolios, practical results, interviews and reflection, reports and analytical records of the organizers, assessment by experts, comparative analysis, long-term tracking of results. The following section describes the methods and results of the work carried out. When evaluating the effectiveness of educational work in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, a number of criteria and results are described. The work carried out made it possible to present to the author the attitude of cadets to studying at the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, to highlight the prospects for training; to analyze their psychological state and physical well-being. Special attention is paid to the analysis of interpersonal relations in the team among the cadets of the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The analysis allowed the author to note that educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute is being fully implemented, as well as to identify the strengths and weaknesses of its organization. In conclusion, generalizing conclusions are made. The author highlighted the practical significance of the conducted research. Bibliography. The bibliography of the article includes 15 domestic sources, a small part of which has been published in the last three years. The list includes mainly articles and abstracts. In addition, there is also a monograph and online sources. Sources are not designed correctly and uniformly in all positions (for example, number 3). Appeal to opponents. Recommendations: 1) in the introduction, define the purpose, object and subject, as well as the theoretical and methodological foundations of the research; 2) conduct a more detailed theoretical analysis, including modern sources; 3) describe in more detail the conclusions drawn from the results of the theoretical review and analysis of the literature; 4) offer recommendations on the results of the work and to outline the main directions of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; 5) to correct the bibliographic list in accordance with the requirements. Conclusions. The problems of the topic are of undoubted relevance, theoretical and practical value; it will be of interest to specialists who deal with the problems of organizing educational work in educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The article may be recommended for publication. However, it is important to take into account the highlighted recommendations and make appropriate changes. This will make it possible to submit scientific, methodological and research work to the editorial board, which is characterized by scientific novelty and practical significance.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study is the analysis of educational work at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The research methodology is based on a combination of theoretical and empirical approaches using methods of analysis, survey and questionnaire, comparison, generalization, synthesis. The relevance of the study is determined by the importance of improving the educational process, including educational work, in all educational organizations, including the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The scientific novelty is associated with the author's obtaining original empirical data, as well as the formulated conclusions that the management of the educational organization and the curators of the groups are in a continuous search for various forms and methods of working with students. The presented results indicate the high efficiency of the educational work carried out in the BYU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. curators need to pay more attention to the intellectual direction in educational work. To determine the main directions of educational work, it is necessary to present a range of topical problems existing in the cadet environment. The article is written in Russian literary language. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the manuscript includes the following sections: Introduction (training of cadets at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (BUI of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia), the modern young generation, the period of growing up in the age of global digitalization, new approaches to educational work, purpose, object and subject of research, tasks of educational work), Methods (purpose of educational work, analysis of the review of scientific literature, questionnaire and survey methods), Results (effectiveness of educational work, dynamics of changes in behavior, relationships and communication skills of students over time, selection of criteria – attitude to study, prospects for training (service), psychological state, physical well-being, interpersonal skills, participation in events, change in motivation to study; survey results), Practical significance, Conclusion (conclusions), Bibliography. The text includes four figures and one table. The contents of the drawings are not displayed, which needs to be corrected. The content generally corresponds to the title. At the same time, the text should be slightly restructured. In particular, substantive issues (the essence of education, educational work, etc.) from the "Methods" section should be moved to the "Results" section. Attention is drawn to the decrease in the indicator "The feeling of pride among cadets for their team" (table 1, position 7), which needs to be clarified. The bibliography includes 15 sources of Russian authors – scientific articles, materials of scientific events. Bibliographic descriptions of some sources require adjustments in accordance with GOST and editorial requirements, for example: 3. Osintseva L. M. Problems of self-organization among students at the Barnaul Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia // Policing. 2022. No. 6. pp. 62-70. 5. Ilyinsky I. M., Lukov V. A. On the strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 // Scientific works of the Moscow Humanitarian University. 2015. No. 1. pp. 5-14. 7. Selivanova N. L., Stepanov P. V., Shakurova M. V. Scientific school of L. I. Novikova: main ideas and prospects of development // Domestic and foreign pedagogy. 2014. No. 1. S. ???–???. 14. Bukhmin V. S., Gabdrakhmanova L. A., Sokolova E. A., Fatkhullova K. S. Questionnaire as a means of evaluating the organization and content of the educational process // Bulletin of the Kazan State Energy University. 2009. No. 1. pp. 151-156. Appeal to opponents (Slastenin V. A., Berezina V. A., Osintseva L. M., Klimin K. A., Ilyinsky I. M., Stepanov P. V., Selivanova N. L., Stepanov P. V., Shakurova M. V., Parpura T. S., Nosakova T. V., Sidorov S. V., Tazhetdinova A. F., Meshechek S. N., Ostwald G. V., Dovbysh S. A., Nevinskaya N. A., Andrienko O. A., Bezenkova T. A., Oleinik E. V., Bolotina A. G., Bukhmin V. S., Gabdrakhmanova L. A., Sokolova E. A., Fatkhullova K. S., Kozyreva O. A.) has place in the introductory part. There is no discussion of the results, their comparison with the data obtained by other authors in similar studies, which is desirable to correct. In general, the material is of interest to the readership, however, it needs to be finalized (in particular, in terms of the design of drawings, discussion of the results), after which it can be considered for publication in the journal "Police Activity".

Third Peer Review

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The object of the research in the article submitted for review is educational activity in the conditions of higher education, the subject is the factors of its effectiveness. The relevance of the study of educational work is due to the fact that in the digital age, the forms, patterns and, in general, the trajectories of human interaction are changing, and therefore, the ethics of these interactions are changing over time. On the other hand, the fundamental values on which education as a socially conditioned process is based do not change. This dialectic encourages a deeper understanding of education with the identification of its new factors and clarification of traditional factors. From a methodological point of view, the study has a pronounced practical character. The main method is an experiment conducted at the diagnostic level, which is sufficient for work in the format of an article. The schematic representation of the results, which makes the text easy to read, deserves attention. The theoretical part is carried out at a minimum and sufficient level of content. In fact, this section boils down to a review of the work, generalized definitions and an emphasis on the relevance of the problem. From a substantive point of view, the article is not divided into separate parts, however, the execution of the text allows you to clearly identify the methodological, theoretical and practical blocks, between which there is a smooth transition. From a linguistic point of view, the text fully complies with the norms of scientific style, the high level of specificity and good saturation of the text with pedagogical terminology deserve attention. The text contains logic and author's argumentation, which has a positive effect on its scientific character. From a substantive point of view, the list of references meets the requirements and is reflected on the pages of the work. The article may be of interest to a very wide pedagogical audience as a source of experience exchange due to its pronounced methodological properties. There are a number of comments on the work, generally of a recommendatory nature. The article would greatly benefit if it analyzed the specific mechanisms of influence of the studied factors on the effectiveness of education, that is, for example, why awareness of learning prospects is so beneficial, why physical well-being is so important, etc. The title of the work is formulated in such a way that the subject of the study is somewhat blurred, that is, it is not too clear, what kind of pedagogical interactions the author explores, because educational work is an extremely broad concept. Perhaps the name "Factors of the effectiveness of educational activities ..." would look better, "The subject of the study is to identify factors ...", it is probably better to formulate "The subject of the study are factors ...", because the subject cannot be the action of the researcher. These comments are of a recommendatory nature and do not negate the assessment of the good quality of the text of the work. The author's experience, a high level of independence and thoroughness of execution are felt in the text. The work meets the basic structural and substantive requirements for works of this kind, and deserves publication in a peer-reviewed journal in the pedagogical field.