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Pedagogy and education

Baksansky, O. E. World View of the Future: Convergence as a Fundamental Principle

Abstract: Social consequences of the convergence of science and technology (CKTS) are the grounds of the progress in the 21st century. The analysis of social consequences of convergence allows to study the problems which can’t be studied using methods of special sciences as well as to create new skills, technologies and knowledge thereupon. To summarize, it should be noted that CKTS can appear at all levels of knowledge, technology and society and, as a rule, is a result of ongoing integration processes and interdisciplinary interactions. Today convergence is at the cutting age of scientific and technological development and promises to become of the main integrative spheres of knowledge and the transforming force as it already happened to information technologies and nanotechnologies. The main research methods include convergence of knowledge, technologies and society (CKTS), nano-, bio-, info-, cognitive and social humanitarian technologies, science and technology studies or science, technology and society (STS), social and economic risks, science and education. According to Baksansky, CKTS initiative may have an influence on all aspects of social life, from improving education to raising the basic level of health, from achieving environmental sustainability to encouraging innovation-based development of the economy. Convergence has very promising prospects such as gaining new knowledge, creating new ideas, materials and technologies. Its influence on everyday life will be immensely positive, especially in such spheres as education, work, development and life of population. Social convergence has potentials for a significant and efficient improvement of human abilities, increase of the economic competitive ability and guarantee of safe life activity.


CKTS approach, NBICS technologies, STS approach, world view, science, education, social consequences, human potential, development strategy, system approach, social and economic risks, IT infrastructure.

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