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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Kichigin N.V. Environmental law of USA: a View from the Inside (Book Review: L.I. Broslavsky Ecology and Environment Protection: Laws and Practices USA and Russia)

Abstract: The law of the United States is difficult to perceive by domestic researchers for several reasons: the presence of complex and even confusing system of regulations at the federal, state and municipal level, wide use of the system of judicial precedents and agreements between the various subjects of law, the presence of not always clear at first sight relationship between different levels of public authorities at the federal, state, county, city levels. Environmental law of US is undoubtedly of the national interest to scholars and practitioners. Many of the tools of the US environmental law can be used in the Russian environmental practice, provided that they adapt to the Russian legal reality, such as environmental audit, economic regulation mechanisms in the field of environmental protection, best practices in the field of environmental assessment procedures of compensation for environmental damage. A considerable scientific importance and practical value presents the monograph of Dr. Lazar Izrail'evich Broslavsky "Ecology and Environment protection: the laws and Practices United States and Russia", published by publishing house INFRAM in 2014. Scientific generalizations and conclusions in the book provided with numerous interesting facts, practical examples of judicial practice, which makes this scientific publication a very informative and useful to the reader. The review lists the chapters of the monograph, given their brief assessment. It is concluded that a new scientific study of L.I. Broslavsky is a valuable publication, which have undoubted scientific and practical value for the Russian reader. The book is written in accessible language and will be useful for the honored scientist and graduate students taking their first steps in legal science to law enforcers and practitioners.


environmental law of US monograph, review, comparative law research, environmental control, legal responsibility for environmental violations, environmental expertise.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Broslavskiy L.I. Ekologiya i okhrana okruzhayushchey sredy: zakony i realii SShA i Rossii = Ecology and Environment Protection: Laws and Practices USA and Russia: monografiya. M.: INFRA-M, 2014.
2. Bogolyubov S.A. Ekologicheskie zakony i realii v Rossii i SShA (retsenziya na knigu Broslavskogo L.I. Ekologiya i okhrana okruzhayushchey sredy. Zakony i realii SShA i Rossii. M.: Infra-M. 2013. 317 s.) // Zhurnal zarubezhnogo za-konodatel'stva i sravnitel'nogo pravovedeniya. – 2013. – 2. – C. 320 – 325