Vasilchenko M.A., Galyamichev A.N. —
XV All-Russian Scientific Readings in memory of Professor A. I. Ozolin
// Genesis: Historical research. – 2021. – ¹ 2.
– P. 84 - 90.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-868X.2021.2.35132
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The object of this research is the information on the results of the XV All-Russian Scientific Readings in memory of Professor A. I. Ozolin, which are held annually at the premises of Saratov Chernyshevsky State University. In 2021, it will be 15 years since this conference was held for the first time within the walls of the faculty of History upon the initiative of the Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor A. N. Galyamichev. The main goal of this article is to recap the work of the All-Russian conference, give an overview on the basic forms of preservation of historical memory of the prominent representatives of the academic staff, such as A. I. Ozolin. He was one of the remarkable personas on the faculty of History, who read a general course on the medieval history of Southern and Western Slavs, as well as a number of subjects within the specialty on the department of History of the Middle Ages. Planners of the conference sought to ensure that his legacy would continue to live in the memory of Saratov historians, as well as contribute to preservation and consolidation of their best traditions. Another case for holding these readings was the desire to revive and institutionalize the historical Slavic studies as an important vector of research of the Saratov historians. The readings in memory of A. I. Ozolin united the efforts of Saratov Slavists and created prerequisites for the revival of “Slavic Collection” and turning it into a scientific annuary. The majority of speakers are the staff members and postgraduates of the Institute of History and International Relations of Saratov State University, engaged in Slavic history; however, the conference draws attention of the scholars (specifically young) from other Russian regions. Reflecting on the results of conference, the participants outlined the key areas for further work, hoping to continue this tradition, which filled the niche in scientific life of the Institute of History and International Relations of Saratov State University.