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Finance and Management

Institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations

Andreeva Ol'ga Valentinovna

ORCID: 0000-0002-5567-6396

PhD in Economics

Andreeva Olga Valentinovna - Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance, Rostov State University of Economics

344002, Russia, Rostov region, Rostov-On-Don, B. Sadovaya str., 69
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Abstract: The increasing attention to social innovations in recent years has been caused by the search for alternative ways to solve the problems of the public sector, transformational processes in socio-economic systems taking place under the influence of accelerating technological progress, as well as increased interest and participation of economic agents in solving these problems, including through financial regulation. The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical ideas about the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations as a key tool for solving socio-economic problems caused by the increase in external and internal challenges and threats due to the increasing complexity of international relations, the risks of imbalance of the country's financial system, the growth of poverty and social inequality. As a result of the research, the following factors have been identified: factors affecting the stability of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations; specific functions characterizing the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations; the main directions of influence of the state as the main subject of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations; the subject-institutional composition of participants in the social innovation process. The effectiveness of social innovations is directly dependent on the development of the relevant institutional environment and the well-functioning mechanism of interaction of the subjects of the socio-innovation process. In this regard, further development and transformation of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations should be aimed at creating conditions for stable functioning and regulation of social innovation activities, involving the widest possible range of stakeholders in it, expanding access to the necessary sources of financial resources.


financial regulation, financial instruments, social innovations, institutions, support institutions, state regulation institutions, social effect, budgeting, financial resources, financial support

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In modern conditions, the increasing socio-economic challenges caused by the increasing complexity of international relations, the instability of the economy, the growth of social inequality, accelerated processes of transformation of market relations create obstacles to effective socio-economic development, which emphasizes the relevance of the development of institutional instruments aimed at stimulating the social activity of civil society and creating favorable institutional conditions that ensure the effective development of social space. The increasing attention to social innovations in recent years has been caused by the search for alternative ways to solve the problems of the public sector, transformational processes in socio-economic systems taking place under the influence of accelerating technological progress, as well as increased interest and participation of economic agents in solving these problems, including through financial regulation.

The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical ideas about the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations as a key tool for solving socio-economic problems caused by the increase in external and internal challenges and threats due to the increasing complexity of international relations, the risks of imbalance of the country's financial system, the growth of poverty and social inequality. The objectives of the study were to identify: factors affecting the stability of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations; specific functions characterizing the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations; the main directions of the state's influence as the main subject of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations; the subject-institutional composition of participants in the social innovation process.

The research methodology is based on the application of general scientific methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, analogy. A graphical method of presenting information was used.

The research is based on the theoretical developments of foreign (Veblen T. [1], Commons J. R. [2], North D. [3], Daiglmeier K., Miller D., Fills J. [4], Swaminathan A. and Wade J. B. [5], Sadovskaya T.V. and Motorina O.I. [6 and others) and Russian (Shastitko A. E. [7], Oleinik A. N. [8], Tambovtsev V. [9], Kondratov M.V. and Garipov R.I. [10], Kashaev O. S. [11], Afonasova M. A. [12], Kucher A. G. and Zakharov P. N.. [13], Filatova A. A. [14], Veretennikova A. Yu., Popov E. V. and Omonov Zh. K. [15],[16],[17],[18],[19]) scientists developing the provisions of institutional economic theory.

The studied body of scientific research can be divided into three large groups that form various methodological approaches to understanding the essence of the institutional environment.

The first group includes authors who interpret the institutional environment as a set of formal and informal rules (for example, North D. [3]), reduce to the concept of an institution. In the framework of the second approach, the institutional environment is understood as a kind of process or system of economic relations (Shastitko A.E. [7], Kondratov M.V. [10]). We share the opinion of the authors of the third group (Popov E.V., Omonov Zh.K., Veretennikova A.Yu., etc.), who combine the key characteristics of the institutional environment identified in the first and second groups.

The results of the study and their discussion.

Social innovations and their development are directly interrelated with the specifics of the evolution of the public sector, which makes it possible to determine their main function, namely, covering or leveling the failures of the public sector and its institutional environment, which arose due to the impossibility of rapid transformation of the institutional environment due to the fact that state institutions do not always adapt quickly to changes in the external environment, this leads to the emergence of failures of the public sector and the emergence of barriers in the process of meeting public needs, thereby reducing the effects of the development of various spheres of society.

Of course, the development of social innovations contributes to a more effective solution of social problems, however, it should be noted that the currently formed institutional environment cannot fully quickly and effectively meet the urgent needs of citizens, including due to lagging reflection of the public sector due to limited financial resources [16].

The formation of an effective and stable institutional framework for financial regulation of social innovations is an important task and its relevance has recently been increasing, due to the positive social effects resulting from their introduction into the socio-economic sphere, and requires further development of institutions to support social innovations and their financial capabilities, more active use of the potential inherent in them using both domestic experience and successful practices of foreign countries.

The institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations, representing a complex of interacting institutions and institutional agreements, has an impact on the formation of financial ties that arise between economic agents, defining the conditions (rules and norms) of their functioning and is capable of both encouraging the introduction of social innovations and creating certain barriers in the process of their implementation. It should be noted that today the institutional environment, which is directly focused on the development of social innovations, is in the process of formation, is insufficiently stable as it faces a number of obstacles arising in the socio-economic space, such as institutional dysfunction, institutional voids caused by the lack of required norms and rules or their low efficiency, which complicates the introduction of social innovations and, as a result, the solution of social problems.

The factors influencing the stability of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations should be differentiated into exogenous and endogenous (Fig. 1).

Compiled by the author

Figure 1Factors affecting the stability of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations

Exogenous factors include factors generated by the external environment and forming the institutional space around the process of introducing social innovation, which includes the state, socio-economic conditions, human capital, innovation structure and informal institutions. Endogenous factors include factors affecting the processes of management and financial support of social innovations.

Institutions should also be divided into stimulating (for example, institutions of state financing of social innovations) and restraining (sanctions, embargoes), which makes it possible to determine the potential of the institutional environment and the obstacles created by it. The scale of the institute determines its place and importance in the hierarchy of institutions: (micro-, meso- and macro-institutes) [17].

According to the author, the specific functions characterizing the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations should include (Fig. 2):

1. Provision of conditions for the initiation and implementation of social innovations: assistance to social innovators in conducting research and developing social innovations, the formation of competencies necessary for the social innovation process, replication of social innovations aimed at meeting needs in accordance with existing public demands;

2. Ensuring resource, including financial stability in the process of implementing socio-innovative projects at each stage of the life cycle of social innovations;

3. Monitoring and control at the stages of creation, implementation and replication of social innovations through state regulatory institutions and public institutions;

4. Minimizing transaction costs in the process of developing and implementing social innovations.

Compiled by the author

Figure 2 – Specific functions of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations

The development of social innovations is influenced to one degree or another by a fairly wide set of formal institutions, but two types should be distinguished among them:

– social innovation support institutions designed to create effective norms to support the development of social innovation;

– institutions of state regulation, which play a primary role in the process of formation and implementation of social innovations through their initiation and financing [18].

Under the institutions of support for social innovation, it seems appropriate to consider a set of norms and rules for the interaction of economic actors in the process of creating and promoting innovations in the public socio-cultural environment in order to obtain social effects as a result of meeting the social needs of society and correcting its institutional structure.

Institutions of state regulation, in contrast to institutions supporting social innovation, whose role is to create effective norms necessary for the development of social innovation, occupy a key role in the social innovation process, since the state is the main actor in the formation and implementation of social innovation, often acting as their initiator and implementer, as well as supporting citizens, participating in this process. Social innovations are implemented more successfully in the institutional environment where there is an effective regulatory environment aimed at the development of socially-oriented activities, which should include a legal framework that ensures access to tax preferences and various financial instruments for participants in the process.

In addition, social innovations can be the result of effective cooperation between the state and non-profit organizations (NGOs), business, and civic initiatives. Within the framework of the study, it seems important to highlight the main directions of the impact of the state as the main subject of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations:

- formation and development of the regulatory and legal space, as currently some areas of state support are not fully formed (for example, there is no unified methodology for identifying the assessment of the social effect of social innovations to assess the effectiveness of budget expenditures, there are problems in the replication of social innovations). At the same time, we note that some elements, for example, the services of the Agency for Social Initiatives (ASI) are characterized by dynamic development and fairly rapid reflection on transformational processes in the external environment;

- institutional development that ensures the formation and sustainable development of institutions (organizations) involved in the socio-innovative process, aimed at the creation, distribution and use of human, material and financial resources to determine goals that require concentration of efforts and their achievement on a sustainable basis with maximum social effect;

- direct support for the development and implementation of social innovations (financing of social innovation projects through the provision of grants, subsidies and interest-free loans, etc.)

The norms and rules underlying formal institutions are usually established at the State or municipal level. The state's responsibility includes the formation of a regulatory framework, the creation of a comfortable economic space for participants in the socio-innovative process. Particular attention in their design and development should be paid to the availability and quality of the support provided. In this case, this requirement must satisfy the principle of reducing transaction costs. Possible dysfunctions of formal institutions can lead to an increase in transaction costs.

The results of the introduction of social innovations largely depend on the presence of developed social ties, social capital, which is determined by the values that were formed during the development of a particular territory, which, of course, requires the creation of conditions to support the interest of social innovators in the introduction of social innovations, the continuation of this activity directly in this territory. Consideration of ethnic and territorial characteristics should be reflected in regional and municipal development programs. This will make it possible to activate civic initiatives as a source of social innovation, as well as to involve the population in solving social problems, for example, within the framework of initiative budgeting, to increase their social responsibility.

Also, in our opinion, considering the institutions of socio-innovative activity, it should be understood that the set of norms and rules governing the interaction between economic agents in matters of support, development and implementation of social innovations as a result of positive effects can stimulate their development, and in the case of a reverse effect – to restrain and these properties must be taken into account at the initial stage the construction of this group of institutions in the formation of an effective institutional environment.

The level of trust and readiness of the population and state and municipal authorities for mutual cooperation plays an important role. At the same time, it should be noted that despite the intensification of activities in this direction, the level of state and regional support remains insufficient, which is due, among other things, to a small number of developments, both theoretical and methodological in terms of the formation of an effective institutional environment.

Note that the influence of institutions on social innovations is different, due to their differentiation in scale, level of distribution, contractual agreements, budgeting. For example:

– human capital development institutions, resource support institutions, civil society institutions have an impact on low-budget social innovations;

– medium-budget social innovations depend on the degree of impact of human capital development institutions, resource support institutions, civil society institutions;

– social innovations that require significant amounts of budgeting are dependent on institutions for the development of human capital, institutions of public administration, institutions of socio-economic development.

Thus, human capital development institutions have an impact on all types of social innovations. Institutions of resource support have a greater impact on low-budget and medium-budget social innovations, which is due to the insignificant coverage and severe limitation of resources for these types of innovations [4]. Low-budget social innovations are significantly influenced by civil society institutions that allow effective implementation of civic initiatives. Innovation infrastructure institutions stimulate the expansion of social innovations to the level of medium-budget ones, which is ensured thanks to the norms of support for social innovators from innovation funds, technoparks, technopolises [19].

Institutions of public administration and socio-economic development have a greater impact on large-budget social innovations, which is due to the need for the state to respond to significant changes in the public or social sphere, the vector of which is formed by the dynamics of socio-economic development.

The institutional environment of financial regulation of the social innovation process (social innovations) reflects the interrelation of system elements, where the main burden falls on the subject-institutional composition of participants in this process, who perform their specific functions.

Compiled by the author

Figure 3 – The subject-institutional composition of participants in the social innovation process (social innovations)

The subject-institutional composition of participants in the social innovation process (social innovations) seems appropriate to be considered as a set of three blocks (Fig. 3):

1. Subjects and institutions that initiate and implement social innovations. This block includes:

- the state (state authorities, state institutions of all organizational and legal forms);

- socially responsible business;

- social entrepreneurs;

- NGOs, socially oriented NGOs (SONKO);

- citizens, social groups, society;

2. Mediating the socio-innovative process:

– financial support institutions and financial institutions (government, financial development institutions, business entities, credit organizations; guarantee organizations, venture funds, charitable organizations);

– organizational and auxiliary entities (ASI, CISS, etc.)

– organizational structures that provide regulation and control of the implementation and financial support of social innovations (Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Economic Development, Accounting Chamber, Control and Accounting bodies of regions, Federal Tax Service, ministries and departments for social sectors, etc.).

3. Those who act as direct consumers of social innovations are beneficiaries, beneficiaries – citizens and their target groups, society as a whole.

Since the article is theoretical in nature, the task was not set to determine the quantitative characteristics of the institutional environment. However, we will give concrete examples of successful practice of financial regulation of social innovations.

From our point of view, the following subjects of the institutional environment are of particular interest, the functioning of which is aimed at financial support and promotion of the development and replication of social innovations.

1) The Presidential Grants Fund, which allocates grants on a competitive basis for the implementation of socially significant projects of non-governmental NGOs on co-financing terms.

Table 1 presents data indicating an annual increase in both the winning projects and the amount of grant funds allocated for their implementation. There are projects that have not started to be implemented for various reasons, which leads to an indicator of 96-98% of the approved amounts. Exclusively as a positive moment, we regard the growth in the volume of co-financing in excess of the amounts indicated when submitting the tender application. In just 5 years, 33.3 billion rubles of grant funds were allocated, 26.6 billion rubles were mobilized for co-financing, i.e. almost 60 billion rubles were spent on important projects. According to the results of the first competition in 2023, 4.3 billion rubles have already been allocated for 1,845 projects.

Table 1 – The amount of funds allocated for the implementation of projects – winners of the Presidential Grants Fund competitions for the period 2017-2021.

The year of the competition

Use of grant funds


Number of projects, units.

Million rubles .

% of the approved amount

Million rubles .

% of the declared amount































*The data for 2019-2020 in the Fund's reports are not divided due to the special conditions for the implementation of projects in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection. Data for 2022 will be published in the fall of 2023.

Source: Compiled by the author according to the Reports on the evaluation of the implementation of projects published on the official website of the Presidential Grants Fund.

2) The autonomous non-profit organization "Agency for Strategic Initiatives" (ASI) has various activities, in particular, it works on the National Social Initiative (support and replication of effective solutions to problems in the social sphere), holds a Forum "Strong ideas for a new time" (23 thousand applications were submitted). In 2023, according to the results of the forum, 100 million rubles were distributed among the top 60 authors of ideas. The author of the article is a public representative of the ASI in the Rostov region, acts as an expert on projects, including this Forum.

3) The Social Projects Support Fund, whose activities are aimed at solving the tasks of developing the environment of social projects and social entrepreneurship through assistance in attracting financing (grants, crowdfunding, returnable financing), direct financing of social impact projects, creation of social franchises, marketing support and beta testing of new products and services (consultations on financing are provided social projects, possible sources of their financing are proposed, assistance is provided in the formation of an application for attracting financing and finding partners and investors).

4) The Fund of Regional Social Programs "Our Future", created by entrepreneur V. Alekperov to support long-term socially significant programs and projects based on the principles of social entrepreneurship. In 2021 alone, 55 projects worth 25.4 million rubles were supported.

Based on the above, it seems appropriate to understand the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations as a set of economic, legal, financial, social and public institutions that ensure the implementation of social innovations at all stages of the life cycle in order to obtain the maximum possible positive social effect. The social effect of social innovations should be considered a useful result of meeting social needs, obtained not only at the stages of their life cycle, but also at an indefinite stage after the implementation of a socio-innovative project and the scope of its coverage (improving the quality of life, expanding the range of social services, expanding employment, reducing unemployment, etc.).


Thus, as a result of the study, it was revealed:

– the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations determines the basis for the formation of conditions for interaction of subjects of the social innovation process;

– the indispensable conditions for the effective development of social innovations is the resolution of inconsistencies, contradictions arising between formal and informal institutions;

– the creation of a favorable institutional environment is possible only by fully taking into account the interests of potential innovators, stimulating them to develop this process. At the same time, these conditions can serve as both constraining factors and opening up opportunities for the development of socially-oriented business.

Social innovations are aimed at improving the welfare of society, the formation of an effective institutional environment for their financial regulation will allow the full use of both economic and human potential to solve social problems.

In modern conditions, social innovations are of particular importance, since they can potentially become a key tool for solving many socio-economic problems, including those caused by the increase in external and internal challenges and threats due to the increasing complexity of international relations, the risks of imbalance of the country's financial system, the growth of poverty and social inequality.

The effectiveness of social innovations is directly dependent on the development of the relevant institutional environment and the well-functioning mechanism of interaction of the subjects of the socio-innovation process. In this regard, further development and transformation of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations should be aimed at creating conditions for stable functioning and regulation of social innovation activities, involving the widest possible range of stakeholders in it, expanding access to the necessary sources of financial resources.

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4. Deiglmeier, K., Miller, D., & Phills, J. (2008). Rediscovering Social Innovation. Stanford Social Innovation Review, 6, 33-43.
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9. Tambovtsev, V. (2010). Emergence of institutions: methodological and individualistic approach. Questions of Economics, 7, 84-98.
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12. Afonasova, M. A. (2022). Institutional aspects of economic management in the context of global transformations and environmental turbulence. Management Accounting, 8-2, 162-168.
13. Kucher, A. G., & Zakharov, P. N. (2022). Institutional environment of the management system of organizations in the social sphere of the region. Bulletin of the Vladimir State University named after Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletovs. Series: Economic sciences, 3(33), 46-54.
14. Filatova, A. A. (2022). Features of modern economic institutions and their classification. Economics and entrepreneurship, 11(148), 75-78.
15. Veretennikova, A. Yu., & Kozinskaya, K. M. (2022). Modeling the impact of the institutional environment on the development of digital platforms and the sharing economy. Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast, 15(5), 257–273. doi:10.15838/esc.2022.5.83.14
16. Omonov, Zh. K., & Veretennikova, A. Yu. (2019). Institutional essence of social innovations. Journal of economic theory, 16(4), 862-868.
17. Popov, E. V., Veretennikova, A. Yu., & Omonov, Zh. K. (2016). Institutional mechanism for the formation of social innovations. Economic and social changes: facts, trends, forecast, 5, 57-75. doi:10.15838/esc/2016.5.47.3
18. Veretennikova, A. Yu., & Omonov, Zh. K. (2019). Influence of the formal and informal institutional environment on the effectiveness of social and innovative activities. Bulletin of the Voronezh State University. Series: Economics and Management, 3, 9-18.
19. Popov, E. V., Veretennikova, A. Yu., & Omonov, Zh. K. (2019). Toolkit for institutional modeling of social innovation activity. Innovations, 7(249), 28-36.

First Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study, based on the formed title, is the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations. The content of the article corresponds to the stated topic. The research methodology is based on the substantiation of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations. It is valuable that the author uses a graphical method of presenting the results of the study. However, as part of the revision of the article, it is necessary to pay attention to the need to use numerical data to substantiate the author's positions (including their presentation in the form of graphs, diagrams, etc.). The relevance of the study of issues related to the formation of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations is beyond doubt, since this fully meets the national development goals of the Russian Federation, by a certain Decree of the President of Russia dated July 21, 2020. The scientific novelty in the materials submitted for review is partially contained and is reduced to the definition of specific functions characterizing the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations (but the relationship between Figure 2 and the text to it is not fully understood: how are they related to each other?), the main directions of influence of the state as the main subject of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations. When finalizing the article, it is recommended to show how this can be used in the Russian Federation to stimulate the development of social innovations as one of the factors ensuring the technological sovereignty of our state. The answer to this question is of interest to the potential readership of this article. Style, structure, and content. The style of presentation is scientific. The structure of the article is built by the author in the context of such semantic blocks as "Introduction", "Main part", "Conclusion". When finalizing the article, it is also recommended to form the blocks "Materials and research methods", "Research results" (including it is recommended to divide into several blocks), "Discussion of research results". In the text of the article, the author argues that "human capital development institutions have an impact on all types of social innovations." On the basis of what was this conclusion made? The author also says that "the indispensable conditions for the effective development of social innovations is the resolution of inconsistencies, contradictions arising between formal and informal institutions." How did the author come to this conclusion? When finalizing, it is recommended to supplement the corresponding analysis of numerical data for the argumentation of these theses. In terms of content, the article should also be supplemented with identified problems (with justification) and reasoned recommendations for their solution. The bibliographic list consists of 19 sources. It is valuable that it contains both domestic and foreign scientific publications. Attention should also be paid to the need to supplement the sources of numerical data that will be used to finalize the materials submitted for review. However, it is necessary to issue it uniformly in accordance with the requirements of GOST. Appeal to opponents. Despite the existence of a well-formed list of sources, there is no scientific discussion in the text. When finalizing the article, it is necessary to eliminate this problem. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. Taking into account all of the above, it should be concluded that there is a study of the theoretical basis of the study, but in the context of the interest of the readership to specific substantiated problems and recommendations for their solutions, existing problems should be identified and justified, as well as the development of reasoned proposals for their solution.

Second Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

The subject of the study. The subject of the study is the relations arising in the process of financial regulation of social innovations. The research methodology used by the author is based on the following methods of scientific cognition: comparison, analysis, synthesis of theoretical material. Relevance. The topic proposed by the author seems to be very relevant. First of all, this is due to the fact that the development of the theory of innovation, including in the context of financial regulation, in relation to social processes and its practical implementation will improve the quality of life of citizens. Scientific novelty. The scientific component of the research is to substantiate the theoretical provisions on the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations. The article should formulate the elements of scientific novelty more specifically: if factors and functions are highlighted by other scientists, it should be indicated which factors the author of the article supplemented the existing classifications, highlighted new functions, and so on. What is the theoretical and practical significance of the conducted research? How can the results be used? Style, structure, content. The style of the article is scientific and meets the requirements of the journal. The author analyzes the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations at a good theoretical level, identifies factors affecting the stability of the research object and its specific functions. As comments and recommendations, I would like to note the following. The article has three sections: introduction, main part and conclusion. Instead of the "main part", it would be necessary to write either the appropriate subtitle, or to give the classical division of sections into introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion. Figure 1 should be made more neat (the font should be the same, the extra squares should be removed, etc.). In Figures 2 and 3, the resolution (quality) should be increased so that the text is better perceived by the reader. Under each drawing, a link to the source should be made, if it is compiled personally by the author, then it is necessary to indicate this. Table 1 should provide data for 2022 or explain why the author does not provide them. The article would only benefit if the author revealed in more detail the specific functions that characterize the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations. Bibliography. The analysis of the bibliography allows us to conclude that the author has sufficiently studied scientific works on the subject under study. The list of references contains both domestic and foreign sources. In paragraph 3. the total number of pages in the book should be indicated. Appeal to opponents. The article does not discuss the results of the conducted scientific research with the results reflected in the works of other authors. The article should be finalized by eliminating this remark. Conclusions, the interest of the readership. The presented material may open up new perspectives for further research. It will be of interest to those who study the problems of financial regulation of social innovations. The article partially meets the requirements for this kind of work, requires revision and elimination of the comments indicated in the review.

Third Peer Review

Peer reviewers' evaluations remain confidential and are not disclosed to the public. Only external reviews, authorized for publication by the article's author(s), are made public. Typically, these final reviews are conducted after the manuscript's revision. Adhering to our double-blind review policy, the reviewer's identity is kept confidential.
The list of publisher reviewers can be found here.

[10:11] Korunova Valeria Olegovna The institutional environment creates conditions for the development of socially innovative projects. At the same time, the current rules and regulations can both stimulate and restrain the development of social innovations. The purpose of the study is to study the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations in the context of modern challenges and realities. The purpose and methods in the article are indicated correctly. The research tasks have been completed in full. The results presented in the study can be used in the development of institutional conditions for the management of socially oriented non-profit organizations and social entrepreneurs. The method of multiparametric systematization, critical analysis of domestic and foreign authors and other general scientific methods were used to reveal the designated topics. The material of the article is structured in accordance with internal logic, the article presents arguments concerning the definition of the subject-institutional composition of participants in social innovations. The style of the article is scientific, at the same time, the article is written in a language understandable to readers. Of the disadvantages, we can only note the quality of the illustrative materials presented. The appeal to the opponents is presented, the author conducts a critical analysis of the opinions of various authors and publications on the subject of research, which allows us to judge the high degree of elaboration of the problem and the author's personal contribution to the increment of scientific knowledge, namely, the factors affecting the stability of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations. The list of references corresponds to the stated research topic. The article traces a thorough approach to the selection of scientific literature, the list of sources used contains nineteen sources, including foreign ones. The reviewer has several comments and suggestions: We suggest improving the quality of the drawings in the article and aligning them in the center of the text. It is imperative to zoom in on the text and Figure 3 itself, as it is difficult to perceive. It is advisable to provide information not only on the amount of funds allocated for the implementation of the winning projects of the Presidential Grants Fund for the period 2017-2021, but also on other organizations under consideration. 3. The author formulated the novelty of the undertaken research. The conclusions set out in the "Conclusion" section contain an element of scientific novelty, but it is desirable to confirm them with figures. 4. In continuation of the previous remark, we note that the article would only benefit if the author, in addition to conclusions on the topic under study, also presented forecasts for the further development and transformation of the institutional environment of financial regulation of social innovations, taking into account the chosen approach in the introduction to the article. The work fully meets the requirements for scientific research, is written on an urgent topic that will receive a response among the readership, and therefore can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "Finance and Management" after eliminating minor and largely related to the drawings, comments.