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International Law and International Organizations

Varushkin, N.A. Problems related to the energy dialogue between the Russian Federation and the EU.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the problems, which considerably complicate the due guarantees of energy security and further development of dialogue in the sphere of energy between the Russian Federation and the EU, which, in turn, influence the integration of energy markets of the EU and the Russian Federation. The author views some issues related to the third energy package. The author then analyzes the current situation in the sphere of energy internationally speaking, and shows the dangers of situation of Russian – European energy relations.


Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, energosotrudnichestvo, energopolitika, geopolitika, energostrategiya, ekonomika, investitsii, transportirovka, energoresursy

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1. international law energy policy, geopolitics, energy strategy, energy security, economics, investments, transportation, energy resources.