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Administrative and municipal law

Sizov, I.Y. Legal regulation of dual jobholding in the internal affairs bodies (police).

Abstract: The article concerns the main directions of legal regulation of dual jobholding in the internal affairs bodies. It is noted that currently the regime of dual jobholding in the internal affairs bodies requires legislative regulation. It is feasible to use foreign experience and to officially permit dual jobholding for the internal affairs officers in the commercial organizations on a condition that there are no conflicts of interests in the state service. It is possible to provide for a number of obligations in the sphere of dual jobholding: dual jobholding of internal affairs officers outside the MIA of Russia may only be permitted by the superiors of the internal affairs body; the employees cannot use the resources of the internal affairs bodies for the interests of their dual jobholding. The methodological basis for the scientific article was formed by the current achievements of the theory of cognition. The process of studies involved general philosophical, theoretical methods, as well as traditional legal methods, and methods specifically used in social studies. As for the labor legislation on dual jobholding, Art. 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides that dual jobholding (secondary jobs) is when an employee performs other regular paid work on the conditions of the labor contract in his free time from the main job. The work of dual jobholders is regulated in more detail by Chapter 44 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The main characteristic features of the dual jobholding are as follows: the employee has a main job (has a labor relation with an employer); he performs his secondary job in his spare time from his main job; his secondary job is based upon a separate labor contract.


coercion, limitation, prohibition, policeman, police, officer, service, dual jobholding, corruption, dismissal. Administrative legal regimes and municipal self-government

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