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International Law and International Organizations
Efremov A.A. (2017). Evolution of regulation of information or digital security in the documents of international organizations. International Law and International Organizations, 1, 48–55.
Efremov A.A. Evolution of regulation of information or digital security in the documents of international organizationsAbstract: The object of this article is the modern trends in development of the international information or digital security. The author considers the report of the United Nations Group of Governmental Experts on achievements in the field of information and telecommunications in 2015, documents of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Collective Security Treaty Organization, as well as the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Recommendation on digital security risk management for economic and social prosperity in 2015. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the information security models established in Russian legislation and advanced by Russia in the UN, SCO, OCSTO, and the concept of digital security risk management of OECD. Taking into account the integration processes in the Eurasian Economic Union, formation of a unified digital space of the Eurasian Economic Commission, as well as the desire the EAEU member states to enter the OECD, it is necessary to ensure coordination between the existing mechanisms of information security and the OECD concept on digital security risk management. On the basis of comparative analysis, the author has developed proposals pertaining to the possible changes in the Russian information security legislation. Keywords: United Nations, Collective Security Treaty Organization, international organisations, international law, information law, information security, integration, OECD, risk management, digital security
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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