Popkova N.V. —
Understanding Technology in Modern Culture: methodological reconstruction of philosophical approaches
// Culture and Art. – 2022. – ¹ 9.
– P. 17 - 27.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2022.9.36099
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/camag/article_36099.html
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Abstract: The subject of the research is philosophical approaches to the analysis of technology reflecting the understanding of technology in modern culture. The problematization of technology occurs in connection with the desire of people to control it, reducing the determinism of their lives by external forces. To explain the connection between technology and man, numerous philosophical approaches have been proposed — systems of views expressing a certain way of seeing and based on basic concepts (reflecting the main aspects of the subject of research). Depending on the properties attributed to the technique and the goals of study, these approaches offer various forms of its awareness and practical development. At the existing level of philosophical knowledge, these concepts are not systematized and not coordinated; implied assumptions are not formulated openly, the main problems and prerequisites of the study, the factors taken into account, the meaning of the terms used are not always explicitly stated. The author comes to the conclusion that the analysis of these approaches with the help of logical reconstruction will bring the greatest methodological benefit: the identification of philosophical concepts (including the articulation of unconscious ideas), their comparison and analysis of methodological foundations (identification of the principles underlying them). It is concluded that the following have the greatest potential for research: a socio-natural approach analyzing nature and human society (generating technology) as steps of a single ladder of evolution having common laws of functioning; a sociotechnological approach considering socio-cultural and technical practices as generated by the communication environment; a biotechnological approach exploring natural and technical systems as successive stages of the evolution of the Universe, not taking into account the subjective factor of technology development. As a result, developing a philosophy of technology that combines all the diversity of these approaches and explains their mutual correspondence, we will analyze the anthropological foundations of technical activity.
Popkova N.V. —
Social dysfunctions of philosophy in modern society
// Culture and Art. – 2020. – ¹ 9.
– P. 30 - 45.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2020.9.32924
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/camag/article_32924.html
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Abstract: This article reviews the current content of social functions of the philosophy. The popularity of philosophy, which used to be considered one of the leading areas of culture and provided ideological grounds for social movements, is diminishing in technogenic society. The social functions previously fulfilled by philosophy no longer align with the societal interests. Science and politics do not challenge philosophy with the global questions, to which it has always sought answers. An assumption is made that one of the causes for the current decline of interest in philosophy is its social dysfunctions: along with the yielding benefits, philosophy can also be counterproductive. The research methodology contains articulation and discussion of the problems, comparative and situational analysis, structuring of concepts, cultural-historical comparisons, typological constructs, and generalizations. As a result, the author determines the two social dysfunctions of philosophy that may be the cause for its current unpopularity. Socio-axiological dysfunction impairs the foundations of social order, criticizing the fundamental worldview principles of culture. Hypercritical dysfunction disorientates the person by multiplicity of philosophical doctrines, and impedes selecting their own worldview principles, demonstrating the refutability of any opinion. It is concluded that philosophy could be more actively involved in humanization of the society, if leans towards neutralization of these dysfunctions and improvement of the narrative form of philosophical research.
Popkova N.V. —
The Role of Philosophy in the Culture of a Technogenic Society: Criticism of Technological Mind
// Culture and Art. – 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 37 - 52.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2019.4.29324
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/camag/article_29324.html
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Abstract: The subject of the research is the status of philosophy in the culture of am odern technogenic society, in particular, its importance for people in the era when technical rationality prevails. In her research Popkova examines peculiarities of technical rationality and its difference from philosophical rationality. She demonstrates the difference of worldviews developed by these types of rationality and signs of expansion of technical rationality into the sphere of philosophy. Popkova also desribes the main views regarding the aim and functions of philosophy and makes a conclusion about the conflict between philosophical and technological activity goals. The research methodology involves problem statement and discussion, comparative and situational analysis, historical cultural comparison, composition of definitions, typological constructs and generalisations. The researcher also describes the main postulates of technical mind, i.e. principles that arose during the technical activity and extended to other activities as a result of expansion of technical rationality. At the end of the article the author concludes that philosophy is also attacked by technical mind which to a great extend explains its crisis in modern society. Nevertheless, this is philosophy that can develop new forms of thinking and become the basis for new humanitarian activities.
Popkova N.V. —
Education Ecology as a Part of Culture Ecology
// Pedagogy and education. – 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 57 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2017.1.21707
URL: https://en.e-notabene.ru/ppmag/article_21707.html
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Abstract: The author of the article emphasizes the need to inculde a new academic discipline, education ecology, into the sphere of culture ecology. The crisis in some areas of the social life has caused the need to ecologize corresponding sciences. In particular, the threat to culture preservation has led to the occurrence of culture ecology. Meanwhile, cultural standards are transferred through the social institution of education, therefore, preservation of the overall educational level should become the major part of culture ecology. The author demonstrates that thee modern condition of education as a social institution providing reproduction of the socio-cultural environment is critical. The author suggests to develop education ecology. According to the author, the object of this new discipline should be the influence of the socio-cultural environment on the education system and the object thereof should be conditions of functioning of education as a social institution, standards and norms of its realisation and ways of its preservation. In her article Popkova describes the primary goals of education ecology. In order to achieve these goals it is necessary to analyse, in particular, models of education institutes of various societies considering them as tools of self-preservation of society. As a result, it would be possible to develop measures aimed at society modernisation instead of breaking its valuable bases. Thus, education ecology is represented an obligatory stage of any actions oriented at increasing the efficiency of education.
Popkova N.V. —
The Role of Technology in Ancient Culture
// Culture and Art. – 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 164 - 171.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2016.2.17555
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Abstract: The article features attitudes to technology which were typical for ancient culture. It is shown that though the ancient civilization laid the foundation of many innovations in science, art and other areas of human life, technological progress was not encouraged and the level of technological development did not differ from previous ancient civilisations. In her research Popkova analyzes why famous ancient innovations were not used and thus were forgotten. The author also studies worldview principles of the ancient culture related to technology and explaining the reasons of insufficient attention to technological development and implementation of innovations. The basic methods of research used by the author include problematization, analogy, methodological schematization, rationalisation and articulation of implicit representations. The author considers the basic provisions and sayings of ancient philosophers on technology. Based on the example of ancient views on the person and his place in the Universe, the author of the article demonstrates the incompatiblity of the worldview dominating in that period with active technical transformation of natural processes . The reason why the ancient genius passed by the technical progress was the divination of the Universe and the natural order of things, as well as viewing human as the particle of the Universe but not an independent creature. Dependence of human life on universal laws which was the main principle of the ancient worldview, did not approve attempts to change natural processes and focused on perfection of the private world of human instead of external conditions of his life. The practical importance of such research is caused by the fact that the author searches new ways for modern mankind to overcome the crisis of the industrial civilisation. New world outlook principles, change in the attitude of people to themselves and to the world should precede practical implementation of harmless methods of economic management (which is hindered by the inertia of industrial hedonistic rationality).
Popkova N.V. —
Philosophical culture or philosophical technology?
// Culture and Art. – 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 133 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0625.2015.2.14209
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Abstract: In article the essence of philosophical culture, the reason of its small demand by modern mass con-sciousness and ways of an exit from crisis position are considered. The situation with a recognition of social utility of philosophy in the conditions of dominating tehnogenno-hedonistic rationality is analyzed. The place of philosophical culture within the limits of culture classical (as a source of basic principles and concepts) and cultures of a modern epoch (when the philosophy is criticised for uselessness even by scientific community) is compared. Necessity of transformation of philosophy for a modern epoch is investigated. The basic methods of research realised in work, - problematization, analogy, a methodological schematization, rationalisation and an articulation of implicit representations. On an example of position of the modern science which have passed in a stage techno-science (that means transition from a problem of understanding of an external reality to a problem of its designing, from an explanation - to reproduction). The author considers philosophy as the special technology intended for change of the world internal, and suggests to develop philosophy in a direction named techno-philosophy. Accordingly, each philosophical system is considered as set of programs of behaviour proving each other and dialogue: the basic metaphilosophical directions having different research objectives are allocated, and possibility of their interpretation as various schemes of autodesigning of the person of the philosopher is shown. As a result there is a possibility to use domination of technologically directed outlook on advantage of development of philosophy, it is convincing (for modern mentality) having proved its necessity for the individual becoming the person. Practical application of techno-philosophy will find the project at reconsideration of stages of development of philosophy and its social functions, at research of implicit or daily philosophy (ordinary representations about a life, its purpose and its rules also are technologies).