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Law and Politics

Chubukov, Georgy Vasilievich. Pure constitutionalism as a legal theory of relativity. (Mukhamet-Irekle, A. Realization of social rights of a citizen within the evolutional development of the Russian Federation. From Pseudo-Science to Methodology of a Constitutional and Socially-Oriented State. – UFA, RIO, BashSU, 2005 – 342 p.

Abstract: As the author of the review, Professor Chubukov notes, it’s not that often in modern science that we are promised a new scientific paradigm, as stated in the monograph by A. Mukhamet-Irekle. As A. Mukhamet-Irekle contends, his theory of “pure constitutionalism” carries a comparable value to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, since both these theories explain physical and spiritual phenomena of the world around.

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