Makushkin V.O. —
Kinds of Special Bank Accounts and Grounds for their Classification
// Legal Studies. – 2018. – ¹ 7.
– P. 48 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2018.7.26233
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Abstract: Despite a common use of special bank accounts in the Russian Federation legislation, they are rarely studied by experts in civil law and banking law. The science lacks in-depth researches of special bank accounts, in particular, there is still a need to clarify their kinds, features and peculiarities of the legal regime. There are some researches on the matter but, as a rule, they are devoted to particular kinds of special bank accounts. However, the quality of the legal regulation of the bank account institution in many ways depend on the theoretical concept of special bank accounts in general. The author of the article analyzes current approaches to classification of bank accounts and special bank accounts and describes the grounds for these classifications as well as defines essential features of particular kinds of special bank accounts. The author suggests his own approach to the grounds of classification of special bank accounts depending on intended use of a corresponding group of accounts. Based on these grounds, the author suggests to define three kinds of special bank accounts: special accounts containing monetary funds that do not belong to the owner, special accounts that perform transactions taking into account interests of the third parties, and special accounts that are used for public control over expenditure of monetary funds. The use of the author's classification will allow to differentiate between homogeneous kinds of special bank accounts and to establish a complex approach to developing their legal regime.
Makushkin V.O. —
On the pledge of bank account contract rights on the ground of attachment
// Legal Studies. – 2017. – ¹ 9.
– P. 49 - 59.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-7136.2017.9.23606
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Abstract: The research subject is the problem of application of the “court bail” concept to cash in banks. The author considers the problem in the context of the correlation of the doctrine novels and law enforcement practice with the current normative procedure and the established approaches of the doctrine to the institutions of pledge and bank account. The author gives general characteristics of a “court bail”, describes the legal nature of attachment and pledge of bank accounts, compares the subjects of attachment and pledge and reveals the problems of application of a “court bail” to cash in banks. The research methodology is based on general scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and specific methods: system-structural, formal-logical, comparative-legal analysis. The scientific novelty and topicality of the study is determined by the scientific discussion about the application of the “court bail” concept and by the absence of law enforcement practice. A “court bail” is a means of securing pledgees’ interests, but its unconditional application, based on the private nature of pledge relations, can lead to the infringement of public rights. It is especially important in relation to attachment of bank accounts of economic entities, which are used for payment for labour or compensation of damage. The results of the study can be used for further development of the “court bail” concept and changing the current legislation.