Synieokyi O.V..
Rock band as a trademark: the owners of the right to the name (analysis of the practice on resolution of the problems of coincidence in the intellectual law model “trademark a band name”
// PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 69-95.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2016.1.17972.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2016.1.17972
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Abstract: In this article, the rock band as a trademark is being analyzed from the systemic point of view for the first time in the Russian scientific literature. The author carefully examines the category “right to the band name” as an intrinsic part of the metasystem of musical communications. A special attention is given to the examination of the rock band within the dynamics of the internal and external communications with presentation in form of a special hyperstructure with horizontal and vertical connections within the sociocultural space. The chronological boundaries cover the period from 1965 to 2015 (50 years). As a result of the conducted research, the author concludes that the dynamics of the intellectual law model “trademark a band name” carries not only musical legal characteristics, but also the peculiarities of the historical time and regional-national specificity. All theoretical claims and conclusions are based on and illustrated by the examples from the history of musical industry and the practice of rock music. One of the corner stones of innovations is the statement of the final thesis on the fact that there are various versions and schools on the use of the “right to the band name” that have formed in the musical industry, which can be presented in the form of a “mosaic system” that does not always act according to legal precepts equally understood by all subjects of these legal relations (including the so-called “random coincidental band names”).
Keywords: Rock band, Pseudoname, Right to name, Musical industry, Recording industry, Communications, Album, Music project, Intellectual property right, Lawsuit
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Synieokyi O.V..
Rock band as a trademark: the owners of the right to the name (analysis of the practice on resolution of the problems of coincidence in the intellectual law model “trademark a band name”
// PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal. – 2016. – ¹ 1.
– P. 96-120.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2016.1.18740.
DOI: 10.7256/2453-613X.2016.1.18740
Read the article
Abstract: In this article, the rock band as a trademark is being analyzed from the systemic point of view for the first time in the Russian scientific literature. The author carefully examines the category “right to the band name” as an intrinsic part of the metasystem of musical communications. A special attention is given to the examination of the rock band within the dynamics of the internal and external communications with presentation in form of a special hyperstructure with horizontal and vertical connections within the sociocultural space. The chronological boundaries cover the period from 1965 to 2015 (50 years). As a result of the conducted research, the author concludes that the dynamics of the intellectual law model “trademark a band name” carries not only musical legal characteristics, but also the peculiarities of the historical time and regional-national specificity. All theoretical claims and conclusions are based on and illustrated by the examples from the history of musical industry and the practice of rock music. One of the corner stones of innovations is the statement of the final thesis on the fact that there are various versions and schools on the use of the “right to the band name” that have formed in the musical industry, which can be presented in the form of a “mosaic system” that does not always act according to legal precepts equally understood by all subjects of these legal relations (including the so-called “random coincidental band names”).
Keywords: musical project, album, communications, recording industry, music industry, right to the name, stage name, rock band, intellectual right, litigation
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