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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Vuong Thang Long, Than Thi Tu Anh Types and Characteristics of Criminal Procedural Arrest in the Law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

Abstract: Arrest is one of the most important proceedings. The effectiveness of this action can influence the process of the investigation of the crime. There are legal basis for arrest, regulated by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and different from the legal grounds for detention, regulated by the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in the article. Analysis of the problems of legal criminal procedural rules about arrest by the law enforcement agencies of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam implementing is represented in the article. Collision in the Institute of arrest is detected. The necessity of making some changes to apprehend the Criminal Procedure Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is revealed by the authors. The following general scientific methods of cognition are used in the article: induction, deduction, analysis, comparative law, synthesis, generalization. The purpose of this article is to identify legal factors influencing the tactics of detention. Based on the assessment practices of investigative bodies of the Ministry of Public Security of Vietnam gives proposals to improve the criminal procedure legislation of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the application of arrest during the investigation of a crime.


arrest; types of criminal procedure of arrest; Tactics of arrest; characteristics of the criminal pr

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