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National Security

Kononkov, P. F. Guarantees of the USSR Food Security During the Great Patriotic War

Abstract: The article describes the factors that allowed the Soviet Union to ensure food security prior to and during the Great Patriotic War. It is shown that agricultural economics created in the 1930’s in the USSR had a significant mobilization resource which, in its turn, enabled to organize its successful functioning under the conditions of blitzkrieg and total war. The author also underlines the role of prewar patriotic and udarnik movements. The article also tells us about the contribution of famous USSR agricultural scientists to food supply of population and to vegetable and plant supply of production sector during the war.


economics, agriculture, USSR history, Great Patriotic War, agricultural engineering, selection, collectivization, industrialization, seed production, food security.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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