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Law and Politics
Stepanov-Egiyants V.G. (2015). The conceptual and terminological framework for the safe handling of computer information within the criminal law aspect. Law and Politics, 4, 592–599.
Stepanov-Egiyants V.G. The conceptual and terminological framework for the safe handling of computer information within the criminal law aspectAbstract: The subject of this research is the issue of forming a conceptual and terminological system within the sphere of safe handling of computer information within the criminal law aspect. Research is conducted on such concepts as cybernetics, information space, computer crime, cybercrime, information-technology terrorist act, information threat, information attack, etc. The author examines the examples of use of similar terminology within the foreign criminal legislation. Propositions are made on borrowing certain terminology from the foreign legislation and adopting it into the Russian criminal law. The main conclusion of the conducted research is the fact that improving terminology and conceptual apparatus within the system of national security would contribute to the development of its normative-legal functionality, as well as improving the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation within this sphere, which would in turn help prevent information warfare and information terrorism. Keywords: information warfare, information terrorism, information crime, information threat, information space, information security, hacker, computer virus, criminal responsibility, cybersphere
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