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Man and Culture

The values of traditional culture and their understanding in the minds of young people

Makarov Artem Sergeevich

ORCID: 0009-0002-3316-3167

Postgraduate student, Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

350044, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Kalinina str., 13

Shalin Viktor Viktorovich

ORCID: 0000-0002-2886-5976

Doctor of Philosophy

Professor, Department of Sociology and Cultural Studies, Kuban State Agrarian University named after I.T. Trubilin

350044, Russia, Krasnodar Territory, Krasnodar, Kalinina str., 13










Abstract: The subject of the study is the system of values of the past, represented in traditional Russian culture. The object of the research is the connection of the values of traditional culture with the structure of consciousness of modern Russian youth. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as the study of the concept of "traditional culture", the analysis of its content, represented by the phenomenon of national unity, understanding the significance of this phenomenon in the minds of the inhabitants of the country. During the research, special attention was paid to a sociological survey of young people related to the actualization of the cultural, historical, patriotic meaning of the National Unity holiday, the attitude of the younger generation towards it, and the identification of values significant to it. An important role in the presented work is given to the comparative analysis of surveys of residents of the country and students, the characteristic of the basic foundations of the worldview in the structure of consciousness of older and younger generations, the methods that were used during the study are presented by: analysis of sources on the problem of determining the meaning of the concept of "traditional culture"; by the method of a written survey of students; by the method of comparative analysis of responses between data, represented by VTSIOM, and young people on the problem of national unity of society. The scientific novelty of the presented research is characterized by a comparative analysis of abstract sociological research carried out by VTSIOM with the specific results of a survey of young students of the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. The results of the work show that at the present stage of development of Russian society there is a tendency to blur the clear ideas of the younger generation about the figurative and symbolic meaning of the spiritual and moral values of the people that define traditional culture. The main conclusion of the study is that young people generally do not recognize the value of social unity as an indicator of the integrity of the state, do not know the historical meaning of the National Unity holiday, do not consider traditional values (family, love of the Motherland, brotherhood of peoples) significant in modern reality, using the Internet space for communication, becomes dependent on gadgets which poses a real threat of loss of communication between generations.


traditions, culture, values, traditional culture, integrity, national unity, youth consciousness, sociological survey, television, clip consciousness

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Modern scientific knowledge contains a variety of approaches to the definition of "Traditional culture", the content of the term varies within different sciences. Representatives of socio-humanitarian disciplines, which include: cultural studies, anthropology, sociology, history, philosophy, ethnography, ethnology, folklore, do not give a universal definition of the concept of "Traditional culture", but use along with this term the equivalent terms "Archaic culture", "Everyday culture", "Agrarian culture", etc.

The interpretation of the definition depends on the research interest in the study of this phenomenon, its content, the method of reproduction and the conditions of functioning. Thus, in socio-humanitarian knowledge, functional, substantial, philosophical-sociological, ethnographic and cultural approaches to understanding the term "Traditional culture" are distinguished, and each of these approaches is endowed with certain characteristic features, signs, advantages and disadvantages. Realizing the complexity and ambiguity of this phenomenon, the connection with folk and archaic cultures, the use of modern mechanisms for the transmission and translation of cultural forms (in the form of QMS and network technologies), let us clarify the semantic boundaries of the term "Traditional Culture" and explore the relationship between traditional culture and Russian youth as an active subject (carrier) of modern culture.

A.V. Kostina argues that in the conditions of modern society, the most essential elements of traditional culture are: cultural subjects, social mechanisms of cultural transmission, social functions of culture and cultural texts in a broad sense [1]. According to the scientist, traditional culture functions within the framework of modern culture with the help of samples of past socio-cultural activities of generations in already proven conditions, that is, those that have been verified by history and time. Rituals, customs, folklore and mythology become the main channels for broadcasting such socio-cultural experience. The constant reproduction of previously set cultural patterns, according to A.V. Kostina, inevitably leads to static and extensive development of modern society.

Within the framework of the functional approach, A.V. Zakharov builds his theory of traditional culture, which sees the connection between the past and the present on the basis of the continuity of spiritual values. The researcher conducts a semantic analysis of the concept and examines the everyday, ethnographic, philosophical and sociological meaning of the term "Tradition", as a result of which he comes to the conclusion that traditional forms of social life do not disappear, but coexist along with urbanized, mass culture. Studying the discussion on the reinterpretation of the concepts of "Modernity" and "Modernity" between sociologists of the classical period of development (M. Weber, E.Durkheim, G.Simmel, K. Marx, F. Tennis) and representatives of the "theory of modernization" (W.Rostow, D. Bell, R. Aron, Z.Bzezhinsky, W. Moore), A.V. Zakharov emphasizes that mass civilization does not displace traditional culture, but includes it [2]. At the same time, a modern researcher of traditional culture quite rightly notes that it is necessary to study this phenomenon within a certain subject area.

Undoubtedly, the dialogue between modern and traditional cultures, building their interaction on the borders of historical epochs and the "past–present" model, is obvious. It is difficult not to agree with the opinion of associate professor of the Samara State Institute of Culture Chirkova N.V., who is convinced that elements of folk culture have been discovered in modern culture, emphasizing the idea that traditional folk culture is the bearer of new relevant meanings [3]. The researcher of folklore traditions points to the continuity of the "past–present" model in modern culture.

By reviewing the holidays and festivals held in Russia in recent decades, organizing exhibitions, ceremonies, political and commercial events, and making commercials, N.V. Chirkova emphasizes the connection between landmarks, symbols of the "glorious past" and "modernity". She uses the terms "Third Culture", "Intermediate Culture" or "Popular Culture", filling the gap between professional culture and folklore, indicating a mixed type of culture, the result of the fusion of traditional and popular culture. According to the scientist, at this stage there is a process of reflecting the traditions of the past in modern culture, because, despite the changes, the transition to postmodernism, new approaches to its content, the emergence of new methods and styles, mass culture is inherently traditional and polymorphic.

B.G. Sokolov holds a similar opinion regarding cultural coherence, the connection between the past and the future of mankind on the basis of traditions. The scientist builds his statement with the help of the freedom of human existence, the eidetic space of culture, which, in his opinion, is open to the future. The professor of St. Petersburg State University speaks about the identity, proximity of culture and tradition, that both concepts are the most important factors in the creation and formation of humanity, tied to the sphere of values, while simultaneously asserting their multidirection (due to different time parameters). As a result, they can come into conflict with each other, limit each other, but it is through the tension of their connection, according to B.G. Sokolov, that the future of culture can be considered [4].

S. Huntington insists on the position of conflict between the phenomenon of culture and traditions, who justifies his concept of the conflict of civilizations by the contradiction between tradition and modernity. He perceives Russia as an Orthodox civilization of a traditional type, with a set of moral imperatives and spiritual values that are the basis of a culture that, according to the American sociologist, opposes a powerful Western European civilization focused on economic growth, material benefits and legal culture. [5, p.30]. J. Peel, as well as S. Huntington, believes that the cultural identity of the peoples of Russia and developing countries prevents their integration into the system of Western European civilization. Such countries, according to J. Saw, are "ghosts" [6]. In the view of Western scientists, the concepts of "culture" and "civilization" are considered synonymous.

Tolstikov V.A., Revenko N.V., Russian researchers of the cultural and civilizational space of Russia from Belgorod, believe that due to the lack of development of a unified national idea, the West does not consider our country as a self-sufficient cultural and civilizational system of modernity, correlating it with the so-called "second world". Russian scientists focus on historicism, spiritual practices, national identity, reconstruction of the theory of "Christian socialism", insisting on the search for a new cultural paradigm for Russia [7].

The need to study the features of traditional historical and cultural ties between generations is justified in the work of Russian scientists Volkova P.S., Kovaleva S.V.. The study says that the connection should be ontological in nature and manifest itself in the minds of young people based on the actualization of the basic phenomenon of understanding containing meaning, but the form of this connection may be different and depend on the possibilities of representation by means of modern technologies [8].

Let's turn to the results of the VTSIOM daily survey "Russians on the Unity of the Nation" conducted in November 2023, according to which the sense of national unity of Russians has become stronger compared to previous years. Thus, 58% of the inhabitants of our country today feel solidarity and national unity. The survey data indicate that more than half of Russians share a sense of national unity, who emphasize the peaceful coexistence of representatives of different cultures and ethnic groups (22%), the peculiarities of the Russian mentality and culture (11%), the unity of the people in difficult times for the country (12%), mutual assistance (7%), love for Homeland (6%).

Comparing the answers of Russians to the closed question: "Is there national unity in Russia?", asked to our compatriots in previous years, starting in 2012, it turns out that the proportion of respondents declaring national unity changed non-linearly, therefore it is impossible to talk about a mathematically distinct trend. The lack of internal integrity of society was especially pronounced in 2021, when 61% of respondents replied that there was no national unity in Russia. Half as many (31%) believed that unity rather exists.

An analysis of the answers to the question by gender and age shows that there is national unity in Russia, according to the ideas of the female population 60 years and older (63%), who have a good financial situation (69%), live in small, provincial towns with a population of 100-500 thousand people or in rural areas (64%), prefers television to the Internet (71%).

"There is no national unity in the country," according to men (39%) who are younger than 60 years old (34-39%), dissatisfied with their financial situation (53%) and prefer the Internet to television (47%). According to the territorial factor, the answers to the question are divided as follows: a minority of the country's population living in large megacities feels national unity. In particular, the opinion of residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg was equally divided: 47% believe that there is unity, 48% — that there is none. Evaluating the responses of age groups, it can be found that, according to representatives of the 60+ generation, national unity in Russia is observed for 63% vs. 58% of the sample. But at the same time, they believe that the celebration of National Unity Day is not important. Unlike them, young people are convinced of the need for this holiday. In particular, 18-24 year olds recognize the importance of this event (70% vs. 89%).

However, to the question: "What event happened on November 4, in honor of which we celebrate a holiday on this day?" only 24% were able to give the correct answer: "The Day of Liberation from the Polish intervention by Minin and Pozharsky," and 59% are at a loss to answer.

According to VTSIOM's position, "it can be assumed that young people, as the most active social group, consider the holiday not only as an occasion to feel the unity of the multinational people of Russia, but also to relax, attend festive events — exhibitions, concerts, master classes. In other words, she can understand the symbolic content of the holiday to a lesser extent" [9].

Applying sociological research methods in the practice of working with young people [10], work was carried out with students of the 1st-4th year of the Kostroma State Agricultural Academy. In the course of the work, 95 people aged 18 to 22 were interviewed in order to study the position of young people on the values of traditional Russian culture associated with the celebration of National Unity Day on November 4, 2023. The students replied as follows:

·        61.5% do not consider this holiday indicative of the unity of the Russian people (39% – according to VTSIOM);

·        70.3% know the historical meaning of this holiday (24% – according to VTSIOM indicators);

·        A holiday is necessary just to relax, to relax from studying – 95.2%

· 58% do not recognize the value of family, love for the Motherland, and the brotherhood of nations.

Thus, concluding the study on the understanding of traditional Russian cultural and historical values in the minds of young people, we can say that there is a tendency to blur the clear ideas of the younger generation about the figurative and symbolic meaning of the spiritual and moral unity of the people. In fact, this conclusion corresponds to the assumption made by VTsIOM. In addition, as modern researchers point out, the consciousness of young people becomes "clip-on", screen technologies used in smartphones create a virtual world of simulacra, which closes a person within the boundaries of an illusory reflection, preventing them from looking both inside themselves and into the space of external reality [11],[12]. According to Grigoriev S.L., the problem of the influence of screen gadgets on the consciousness of young people "has now transformed into a problem of dependence on these devices, which has become a real threat to the process of natural translation of necessary forms of significant socio-cultural experience from generation to generation" [13, p. 47].

Conclusions of the article:

· The concept of "traditional culture" includes ideas about cultural subjects, social mechanisms of cultural transmission, social functions of culture and cultural texts;

·     Traditional forms of social life do not disappear, but coexist along with urbanized, mass culture;

·     Traditions and culture, being the basic factors of the formation of society, can be multidirectional in their development, enter into conflict with each other, limit each other, but precisely through the tension of their connection;

· National unity as a social integrity of society based on the connection of tradition and culture is recognized by the generation of elderly people who have a stable good financial situation and use television forms of obtaining information;

·     The younger generation mostly does not recognize the value of the unity of society as an indicator of the integrity of the state, mostly does not know the historical meaning of the National Unity holiday, does not consider traditional values (family, love of the Motherland, brotherhood of peoples) significant in modern reality, uses the Internet space for communication;

·     It is necessary to change the conditions of education and upbringing of the younger generation, minimizing the use of digital technologies in the educational process, creating the opportunity to actualize the creative potential of the inner world for the realization of the basic phenomena of human existence expressed in various forms of cultural texts.

1. Kostina, A.V. (2009). Traditional culture: on the problem of defining the concept. Information humanitarian portal «Knowledge. Understanding. Skill.» Cultural studies, 4. [Electronic resource] Retrieved from http://www.zpu-journal.ru/e-zpu/2009/4/Kostina
2. Zakharov, A.V. (2004). Traditional culture in modern society. Federal educational portal "Economics. Sociology. Management". The Journal of Sociological Research, 7, 105-115. [Electronic resource] Retrieved from http://ecsocman.hse.ru/socis/msg/18746100.html
3. Chirkova, N. V. (2017). Plots and images of traditional culture in the space of modernity. Scientific and methodological electronic journal «Concept», 6, 57-62. Retrieved from http://e-koncept.ru/2017/470084.htm
4. Sokolov, B.G. (1997). Culture and tradition. Metaphysical research: Culture. The Almanac «Metaphysical Research», Issue 4. St. Petersburg: Aleteya Publishing House.
5. Huntington, S.P. (1993). The clash of civilizations? Foreign affairs, 3, 22-49. N.Y.
6. Piel, G. (1993). The West is best. Foreign affairs, 4, 25-26. N.Y.
7. Tolstikov, V.A., & Revenko, N.V. (2016). Cultural and civilizational space of Russia: approaches to institutionalization. Culture and Civilization, 6(6A), 66-71.
8. Volkova, P.S., & Kovaleva, S.V. (2014). Cultural and historical continuity of generations as a dialogue of consciousnesses. Aspectus, 4, 8-19.
9. VTsIOM. News: National Unity – 2023. Retrieved from https://wciom.ru/analytical-reviews/analiticheskii-obzor/narodnoe-edinstvo-2023?ysclid=lr0dijdv77603891429
10. Karavaeva, V.A., & Kovaleva, S.V. (2019). Application of sociological research methods in the practice of social work. In the collection: Current technologies of teaching in higher education. Materials of the scientific and methodological conference, 242-245. The responsible editors are G.G. Sokova, L.A. Isakova.
11. Saenko, N. R., & Khrustova, V. S. (2014). Human existence in conditions of acceleration of socio-cultural dynamics. Historical, philosophical, political and legal sciences, cultural studies and art criticism. Questions of theory and practice, 2-2(40), 175-178.
12. Kovaleva, S.V., & Grigoriev, S.L. (2023). Homo affectus as an anthropological project of screen culture. Bulletin of the Moscow State Linguistic University. Humanities, 1(869), 141-147.
13. Grigoriev, S.L. (2022). Psychophysical effects of active use of technical means of screen communication. Proceedings of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Social, Humanitarian, Biomedical Sciences, 24(86), 42-48.

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The subject of the research in the presented article is the values of traditional culture and their understanding in the minds of young people. As a methodology of the subject area of research, this article used the descriptive method, the method of categorization, the method of analysis, the method of generalization, and also presents the results of sociological research by VTSIOM on the topic "Russians on the unity of the nation". The relevance of the article is beyond doubt, since the interpretation of the definition of traditional culture often depends on the research interest in studying this phenomenon, its content, method of reproduction and conditions of functioning. Thus, in socio-humanitarian knowledge, functional, substantial, philosophical-sociological, ethnographic and cultural approaches to understanding the term "Traditional culture" are distinguished, and each of these approaches is endowed with certain characteristic features, signs, advantages and disadvantages. Realizing the complexity and ambiguity of this phenomenon, the connection with folk and archaic cultures, the use of modern mechanisms for the transmission and translation of cultural forms (in the form of QMS and network technologies), let us clarify the semantic boundaries of the term "Traditional Culture" and explore the relationship between traditional culture and Russian youth as an active subject (carrier) of modern culture. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the detailed description and analysis of diverse approaches to the definition of traditional culture within the framework of socio-humanitarian knowledge and understanding of its values in the minds of young people. The article is written in the language of scientific style with the competent use in the text of the study of the presentation of various positions on the studied problem and the application of scientific terminology and definitions, as well as statistical data on the research topic. The structure is designed taking into account the basic requirements for writing scientific articles, in the structure of this study such elements as introduction, main part, conclusions and bibliography can be distinguished. The content of the article reflects its structure. It should be noted that it is especially valuable in the content of the study that the need to study the features of traditional historical and cultural ties between generations is emphasized, while such a connection should be ontological in nature and manifest itself in the minds of young people based on the actualization of the basic phenomenon of understanding containing meaning, but the form of this connection may be different and depend on the possibilities of representation by means of modern technology. The bibliography contains 13 sources, including domestic and foreign periodicals and non-periodicals, as well as electronic resources. The article describes various positions and points of view of well-known scientists, characterizing approaches and various aspects to the understanding of traditional culture, its values and their understanding by young people, and also contains an appeal to various scientific works and sources devoted to this topic, which is included in the circle of scientific interests of researchers dealing with this issue. The presented study contains conclusions concerning the subject area of the study. In particular, it is noted that the concept of "traditional culture" includes ideas about cultural subjects, social mechanisms of cultural transmission, social functions of culture and cultural texts. Traditional forms of social life do not disappear, but coexist along with urbanized, mass culture. Traditions and culture, being the basic factors of the formation of society, can be multidirectional in their development, enter into conflict with each other, limit each other, but precisely through the tension of their connection. National unity as a social integrity of society based on the connection of tradition and culture is recognized by a generation of older people who have a consistently good financial situation and use television forms of obtaining information. The younger generation basically does not recognize the value of the unity of society as an indicator of the integrity of the state, basically does not know the historical meaning of the National Unity holiday, does not consider traditional values (family, love of the Motherland, brotherhood of peoples) significant in modern reality, uses the Internet space for communication. It is necessary to change the conditions of education and upbringing of the younger generation, minimizing the use of digital technologies in the educational process, creating the opportunity to actualize the creative potential of the inner world for the realization of the basic phenomena of human existence expressed in various forms of cultural texts. The materials of this study are intended for a wide range of readers, they can be interesting and used by scientists for scientific purposes, teaching staff in the educational process, the management and administration of educational organizations in educational work, public organizations working with youth, experts and analysts. As disadvantages of this study, it should be noted that its structural elements were not clearly defined and highlighted in the article, although they can be traced in its content, however, they are not separately indicated by the corresponding headings. When describing and using the results of sociological research in the text of the article, it would be possible to demonstrate them with drawings for clarity. These shortcomings do not reduce the high scientific significance of the study itself, but rather relate to the design of the text of the article. It is recommended to publish the article.