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Law and Politics

Ramazanov, R.U. Anti-corruption expertise of normative legal acts and drafts as effi cient means of fi ghting corruption.

Abstract: The article is devoted to the anti-corruption measures in the government and municipal bodies. The author points out some problems related to the legal and organizational bases for the implementation of the anti-corruption legislation. The author analyzes federal laws and the Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, which include corruption factors. The author then offers to amend the Civil Procedural Code, the Code on Administrative Offences, and a number of federal laws in order to enhance the legal mechanism for the anti-corruption expertise. The author also offers to provide stricter punishment for the offi cials for the violations of the legislation on anti-corruption expertise, and to include the relevant amendment into the CAO.


jurisprudence, corruption, counteraction, anti-corruption, expertise, normative, punishment, projects, service, civil.

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