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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

BELOKRILOVA E.A. Legal Forms and Methods of Participation of the Public in Preparation, Acceptance and Realization of Decisions on Destruction of Armory: Experience of the United States of America

Abstract: The article is dedicated to the legal forms and methods of the participation of the public in solving urgent environmental problems in accordance with the US legislation. Particular attention is paid to the distinctive features of American ecological monitoring at the stage of preparation, acceptance and realization of decisions on destruction of armory. The author describes the leading American non-governmental environmental associations, defines the legal status of the Rehabilitation Advisory Councils, Non-governmental Advisory Commissions and Committees of Public Advisers as public bodies of control and supervision established on the basis of facilities for destruction of nuclear and chemical weapons. Key words: comparative law, ecological participation of the public, public committees and commissions, nuclear and chemical weapons, public ecological control, disarmament, USA, Freedom of Information Act, SALT 1, SALT 2

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