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International relations

Lopatina, V.V. The problems of narcotic drug trafficking and legalizing narcotic drugs in the Latin America.

Abstract: The object of study in this article includes the drug trafficking problems in the Latin American states and their possible solutions by legalizing narcotic drugs. The author describes a troublesome situation, which has formed in this region lately, leading to the growing crime and violence, as well as corruption and infiltration of narcotic cartels into the state structures. The author evaluates the experience of legalizing drugs in the European states, its positive and negative consequence s. The author used analytical and comparative study methods, as well as scholarly literature in this field. Currently the problem of drug trafficking is topical to the global community as a whole, as well as to the American continent. Having analyzed the experience of the European states, the author makes a conclusion that legalizing drugs is one of the possible solutions, which would change the current situation and lower the crime level in the Latin American region.


Latin America, drug trafficking, corruption, violence, legalization, marijuana, cannabis, drugs, crime, threat.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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