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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kiyaschenko, N. I. The Phenomenon of Non-Humanity in a Human Being

Abstract: The subject of research is to analyze non-humanity in a human being. The aforesaid problem has many aspects. Firstly, it is related to religious topics. Religious literature views human as a sinful creature falling into the first sin. Secondly, the topic of ‘non-humanity’ is associated with morals and interpreted as the human susceptibility to evil. Thirdly, the concept of non-humanity in human is the result of gradual disappointment in human as a god’s creature as it was depicted in the medieval literature. This has led to another phenomenon which Nikolay Berdyaev called ‘the impairment of human’. Psychoanalysis started a new stage in the development of this concept. Psychoanalysts introduced the phenomenology of the unconsciousness and the nature of the instincts leading to aggression and destruction. Fromm wrote a special book called ‘The anatomy of human destructiveness’. Finally, non-humanity becomes the subject of modern trans-humanistic philosophy. Researchers started to question whether it was possible to embed something into human which would allow to change the human nature and create a new human. The author bases his research on such significant methods as the hermeneutic and psychoanalytical analysis of texts allowing to reveal different aspects of non-humanity. The novelty of research is the introduction of the topic which has never been viewed as the subject of independent analysis in Russian sources. The author of the article makes an attempt to trace back the development of the historical and philosophical tradition with reference to this problem. Even though there have been some discussions about Adam’s descendants and some features they may have different from Adam’s nature. However, this topic has never been discussed from the point of history and philosophy. The author of the article describes how this problem has been developing from ancient days till today. The author underlines that without being opposed to non-humanity, humanity can’t fully reveal itself.


human, non-human, evil, destructiveness, human existence, soullessness, cruelty, biophilia, necrophilia, violence.

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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