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History magazine - researches

Shinin O. V. Organization of intelligence activities by the Far Eastern Republic state security organs (1920–1922)

Abstract: The article examines the issues of creation and organization and personnel-based reforms of Public Political Security of Far-Eastern Republic in the central (Verhneudinsk, Chita), Pribaylakskiy, Zabaikalskiy, Amurskiy, Priamurskiy, Primorskiy regions. Moreover, the article explores the issues of organization and intelligence practices of the Public Political Security’s branches in China, Mongolia, and Primorskiy region in 1920–1922.


history, Far Eastern Republic, Public Political Security, military control organs, authoritative representative of Cheka (Russian Emergency Commission) in Siberia, foreign intelligence, foreign intelligence residency, Innokentiy Angarskiy, Matvei Berman, Ivan Pavlunovxkiy, Konstantin Pshenitsin, Yevgeniy Fortunatov

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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