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Law and Politics

Poleschuk, O.V., Patrusheva, T.V., Saksin, S.V. Current status of a specialist in the criminal judicial procedure.

Abstract: The legislator has fixed a provision in the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation, according to which any person with special knowledge and participating in all procedural actions, except for the examination, acts as a specialist. At the same time, the purpose of attracting a specialist is even stipulated — to assist in the detection, fixing and seizure of objects and documents, the use of technical means in the study of criminal case materials, to raise questions to the expert, as well as to explain to the parties and the court issues within his professional competence. However, if the mechanism for attracting a specialist to participate in investigative actions was developed in detail earlier, then the possibility of his involvement in procedural actions or for the use of technical means in the study of criminal case materials, raising questions to the expert is only declared.

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