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History magazine - researches

Ershova G.G. New approaches to the study of written cultures of the New World in the light of the calendar “the phenomenon of 2012”

Abstract: The hieroglyphic inscription of the classical period on the Mayan Monument 6 of the settlement of El Tortuguero (Mexico) contains the date corresponding to the year 2012, which have led to the appearance of the so-called “phenomenon of 2012” in the last decade. Reading ancient texts requires a special approach, the basis for which has been developed by the decoder of Maya letters V. Knorozov. Reading a hieroglyphic text on the monument 6 with relation to other textual sources allowed to determine that the so-called “prophecy” is nothing more than a designation of the position of the Mars in its synodic (unlike sidereal) period at the time of the date in the calendar entry of the Maya.


“The phenomenon of 2012”, the El Tortuguero site, Mesoamerica, the Maya civilization, the Maya hieroglyphic writing, the texts of the Maya, codes of the Maya, calendar, astronims, ancient astronomy, Mars, mythology, world model, the ancient scientific knowledge, ethno-semiotic, the methodology of ancient texts reading.

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