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Actual problems of Russian law

Tsaregradskaya Yulia Konstantinovna Management of the foreign national debt in the modern Russia: approaches and tendencies of development

Abstract: The article is devoted to the topical problem regarding management of the foreign national debt of Russia. The author points out that Russia lacks a goal-oriented system for the management of the foreign national debt at the level of a specific body, which may be based on the lack of similar practice in the Soviet Union. Much attention is paid to the fact that the foreign national debt management system is now being formed via the formation of the joint stock company Russian Financial Agency (RFA), which shall manage foreign and domestic state loans, that is, it shall place state securities and operate those securities in the secondary market in order to optimize the structure of the state debt portfolio.


jurisprudence, financial law, foreign debt, budget, management, state, system, state debt, finances, debt policy.

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