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International relations

V. V. Karyakin The Third Wave – the geopolitics of postmodernism

Abstract: The article is devoted to the Third Wave geopolitics concept, stated in the context of the post-nonclassical approach of V.S. Stepin, the theory of self-organizing systems of H. Haken, the “managed chaos” concept of S. Mann, and the synergetic vision of contemporary geopolitical processes. The world community entered the age of a permanent crisis, which is presented today as a system crisis of the modern civilization. Social and political tendencies which had occurred during the revolutions in the Middle East and the Northern Africa, and the range of “color” revolutions on the post-Soviet space, the protest actions of the Russian opposition formulated the urgent task of development of new instruments for the research of the modern world political transformation processes. In such conditions geopolitics should study the processes, occurring not only within the relations between the states, but also inside the states, closely connected with each other, in order to reveal the threats and to develop the mechanisms of parrying them. Auspicious conditions for appearance of threats to international and domestic security arise from the use by the international policy subjects of the “managed chaos” technologies, the strategies of “soft power” and “indirect actions” against the background of worsening of territorial, demographical, confessional, ecological, food and water problems on the vast territories of the Central Asia and the Middle East.


international relations, foreign policy, geopolitics, postmodernism, the third wave of geopolitics, soft power, security, interests, values, self-organization.

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