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Actual problems of Russian law

Pirozhkova, I.G. Normative sources on history of town planning of the Russian Empire

Abstract: The article is devoted to the source studies, history of town-planning policy, the author reconstructs the process and chronological order of systematization of normative sources for the town-planning activities. The author analyzes the objects of competence, form, elements and the system-forming characteristic features of historical legal documents (level of their codification, legal techniques), which regulate various aspects of town-planning activities in accordance with the accepted typology of town-planning objects: housing units, public buildings, official buildings, industrial, rural and city buildings and constructions. The author comes to a conclusion that the codified normative sources (Ustavs, the large Decrees by the Emperor and the Senate) in the Russian Empire formed the basis for the town-planning policy. The article highlights the analysis of the normative acts of XIX century (such as the Fire Ustav, The Social Support Ustav, Rules on Formation of Public Settlements, etc) which were previously studied less scrupulously than the main normative document — the Building Ustav. The author singles out the main characteristic features of normative regulation of the town-planning activity — the legal idealism.


jurisprudence, town-planning, source studies, codification, systematization, politics, legislation, Ustav, construction, urbanistics.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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