Citations count: 5
Manoilo A.V. —
Comparative Separatism: World Experience and Russian Realities
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 141 - 169.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.2.15335 URL:
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The concept of “separatism” is widely interpreted in modern political and legal practice. This concept implies: the raising of claims for the parts of state territories self-determination and their subsequent separation and independence (secessionism); the use of illegal methods (power) of management for the expansion of autonomous, federal, confederal rights. In some cases the separatist movement may operate in neighboring countries, supporting the unification with the neighboring country or its part (irredentism). Separatist movements create political parties, usually of nationalistic or military (terrorist) character and, if possible, a kind of “government in exile.”
The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.
Separatist movements today are spreading around the world. Currently, they are a global ethno-political problem. Separatism is aimed at separation of a certain area from the multi-national state and creation of an independent nation-state.
Citations count: 5
Avatkov V.A. —
The Turkic World and Turkic Organizations
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 11 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.26047 URL:
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The object of the study is a multinational Turkic world and international Turkic organizations; the subject is the actions taken by certain countries, particularly the Republic of Turkey, against the Turkic States of the world community. The aim of the study is to identify the reasons which allowed the international Turkic organizations to occupy a significant place in the system of international relations today. The author also considers the most important aspects and history of formation of a new subsystem of modern international relations – the Turkic world; as well as the role of the actors of global processes involved in its establishment. The author provides a brief analysis of the development of Pan-Turkist sentiments in Turkey and gradual extension of these ideas to the territory of the post-Soviet space and the Russian Federation in the 1990s through Turkic organizations and other "soft power" tools, as well as attempts to justify the principles of such Turkish organizations as TIKA and TURKSOY and their main objectives. The study addressed the principles of cooperation between the Turkic States, as well as with the external players in the political, economic and socio-cultural spheres. The conducted research concludes that the efforts of the Turkish Republic to impose its values are the result of "Neo – Ottomanism" policy, where the Turkic world is used as a means of strengthening its position on the world scene on the road to transformation of the State into a supra-regional power.
Citations count: 5
Beliakov D.A. —
Russia-United States relations in the mid-19th century
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 103 - 114.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.4.17252 URL:
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The article reveals the issues of the development of relations between the Russian Empire and the United States in the mid-19th century. The authors consider the international-legal situation of that period. The authors carry out the analysis of the Far Eastern policy of the Russian Empire in the post-reform period. The authors note that Russian-American relations in the late 19th century were characterized with the strengthening of friendly relations and establishment of business and trade contacts. Moreover, the US also had their interests in the Far East and could protect them effectively only with the help of the Russian state. The authors of the research apply the general methods of cognition: the materialist and dialectical methods and the method of scientific abstraction which gave the opportunity to study Russian-American relations in their development, to reveal the features of the Far Eastern policy of the Russian Empire of the post-reform period. The general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis, deduction and induction and the system-structural method helped in the analysis of Russia-United States relations of the mid-19th century and the formulation of conclusions about their impact on the world politics. Thus, the mutually beneficial cooperation between Russia and the US, established in the late 17th – the early 19th century, continued in the late 19th century.
Citations count: 5
Naumov A.O. —
The BRICS countries’ “Soft Power” (the case of Brazil and the Republic of South Africa)
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 27 - 40.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.4.17025 URL:
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The subject of the study is the potential and the main directions of “soft power” of the BRICS countries, namely the Federative Republic of Brazil and the Republic of South Africa. Brazil and South Africa are the rising powers of the present, with the claims on economic and political leadership, respectively, in the regions of Latin America and Africa. Despite the seeming differences, these countries have a lot in common. Apart from the BRICS membership, Brazil and South Africa are the centers of the unique civilizations, the engines of economic growth and integration processes in South America and Africa. Finally, they only start realizing their “soft power” policies on the international arena and often choose parallel courses, which is of a special scientific interest. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural-functional and comparative approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. Today the “soft power” instruments are gaining special importance for the BRICS countries. After several years of a successful progressive development and economic growth, in 2015 the BRICS countries have faced new serious challenges. In the new circumstances, in order to maintain their positions on the international scene, the BRICS countries need to use the instruments of “soft power”. In Russian historiography the comparative analysis of the potential and the main directions of “soft power” of Brazil and South Africa is carried out for the first time.
Citations count: 4
Filipović A. —
Influence of the far right in Sweden on the process of European integration
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 46 - 60.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.4.31010 URL:
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The purpose of the research is to study the influence of the Democrats in Sweden on the process of Sweden’s European integration. The author emphasizes such aspects as the history of the party, its ideology, worldview, politics, electoral success and the potential reasons for the growth of the electoral support during the last decade. The analysis of political documents of Sweden’s Democrats can help understand their viewpoint better, see Sweden’s problems with their eyes, and understand how they see Sweden’s policy towards further European integration and immigration, and regional and international issues. The research methodology contains content-analysis which is used for studying political and electoral programs of the party, as well as election results. The author concludes that until Sweden’s Democrats enter the government coalition, there will be no radical changes in Sweden’s European integration or foreign policy. However, the author notes, the main political parties and intellectual elite of Sweden slowly reconsider their positions on such issues as immigration, mainly due to a vibrant anti-immigration message spread by the Democrats both in the parliament and in the Mass Media.
Citations count: 3
Mukhamadeev D.V., Shevchenko Y.N. —
Trade, economic and sanctions wars: an attempt to theoretically differentiate the ideas in the context the international relations science
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 12 - 22.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.1.29072 URL:
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The research purpose of this article is to attempt to differentiate the concepts and theoretical backgrounds of economic sanctions and trade wars as popular instruments of economic coercion. In the authors’ opinion, such differentiation is critically important for the conceptualization of economic sanctions as a foreign policy instrument kindling the interest of both specialists in international relations and the global and regional international politics practitioners. From a practical perspective, the interest in analyzing this issue is determined by the fact that over the past century, economic sanctions have become one of the key instruments of achieving a state’s foreign policy goals. They are mostly used by developed countries with extensive economic and technological capabilities (e.g. U.S.), which are striving for abatements of their less powerful partners regarding foreign and domestic policy issues. Yet another argument in favour of studying economic sanctions, trade wars and other instruments of economic coercion in the context of the theory of international relations is the possibility to shed more light on the nature of power as the most significant concept of modern political science. A detailed analysis of theoretical discussions about the phenomenon of trade and economic wars compared with economic sanctions allows the authors to outline a set of fundamental differences between these phenomena in the context of modern economic diplomacy.
Citations count: 3
Manoilo A.V. —
Color revolutions and the technologies for the disassembly of political regimes.
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 19.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12614 URL:
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This article is devoted to the analysis of the problems regarding disassembly of political regimes in the modern states (both authoritarian and democratic ones) and role of the color revolutions technologies in this process. The problems of disassembly of political regimes and related problems of color revolutions become especially topical nowadays. It has to do with more than just the fact that detailed evaluation of the events in Ukraine shows that they copy the scenarios of color revolutions in the North Africa and the Middle East, the so-called "Arabian Spring", and, more specifically, the revolutions in Egypt and Syria, showing that these events were not merely accidental, they were arranged and managed from a single decision-making center. The cause of the above is that the new generation of the more subtle instruments of foreign political influence currently takes the place of traditional instruments, to which the international community is used to. These new methods combine force and information technologies for the manipulation of the mass conscience and mass behavior of large quantities of civilian population.
Citations count: 3
Pashkovskaya I.G. —
The First Stage of Building Relationship in the Military-Political Sphere between the European Union and NATO in the 1999-2015 timeframe
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 22 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.25088 URL:
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The subject of the study is the first stage of establishing interaction between the European Union and NATO in the military-political sphere (1999-2015), which implied that the two organizations should undertake a number of steps towards each other to ensure European security in the interests of the EU Member States and NATO member States. The object of the study is documents of the governing bodies of the European Union and NATO in which both organizations state their positions regarding the expediency of joint activities in the field of security and defence. The article pays a particular attention to the evolution of the EU's attitude towards ensuring security and defence of the EU Member States. The work is based on historical, logical, comparative and analytical methods of scientific knowledge of reality and the methodology of system analysis in order to conduct the in-depth study and obtain the most complete and objective conclusions. The main conclusion of the study is that, as a result of the measures taken by the European Union and NATO for a mutually interested rapprochement, the organizations have come to the establishment of a strategic partnership between the European Union and NATO. The author's special contribution to the study of the topic is identification of the fact that, as a result of strategic partnership establishment, NATO has provided the European Union with a guaranteed access to NATO's military capabilities, primarily for crisis management operations in which NATO generally does not participate. The novelty of the study is in identification of motivation for the rapprochement between the European Union and NATO in the military-political sphere.
Citations count: 3
Pestcov S.K. —
Regionalism and new China’s periphery policy
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 103 - 118.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.3.23751 URL:
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The research subject is China’s regionalism as a set of views and opinions about the surrounding space, preferable regional orders and regional development processes. The study is based on constructivist principles of the new regionalism theory, which offer a set of ideas important for contemporary regionalism understanding. Regionalism issue has become more prominent in China since empowerment of Xi Jinping and the fifth generation of Chinese leaders in 2012. It is proved by a series of new concepts and initiatives in the sphere of regional development, offered by the Chinese leaders, and active discussion of the new regional strategy of China in the academic milieu. Analysis of ideas and suggestions, which appear during this discussion, helps construct the entire vision of the direction and character of probable changes in its foreign policy and the outlines of the forming new vision of regionalism. The author attempts to review the new Chinese approach to regionalism as a sum of ideas about the surrounding regional space, views on regional rules and strategies of behavior in the regional milieu, which form during its growth and development. The research methodology is based on the complex approach containing the historical, logical and comparative methods of scientific cognition, and the methods of system, conceptual and comparative analysis of sources. The scientific novelty of the research consists in detection and interpretation of the currently forming new ideas about the periphery diplomacy space, goals and tasks of diplomacy of China’s neighbours, principles and tactics of interrelations with regional neighbours, geographic references and regional activity priorities. The analysis helps understand the new trends and the content of the general vision of regionalism and country’s policy in the regional milieu, which are forming in China.
Citations count: 3
Kosorukov A.A. —
Public Discourse as the Factor of Russia's Public Policy (the Case Study of Eurasian Integration)
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 3.
– P. 47 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.3.21567 URL:
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The subject of the research is the public discourse as the factor of efficient implementation of Russia's public policy viewed on the basis of its institutional basis, and the development of the Eurasian Economic union and European union. The public discourse of the Eurasian regionalism is viewed by the author of the article from the point of view of the development of state authority's legitimacy, the latter being created as a result of different political approaches and defined by national and regional identity of a state. The national and regional identity of the state is created is in relation to the 'others', i.e. the main foreign partners. The methodology of the research includes historical method, content analysis, functional and non-functional approaches to integration. The main conclusions of the research are the following: - a state needs a public discourse to define significant 'others' and its national interests which raises the efficiency of public policty; - efficient public discourse allows to achieve international recognition of state's interests and letitimacy of its political system; - the fact that the European Union is not ready for equal interaction with the Eurasian Economic union in the space of public discourse means that the public discourse of the EU and its identifiction of significant 'others' bear an exclusive nature; - public discourse of Eurasian Economic Union member states is in still developing and includes unstable representations of Russia and the EU as significant 'others'.
Citations count: 3
Konovalova K. —
The Post-Soviet States as Objects of External "Soft Power" Influence: the Example of the Republic of Belarus
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 10.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.19446 URL:
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The object of the present study is influence of foreign soft power on the Republic of Belarus (RB) as one of the States of the former Soviet Union. The subject of the study is unique features of the strategies of RB's involvement into the area of their "soft power" influence by such intra- and extra-regional actors of the former Soviet Union as Russia and the European Union (particularly Poland and Lithuania). The author analyzes the peculiarities of projects of the above-mentioned countries (a group of countries) on Belarus’ value and ideology involvement into the orbit of their "soft-power" influence; and subsequently characterizes the tools of such influence. The study uses methods of general logic and methods of international relations science such as historical and comparative. The author also uses method of statistical data procession. The novelty of the study lies in definition of the civilizational and ideological prerequisites for the RB's involvement into the orbit of foreign "soft-power" influence, as well as in identification of the reasons for Russian "soft power" inefficiency with respect to the Belarusian direction, and a certain mechanism for its correction is proposed. The author comes to the conclusion that Belarus is currently in the midst of Russian-European "soft-power" rivalry in a broad sense of the term. However, such a national "soft-power" influence as, for example, by Poland is not congruent with the European one in content and objectives, but represents a separate phenomenon that Russia should take into account. The Russian "soft power" in the Belarusian direction is well institutionalized, but its conceptual content requires updating, on the one hand, due to the current state of relations between the two States and the spiritual and intellectual demands of new generations of Belarusian society, and, on the other hand, because in the current environment the European civilizational and ideological projects constitute a very viable alternative to the Russian world.
Citations count: 2
Mikhalev A.V. —
Political presence - genealogy of the concept
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 33 - 42.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.2.29722 URL:
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The research subject is the discourse of political presence reproduced in Russia’s public sphere since the 2000s. The article considers the history of appearance of this concept in the public sphere and its penetration into the scientific one. The research object is the history of political thought in Russia. The author analyzes the polysemy of this term to attempt to study the specificity of formation and reproduction of public political concepts. The author assesses the prospect of their application in political practice as operational analytical categories. The research methodology is based on the critical discourse analysis. Using this scientific tool, the author considers the structure and the method of reproducing one particular discourse concept. The special author’s contribution to the research of the topic is the fact that he is the first to notice the randomness of using the term “political presence”. The author concludes that the term “political presence” needs to be strictly defined. It is necessary to give precise criteria to defining military, economic and political presence.
Citations count: 2
Erokhov I. —
Post-globalization and political archaization in Russia
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.2.33335 URL:
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The purpose of the article is political and philosophical insight into the problem of global disintegration - the main characteristic of the modern stage of international relations, which the author of the work suggests naming a “post-globalization”. The author substantiates the hypothesis about the completion of globalization and the beginning of a post-global period in international relations. The article also reveals the thesis about archaization of politics in modern Russia as a reaction to the beginning of post-globalization. The work contains a methodology paragraph which enunciates the concept of two typical forms of reaction to postglobal changes in international relations. This theory serves as a methodological basis for the applied analysis and the conclusion that archaization of politics has converted Russia from a global power to a regional country. In a wide historical sense, archaization of Russia’s politics proves that the post-Soviet period has been completed in post-Soviet states. Globalization, which is understood as a global integration process, has been completed. In global politics and economics, a centrifugal ideology of disintegration and separation, manifested in a dramatic self-isolation of countries and the beginning of a new “enclosure” of national socio-economic systems, has replaced the strategies of unification. Russia has responded to the current international situation with archaization of both external and internal policies. This path is strategically wrong, and speaks for a degradation of the country’s politics. Improper political reaction to post-globalization has already driven Russia out from the top-list of the countries of influence to the regionally significant countries whose influence is more prominent within their region. The research subjects the author takes as a basis - post-globalization and archaization of Russia’s politics - haven’t been studied sufficiently enough in Russian world literature. At the same time, these problems seem to be urgent, since the author comes to the conclusion that Russia is not ready for the post-global epoch.
Citations count: 2
Raikhlin E.I. —
On Soviet and post-Soviet distribution of the land income.
// World Politics.
– 2014. – ¹ 1.
– P. 76 - 87.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.1.10127 URL:
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The land income is a form of income from land and subsoil resources. Just like any other form of income, the production of land income is different from its distribution. The quantity of land is stable and limited, and it forms the conditions for the land income. The production factors do not include the owner of the plot of land or its user (not being it s owner). The limited quantity of land and the services provided with it is relative . It is relative in comparison with two other production factors: physical capital (means and instruments of production) and the workforce, as well as to the amount of services provided by these two production factors. The relative character of limitations of land and services guaranteed by it do not provide for the lack of unused opportunityó expenses, that is, alternative options for the use of a plot of land. Of course, there are such expenses and such options. However, the amount of unused opportunity expenses or the amount of alternatives for the use of land are less when the physical capital and workforce used are not so limited and not so permanent at the current period of time.
Citations count: 2
Milyukova A., Kovaleva A.V., Valyulina E.V. —
Pan-Turkism and geopolitical identity in modern Eurasia: the analysis of representations in the media
// World Politics.
– 2021. – ¹ 1.
– P. 25 - 38.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.1.34970 URL:
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The subject of research is quantitative and qualitative characteristics of representation of the issue of Pan-Turkism in the Mass Media. The authors study two trends of development of the Pan-Turkism ideas: on the other hand, marginalization, on the other hand - actualization, which corresponds with the periods of crises (wars, epidemics, political crises). As an alternative to separatist movements, the authors name the increase of the role of transborder cooperation in the context of Eurasian integration with the help of the Eurasian Economic Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Economic Community, and the project of transborder regional cooperation Big Altai. The purpose of the research is to characterise the main media trends of presentation of the Pan-Turkism issue in the Mass Media. The authors demonstrate the assessment of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of media coverage of the ideas of Pan-Turkism (the dynamics of referring; the activity of media in the number of messages and mediaindex, the level, categories, genres, the most remarkable newsworthy events; the role of international social, religious, educational organizations; the position of countries, regions, public figures, government and social organizations and institutions in the media coverage of the Pan-Turkism ideas).
The scientific novelty consists in the fact that the context of references to the Pan-Turkism ideas in the media, as well as the media trends in this field which are being formed, almost haven’t been studied. The main conclusions of the research are about the information agenda, formed mainly by the Russian federal Internet media, aimed at the coverage of the Pan-Turkism issues. The most active in the formation of the Pan-Turkism agenda are the Russian pro-government and pro-Armenian media. Turkey, Armenia, Syria, Azerbaijan and Nagorno-Karabakh have a negative image in the media materials in the context of Pan-Turkism. Russia, the U.S., China. Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, as well as such political figures as Recep Erdoğan, Vladimir Putin, Ilham Aliyev and Nikol Vovayi Pashinyan are referred to in a positive context.
Citations count: 2
Dneprov A. —
Lessons of the Ukrainian Euromaidan
// World Politics.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 33 - 44.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.4.11518 URL:
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What are the lessons to learn for Russia and other CIS states from the sad experience of the Ukrainian crisis. In order to respond to this question, there is need to analyze the factors, guaranteeing stability of the political system within any state. Any political regime holds on "three whales". One of them is existing moral and psychological legitimacy of the government, internal support by the population, guaranteeing its consent for the existence of this government and rule of these political elites. The second "whale" is the foreign political support provided by the global influence centers (in Ukrainian case it was the West, as represented by the Western Europe and the USA, or the East, as represented by Russia). The third "whale" is the political will, deciseveness and competence of the leaders of the state and representatives of ruling elites, which is express by keeping power and exercising control over the political situation. The fourth "whale" may be added. It is economic and military power of the state, making the surrounding global influence center take the will of the government into consideration. Let us see what was the situation with the main supporting points of political power in Ukraine...
Citations count: 2
Chikhachev A.Y., Biron Y.S. —
France’s operation Barkhane: Pro et Contra
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 56 - 66.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.4.28394 URL:
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The article analyzes the modern form of France’s military presence in Sahel-Saharan region - the operation Barkhane. The main attention is given to the purpose and the tasks of the operation, the involved forces and finances, and foreign policy motives which France uses to justify its military involvement. Special attention is given to the weak aspects of the expedition - from the obscure situation with funding and equipment, able to operate in the desert conditions, to the unreliability of the five Sahel countries. The authors also study the variants of the operation Barkhane termination, which can be considered by the French government. To study all the aspects of the problem as a single set, the authors use the SWOT-analysis method. Based on this method, the authors successively study the strong and the weak aspects of the operation, the possibilities and external threats. The conclusions are combined in a summary table - an analytical extract of all the key factors promoting or hampering the maintenance of France’s military presence in the region. Such point of view turns the study into the applied research, and bears out its scientific novelty against the background of other scientific work describing the situation in Sahel in general rather than focusing on the problems and prospects of the particular operation. The authors conclude that Sahel campaign remains quite unsuccessful for France: its negative internal and external effects are still stronger than the positive ones. In attempt to improve the situation, the current authorities try to realize the only scenario acceptable for them: to gradually withdraw the French army from Sahel in exchange for strengthening military forces of the local states.
Citations count: 2
Avatkov V.A., Kasianenko A.V. —
Political-military relations in the South Caucasus in the context of the Iran-Russia-Turkey Triangle
// World Politics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 18.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.3.36263 URL:
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The research subject is the peculiarities of modern political-military relations in the South Caucasus in the context of the Iran-Russia-Turkey Triangle. The author considers political-military relations in the region through the prism of national interests of regional actors, such as Russia, Turkey, and Iran; analyzes military and technical cooperation in the South Caucasus based on the example of Armenia and Azerbaijan; studies military expenditure of the countries of the region and military budgets of Armenia and Azerbaijan, which are one of the hotbeds of tension and conflicts of interests of Russia, Turkey and Iran. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the systematization of ideas about the modern state of political-military relations in the South Caucasus in terms of the regional actors’ influence on the regional security system. Based on the documents, facts and research works, the author formulates a conclusion about the condition and the prospects of development of modern political-military relations in the South Caucasus in the context of the Iran-Russia-Turkey Triangle. The success of Turkey in terms of strengthening its positions in the South Caucasus against the background of rising competition in the region is undoubtable. Turkey has managed not only to position itself as a strong regional actor, which is able to indirectly influence regional disputes settlement, but also to promote the military triumph of Azerbaijan, its key ally in the region. It will result in further extension of export of Turkish weapons to Azerbaijan, and deeper cooperation between these two countries in other spheres. It concerns Russia and Iran, which are interested in maintaining the balance of powers in the region.
Citations count: 2
Hao L. —
The “One Belt and One Road” initiative in the context of strategic cooperation between Russia and China
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 82 - 91.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.3.23848 URL:
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The research subject is the analysis of international interaction between the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China since the late 20th century to the present time within the upcoming new prospects of long-term cooperation. The author makes a brief review of the recent history of interrelations between the two counties and forecasts their development for the nearest future within the adopted joint program “One Belt and One Road”. This project is based on the “complementarity” principle, i.e. the unification of advantages of China and Russia thus forming modern largescale “development partnership”. This study is based on a set of scientific methods, including the historical, institutional, system and comparative methods of scientific analysis. The scientific novelty of the study consists in the fact that the political science problem under consideration reveals the new understanding of the vectors of development of relations of the two largest world powers. Particularly, the author considers the role of China in realization of the largest projects of the Eurasian Economic Union in the context of economic decline in Russia and other countries, close to Russia, caused by the Western sanctions. In the context of the possible narrowing of the EAEU’s potential, China’s project of “one road” can naturally compensate Russia’s demand for effective partnership. A special author’s contribution to the study of the topic is the conclusion that in the contemporary world, the alliance of Russia and China can define many vectors of development of world politics for the nearest decades.
Citations count: 2
Chebotarev Y.A. —
The Liberal Intergovernmental Approach in the Context of Modern Regional Studies by the example of Latin America
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 26 - 34.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.26333 URL:
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The present article explores the theoretical basis of modern regional studies and comparative integration. The article covers the formation of existing integration theories and their peculiar features; fixes the historical dominant of Western European experience in the process of integration theories creation. The author marks out the fundamental differences between the context of Western European integration and regional processes in most other regions of the world; gives a brief description of the liberal intergovernmental approach, its origins, history, and circumstances of its development, and the reasons for its wide applicability. As an example, the article appeals to the experience of regional initiatives of Latin America, their specificity and fundamental principles of functioning, their difference from Western European practice and compliance of Latin American experience with the hypotheses of the liberal intergovernmental approach, explicableness of modern phenomena of Latin American regionalism on its basis. The author draws a conclusion as for applicability of the Liberal Intergovernmental Approach in modern studies of regional organizations as a basic theoretical approach, makes assumptions about its perspective further adaptation, highlights relevance of this direction as well as the theoretical work necessary to understand and systematize the experience of practical research and regional specifics.
Citations count: 2
Ursul A.D. —
Latin American vector of global sustainability acquisition
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 102 - 115.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.2.33376 URL:
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The research subject is the study of global tendencies of Latin America transition to sustainable development. Such transition is aimed at settling the argument between the rising needs of humanity and the inability of the biosphere to satisfy them without being rapidly and massively destroyed. The sustainable development strategy is supported by the states of Latin American region where the understanding is strengthening that its effective usage is impossible merely at the national level and requires regional, interregional and global approaches. The author’s aim is to analyze the global “background” and international and regional dimension processes of Latin America acquisition of global sustainability. The author outlines basic directions and the first steps of Latin America states transition to sustainable development, and emphasizes the leading role of Brazil in this process. All the more so as the country is strengthening its ability to influence the pursuing of sustainable development goals via BRICS. Since its foundation, this international association of five large countries has oriented towards the effective transition to sustainable development in its unique format. The strengthening of cooperation between these countries is expected, including that in BRICS Plus format, in “sustainable transition”, which is also proved by the participation in this process of the recently created BRICS departments - the New Development Bank and the Network University. The author assesses the influence of COVID pandemic on the further socio-economic development of the region and on the process of implementation of sustainable development goals.
Citations count: 2
Filippov V.R. —
The Mali: fighting for uranium.
// World Politics.
– 2013. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 47.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.2.773 URL:
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The article describes the political situation in the Mail. The author analyzes the conflicts among various forces within the state. From the standpoint of international security, an optimum situation should include legitimate elections in the entire territory of the state, guarantees of political and economic sovereignty of the Mali in its totality. Revival of the Mali economy is only possible, if the Mali people shall be able to diversify their economic policy and choose their partners accordance to economic viability, and not "special relations" with the former mother country. The author describes the attitudes of the UN and global community towards the conflict, and he discusses the special value of the so-called "uranium factor" for the interest of the Western states. The author draws a conclusion that the American attempts to put their protege as the President of the Mali have provoked the military uprising in Bamako, and caused the downfall of the legitimate President of Mali Amadou Toumani Touré, who was sympathising with the Beijing too obviously. The long-term conflict between the official Bamako and the Touaregs was used by France in order to keep control over the uranium mines in Sahel. The military takeover of Captain Amadou Haya Sanogo moved the Touaregs towards a new uprising and attack on Bamako. The situation was used by the Islamic fundamentalists and the Al-Quaeda emissaries, who had a situative union with the Touareg chiefs. In order to hold the former colony within the scope of its influence the France sent a military expedition to Mali.
Citations count: 2
Karyakin V.V. —
Urgent problems of the Russian political science and the ways to solve them
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 13 - 22.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.3.16126 URL:
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The object of the study is the Russian political science at the present stage of its development. The subject of the research covers the current problems of the Russian political science and its analytical support. The research is aimed at identification and specification of the problems of the Russian political science at the present stage and at finding the ways to solve them. The article considers the problems of the Russian political science and analytical activity. The author shows that these problems are determined by the linkage between analytical centers and the interests of their customers. The methodological basis of the research includes the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. The author concludes that to provide the high-quality analysis and forecasting of the development of socio-political situation it is necessary to introduce new research technologies based on the understanding of socio-political and international systems as non-linear objects functioning in the conditions of a determinate chaos and a high dynamics of social entropy. The author presents the organizational approaches to the formation of the system of analytical centers using foreign experience.
Citations count: 2
Naumov A.O. —
Sports Diplomacy as a "Soft Power" tool.
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.24852 URL:
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The object of the study of the article offered to readers is a "soft power" strategy that now can be found in the foreign policy arsenals of any power claiming global or regional status. The subject of the study is sports diplomacy which is an integral part of public diplomacy - the key and most effective "soft power" tool. The author elaborates such aspects of the topic as importance of sport in international relations, as well as various types of sports diplomacy: "Football", "cricket", "ping-pong", "basketball", etc. The article pays particular attention to the role of the Olympic movement and the Olympic games in world politics. The methodological basis of the study is systemic, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, methods of historicism, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation. The author comes to the conclusion that sports diplomacy plays an increasingly important role in the modern world. There is no doubt that today the states that can expertly combine various aspects of sports diplomacy as an important factor of "soft power" would benefit in the international arena. Despite the increasing role of sports diplomacy in world politics, it must be noted that a very limited number of research papers address the intersection between such spheres as "soft power" and greatest sporting achievements. This article is intended to fill this gap and to demonstrate relevance of such studies in the context of the upcoming major sporting events that will be held in Russia.
Citations count: 2
Guykin V.A. —
Eurasian Union vs the "Tumangan project" (Uniplanetary society or race wars)
// World Politics.
– 2012. – ¹ 1.
– P. 13 - 31.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2012.1.175 URL:
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Eurasia's XXI-century political architecture may be affected by changes which were initiated by certain UN structures. "Project Tumangan", which is fostered by UN strategists, is not as safe or as progressive as it is being presented. The Russian strategy of a Eurasian union was conceived at the same time as "project Tumangan", acting as its antipode. If "Tumangan" means isolation for Russia and disorganization and geopolitical transformation of the entire Eurasian territory in favor of Chinese interests, the Eurasian union represents a multiracial society which symbolizes the unity of Eurasian countries, and in time, the world. Driven by mutual economic interests, members of the Eurasian union constitute a new power in the globalizing world.
Citations count: 1
Pen'kov M.Y. —
Influence of the USA and Western Europe in Eastern Europe
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 104 - 112.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.2.19259 URL:
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The research subject is the policy of the USA and Western Europe in the countries of Eastern Europe. The author demonstrates the orientation of the USA and Western Europe towards strengthening and extending their influence in Eastern Europe, and the creation of a “sanitary cordon” around Russia in the post-Soviet political space. Special attention is given to the analysis of Western aspirations to use Eastern European countries for the creation of instability zones in the countries, bordering with Russia, and the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration of Eastern European countries. The research methodology combines the methods of political studies, source study, historiography, system analysis, retrospective and prospective analysis of the political situation. The author concludes that the USA and Western Europe use all possible methods, including those contradicting international law (Ukraine is an illustrative example), to involve Eastern European countries, and especially post-Soviet republics, into their sphere of influence. For their political interests, they are ready to make merely political decisions about the integration of countries, which don’t even meet the criteria established by the West, into Euro-Atlantic structures.
Citations count: 1
Ziatdinov D.F. —
Theoretical approaches to the security problems in international relations: the human security concept
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.4.33703 URL:
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At the present time, in research and academic circles both in Russia and abroad the attempts to systematize the human security concept are being made. The purpose of this article is the systematization of the main approaches to the human security concept. The research subject is the human security concept. The research covers the main Russian as well as foreign approaches. The research is based on general scientific methods: historical analysis, the critical and the systems methods. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the systematization of the main approaches to the human security concept. Besides, the author formulates his own approach to this concept based on the existing ones. The author concludes that there are plenty of approaches to the human security concept. Thus, it is necessary to systematize them and define the borders of the human security concept. Until now, the common definition of human security hasn’t been formulated in the research practice, which leads to the broad interpretation of the concept and hampers the practical activity. We need a system view on global development that would include a human, a state and international organizations. It is necessary to enshrine the definition of “human security” in international legislation, clearly defining all main threats and challenges affecting human security, and to establish the approach common for all national standards through which the human security concept will be implemented.
Citations count: 1
Chmyreva V. —
International presence in Ukraine in the context of the triangle "Ukraine-Turkey-Russia"
// World Politics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 35 - 47.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.1.37419 URL:
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The subject of the study is the peculiarities of Ukraine's foreign policy development at the present stage in the context of the triangle "Ukraine-Turkey-Russia". The paper shows that Ukraine is currently a zone of growing international presence: the involvement of a wide range of participants in the region in the person of international state and non-state actors, the actual internationalization of the Ukrainian transport and logistics system and port infrastructure, strengthening state sovereignty and increasing the country's defense capability through the implementation of extensive programs of financial support from Western partners – evidence systemic and long-term processes that directly affect the interests of the Russian Federation. The role of the Turkish factor in Ukraine is studied through the prism of Turkish-Ukrainian relations and Ukrainian Euro-Atlantic integration. The balance of Turkey's relations with Ukraine and Russia is shown. The analysis of the possibilities of Turkish mediation in de-escalation of relations between Russia-Ukraine and Russia-NATO is given. The relevance of the research topic is determined by the current tense international situation and military-political escalation in the region. The source base of the work includes normative-legislative acts, sources of normative-reporting and informational nature, journalistic sources. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the involvement of the corpus of the latest sources, the original perspective of the study and the theoretical and methodological approach. As a result of the analysis and on the basis of up-to-date factual information, the author concludes that despite Kiev's active support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine and the growth of military-technical cooperation between the countries, Turkey is not interested in the Ukrainian-Russian confrontation. Military escalation will create risks for the Turkish Republic of direct involvement in conflict relations between NATO and the Russian Federation and will deprive it of the opportunity to become an "independent center" of political influence in the region. At the same time, it is emphasized that Turkish mediation and the internationalization of the Ukrainian issue can contribute to de-escalating tensions and strengthening the foreign policy positions of the Russian Federation.
Citations count: 1
Rustamova L.R. —
Contribution of International Non-Governmental Organizations to Peaceful Conflict Resolution Processes: The Case of the Syrian Conflict
// World Politics.
– 2022. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.4.38836 EDN: IMDEEC URL:
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Due to the increase in the number of conflicts, which lead to the growth of tension and destabilization of the system of international relations, the search for new mechanisms for their settlement and new participants who are able to introduce a positive agenda through interaction with all parties is an urgent research task. This paper focuses on international non-governmental organizations (INGOs), acting as such new actors and taking part in the settlement of the conflict in Syria. The purpose of the article is to analyze their contribution to the Syrian peace process, to consider their possibilities and limitations. The methodology is based on discourse analysis and case studies. The case of Syria was chosen because of the ongoing nature of the civil war there, as well as the fact that INGOs have proposed a number of new initiatives to resolve the conflict, which makes this study novel.
The study identified the main organizations that propose a peaceful settlement of the conflict, and also identified the main trends in the participation of INGOs in the crisis settlement in Syria. Thus, participating in the peace process, they also implement peacebuilding projects, actively cooperate with local INGOs, and switch to remote work formats due to security problems. However, the analysis of their proposals for the peace process also revealed the main problems of the activities of INGOs within the framework of track II diplomacy, which consist in their neglect of the principle of impartiality. The ability of INGOs to promote their initiatives is also influenced by the dynamics of traditional diplomacy. The key takeaway is that, despite the complexity of the Syrian peace process and the dominant role of traditional diplomacy, INGOs have a significant positive impact on the peace process as they promote grassroots cohesion among the Syrian population and encourage them to form civil associations similar to INGOs, which are also gradually beginning to look for ways of national reconciliation.
Citations count: 1
Budennyy A. —
Formation of a New Strategic Concept of the Allies Towards Russia after the Ukrainian Crisis
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 73 - 80.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.25761 URL:
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The subject of the research is a new military course of NATO, the USA, its allies and partners. In the article the author analyzes the dynamics of relations between the USA, NATO and Russia in the period of the Ukrainian crisis in 2014-2016. The crisis has led to a serious deterioration of relationship between Moscow and Brussels, London and Washington since the end of "the cold war" and the revision of international security. Ukraine and Crimea have become a new dividing line between the West and Russia which began to apply different approaches and methods to resolve the crisis. The foreign policy of the West with respect to Russia has become a matter of comprehensive pressure on Russia through diplomatic and economic sanctions, and then unprecedented military strengthening of the military contingent after the "cold war". The authors applied a systematic approach involving a wide range of Social Sciences and the Humanities as a methodological basis of the study in addition to general scientific methods and techniques. The scientific novelty of the study is in consideration of the USA-NATO relations with Russia in the context of the Ukrainian crisis: the relations were at a high level of strategic partnership and then in a few years were actually terminated. The main conclusion of the study is that after more than 25 years of efforts to build a strategic partnership between the United States, NATO and Russia, there began a new phase of geopolitical confrontation of Washington and Brussels with Moscow, which leads to the settlementof the Ukrainian issue and other problems of the modern world, for example, in Syria, but also to general escalation of the military situation.
Citations count: 1
Rozanova L.I., Moroshkina M.V. —
The assessment of the regions’ frontier location influence on the investment activity: zonal differences
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 112 - 119.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.2.13411 URL:
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International cooperation and foreign-economic activity are essential parts of countries’ economic policy. The article considers the interrelation between investment activity and the frontier location of Russian regions. This process is diverse for different frontier zones characterized by a stronger or weaker investment attractiveness and activity. The object of the research includes the regions sorted out by the authors according to their typological characteristics and grouped in particular frontier zones. The subject of the research is the investment activity of the regions from different zones. The urgency of the research is conditioned by the complexity of socio-economic development in many frontier regions, particularly belonging to Kazakhstan and Caucasian frontier areas, and by the necessity to stir up investment activity in backward regions. The authors use the methods of grouping and comparative analysis. According to typology and location the authors sort out different frontier zones and carry out vertical and horizontal analysis of statistical data related to basic capital investments. The results of the analysis are presented in graphic charts. The authors attempt to characterize investment processes in the regions from the aspect of their geopolitically and economically advantageous frontier position. The novelty of the research lies in the original approach to the comparison of the regions according to their investment activity from the standpoint of groups of regions united in typological zones, rather than separate regions. The revealed zonal differences allow the authors to conclude that investment activity is influenced not so much by the factor of frontier location, as by the access to natural resources, first of all in fuel and energy sector, and the possibility of access to large product markets in the conditions of a developed transport-logistic infrastructure and a capacious internal consumer market.
Citations count: 1
Viver V.N. —
Eurasian integration in the American liberal scientific discourse
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 27 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.1.29203 URL:
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The study of the attitude of the representatives of the US expert community to Russia’s integration initiatives on the Post-Soviet political space is considered to be extremely topical in the context of changes in the global order and the modern condition of Russia - US relations. Traditionally, America’s attitude towards Russia and Eurasian processes has been developing in the context of the struggle between the advocates of different views, particularly, between the conservative and the liberal directions in the foreign-policy discourse of the US. The article focuses on studying the position of the representatives of the liberal “pole” of the American discourse on Russia and Eurasian processes. The research object is the US foreign policy discourse; the subject is the coverage of Eurasian integration in the intellectual products of scientific and academical institutions. The study is based on the constructivist paradigm; it fills the lacunae in the understanding of the nature and the specificity of integration processes coverage by the liberal expert community of the US. the problematic character of the topic is conditioned by the ambiguity of the situation when the importance of the Eurasian microregion for the global foreign policy strategy of the US is declared, while the absence of any special attention and serious study of Russia’s integration initiatives is obvious in the context of Washington’s support for integration processes of other formats. Integration projects, as viewed by the American specialists, are only one type of instruments used by Russia for realization of its own regional and global agenda. Previously, the aims of Russia’s foreign policy to a large extent reduced to the territories of former Soviet republics. After the events in Ukraine, the horizons of Russia’s foreign policy have significantly changed; the scale of its activities has extended in geographical and operative sense, while the set of instruments is still the same.
Citations count: 1
Borovkova M.I. —
The U.S. fight against ISIS in Syria during President Trump’s administration: 2017 - 2019
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 2.
– P. 12 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.2.29463 URL:
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The article considers the U.S. fight against ISIS in Syria in 2017- 2019 during President Trump’s administration, analyzes the key decisions of the current U.S. President on this issue including the continuation of the international anti-ISIS campaign, cooperation with Kurdish groups and intention to withdraw military forces after the defeat of “Khilafat”. The past two years of the Trump presidency give the opportunity to analyze his approach to the fight against ISIS and the results achieved in the liquidation of the jihadist threat in Syria. The author of the research uses the systems approach, the methods of modeling, the cartographic and comparative methods, the actor-factor, systems and level analyses. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the well-timed analysis of the approach of the current American administration to the urgent problem of fight against ISIS and radical threat in Syria, and the presentation of the main results of this approach achieved by the present time.
The author comes to the following conclusions: Donald Trump, in many respects continuing the policy of his predecessor, has managed to achieve military destruction of the ISIS “Khilafat”, but the ISIS threat still exists and is considered as a long-term one; Washington hasn’t managed to solve a knot of the problem connected with its cooperation with Turkey and Kurdish groups, which consider each other as almost existential threats, at the same time; unexpected and prompt decisions of President Trump wrong-foot America’s allies and increase the threat for some of them.
Citations count: 1
Pavlov P.V. —
Special economic zones as a mechanism for efficient development of international investment and innovative activities.
// World Politics.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 51 - 144.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.1.638 URL:
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Strengthening of international competition caused losses in the global market for the Russian enterprises and directly threatened national markets. The lack of investments and new innovative technologies "kicks" the Russian machine and engineering industry further and further away from the progressive Western companies. The Government of the Russian Federation is willing to achieve faster economic growth by attracting investments and innovative development via revival of the Special Economic Zones. In spite of the presence of the Federal Law N. 116-FZ of 22 July, 2005 on SEZ, there are both legal and organizational problems in their functioning. Due to this fact it is necessary to study economic, legal, organizational and financial elements of functioning of the SEZ institution in Russia and abroad in order to form an efficient mechanism for the development of the leading economic industries. The legislation on SEZ should support innovative development and spending on Research and Advanced Development by introducing technology adoption and forming business idea incubators for their further commercialization by transfer of serial production into the SEZ. The result of this study was a conceptual overview of SEZ as a full-value international mechanism facilitating investment attractiveness and competitiveness of state and its institutions within certain branches.
Citations count: 1
Khizrieva S.S. —
Public diplomacy in the foreign policy of Brazil at the period of rule of L.I. Lula da Silva.
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 47 - 54.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12617 URL:
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After the crash of the bipolar system of global order the practice of international relations has changed significantly. The changes mostly concerned appearance of new communications and information technologies. At the start of the XXI centuries many states have attempted to take a prominent position in the global community, searching for new efficient methods for the formation of foreign economic relations - political communications. Brazil applies new political communications technologies in order to spread Latin American values and to guarantee its leadership in politics and economy. One of the directions of foregn policy of L.I. Lula da Silva was widening the scope of cooperation with the EU states, which could have formed competition for the USA in Brazil due to the development of strategic partnership, and they also could have provided information support for Brazil as a result of information operations of the USA. In addition, an important goal for L.I. Lula da Silva's office was to form a positive image of Brazil and its officials in order to widen the scope of cooperation between the two regions in various spheres.
Citations count: 1
Maleev A. —
National sports policy as an instrument of cultural safety provision: the international component
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 8.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.2.22463 URL:
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The research object is the policy of Russia’s cultural safety provision. The research subject is the role of the sports sphere in the provision of the country’s cultural safety. Special emphasis is put on the international component of the issue. Soft power is gaining more and more importance in the modern international arena; it consists in the country’s ability to influence international affairs without using military power or threat of it. One of the key components of soft power is cultural influence, and the international prestige in the sports sphere is one of its elements. Cultural influence, in its turn, is an essential component of the national cultural safety provision. In this paper, the author analyzes Russia’s cooperation with other countries during the 2014 Olympic games in Sochi and in Rio de Janeiro in 2016. The author analyzes the doping scandals, associated with these sports events, the work of Media during these sports events, and their political aspects. The author compares the activities of Russia and Brazil, aimed at their international image promotion during the Summer Olympic games. The theoretical base of the work includes the studies of J. Nye, A. Wendt, S. Huntington, V.V. Kochetkov, and A.V. Torkunov. The author applies the methods of sources analysis, comparative analysis, introspection, and content-analysis of the relevant documents. The author concludes that significant expenditures for the country’s sports prestige maintenance are very important for Russia’s cultural influence. The author is the first Russian scholar who considers the aspects of international cooperation in the sports sphere. The author analyzes the current and the latest developments in this sphere.
Citations count: 1
Konovalova K. —
Russian-Latin American Strategic Partnerships in New Geopolitical Context
// World Politics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 37 - 51.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.1.39954 EDN: LCBSQG URL:
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The object of this study is contemporary Russian-Latin American relations. The influence of the current international context related to the crisis around Ukraine on Russia's strategic partnerships (SP) with a number of Latin American states is considered in detail. The first part reveals the specifics of this relationship format. The second part analyzes the dynamics of the dialogue with Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, Peru and Ecuador, depending on the depth of the impact on them of the confrontation between Russia and the West after the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. In conclusion, the work highlights similarities and differences in the lines of conduct of Russia's Latin American strategic partners in today's conflicting international political conditions. This study is one of the first attempts to comprehend the effects of the Ukrainian crisis on the state and possible future of strategic partnerships between Russia and nations of the LAC region. A new look at the issue, involving systematic approach and case study method, which allows analyzing and including each national example of bilateral strategic partnership in the broader context of the dialogue between the Russian Federation and Latin America, determines the author's contribution. Main conclusions are as follows. First, although the reaction of Russia's strategic partners to the Ukrainian crisis and its global consequences varies, their common desire to maintain the momentum of mutually beneficial cooperation with Russia is noticeable. Secondly, within strategic partnerships, one can single out a material and symbolic components, and it is on the second that the complication of the international context has hit the hardest. Finally, the current situation clearly requires Russia to revise its Latin American strategy, the first step of which could just be a rethinking of the SP format.
Citations count: 1
Terebov A. —
Euroscepticism in France. The threat of Frexit against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 53 - 64.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.4.34357 URL:
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The research subject is the manifestation of Euroscepticism in France, in the political arena and among the citizens. The purpose of the research is the definition of the prospects of French withdrawal from the European Union. The purpose is specified in tasks determining the structure of the article: firstly, the analysis of economic and political institutions of the EU which helps to establish the sources of Euroscepticism ideas in the Republic. Secondly, the analysis of the dynamics of Euroscepticism against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic, which helps to find out how the 2020 emergency situation has influenced the growth of anti-EU ideas in France. The research methods include the political, sociological and historiographic analysis. The Schengen Zone has exacerbated the migration problem in the EU, the 2003 Dublin Regulation has unequally allocated responsibility of the EU members for refugees sheltering. The dependence of France’s economy on the actions of the ESCB, the lack of the opportunity to participate in economic decision making at the supranational level, the common currency system, and the political order of the EU are the key grievances of the Eurosceptics. The anti-EU ideas in France can become significant against the background of the growing popularity of the protectionist policy under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. As Brussels is not in a good position against external threats, and the EU members lack solidarity, the idea of a Frexit referendum can receive a new impetus in the context of the upcoming presidential election in France in 2022.
Citations count: 1
Manoilo A.V. —
Armed riot in Ukraine may become a last alarm bell for Russia.
// World Politics.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 37.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.2.11137 URL:
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Today attention of the entire world is drawn to the events in Ukraine. The cruelty and unwillingness to compromise in a fight which in a matter of several days went all the way from separate clashes between the hooligans and the police to an organized armed riot, and it shall not pass unnoticed. Street fights in the capital of the neighboring state, and the fighters are Slavic people, belonging to the nation with inseparable cultural and historical ties with the Russian people. It worries Russian public, government and leaders of the Russian Federation. The Ukrainian nationalists serving as a point of the battering ram in a blow at the incumbent government call these events a "revolution", while it may only be regarded as an insurrection, an armed riot aimed at capturing the power, well-known globally under the name of "colored revolution". This conclusion is not accidental, since the Ukrainian events have the familiar elements, which are well-known by their presence in the colored revolution in the CIS territory, in Georgia, Central Asia, in the orange madness in Ukraine in early 2000s, and the recent Arabian Spring revolutions.
Citations count: 1
Rep'eva A.M. —
History of the border conflict between India and Pakistan.
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 159 - 175.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12618 URL:
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The article poses an issue of the need to point out the unique character of each specific conflict. They take place with regard to the specificities, and the means of their regulation may be contradictory. The means of conflict regulation may be divided into two similar classifications, and the elements are somewhat connected with each other. Analysis of the borderline conflits has shown that the main cause of non-regulated border zones is the haste of Britain to leave its colonies in 1947. That is why, the object of studies in this article involves regional specificities of borderline conflict regulation in India and Pakistan. The studies of regional specificities of regulation of borderline conflicts falls outside the scope of purely political studies, rather it is a topical area at the verge of several social sciences: political science, history, economics, jurisprudence, etc. The complex character of study required that in addition to general scientific methods (analysis, generalization, induction and deduction, analogy, classification and systematization method, comparative studies) the specialized methods were involved (procedural dynamic, structural functional, permissive). The key methods were comparative historical analysis and systemic approach. In both cases the parties look for cooperation, but in the case of conflict between India and Pakistan the interests of the parties in the region are different, and rapid resolution of the conflict seems impossible. The Indian-Pakistanian conflict may be regarded as an international conflict due to the involvement of the third parties in its resolution. It may also be said that at the start of the new century the parties actively and fruitfully moved towards conflict resolution, but the terrorist acts and lack of trust of the states to each other stood in the way of its final resolution.
Citations count: 1
Manoilo A.V. —
To kill a kitten, or the technologies of conflict mobilization in social networks
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.3.15973 URL:
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This article is devoted to the study of modern technologies of conflict mobilization of young people in social networks. Today social networks form a special environment in which the political engineers of color revolutions are actively working, forming and consolidating the protest electorate using the means of social groups and the mechanisms of construction and transformation of virtual reality. The color revolutions specialists use the technologies of conflict mobilization of youth which aim young people at fighting against the authorities and redirect their overactivity at the participation in the mass protest activities. The methodology of the research is based on the systems approach, the structural and functional and the comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation.The article describes and analyzes a typical use of these technologies which helps to replace a neutral non-political agenda of a social group with the aggressive protest behavior against the authorities without a trace in the consciousness of the group's members. It is shown that the main objects of the aspirations of the political engineers of color revolutions are not the groups of oppositionists but the initially politically neutral voters without definite political opinions. The author points at the high risk of such technologies and the need for a system counteraction to the recruiting activities of the activists of color revolutions in social networks.
Citations count: 1
Mekhdiev E.T., Ermolaev A.O. —
A new global governance model and regional integration
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 95 - 106.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.1.21956 URL:
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The authors study the formation of the mechanisms of global governance in the context of intersection of regional integration complexes using the example of Latin America and Asia-Pacific region. In the result of regionalization, the contemporary international relations are influenced by regional integration complexes. The authors note that regional powers offer their vision of the world order and, in their aspiration to create the security and stability belt, accelerate integration processes in the region. The authors give special attention to Latin America, combining the models of “good (effective, proper) governance” and regional consolidated cooperation. The research methodology is based on general scientific and special research methods: analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison, historical and statistical methods, etc. The authors conclude about the possibility to use the “regional polyarchy” concept for the formation of the model of global governance, which could help states to participate in the discussion of the most important problems and experience equality/equivalence of all the subjects regardless of different financial and economic indicators and resource potential.
Citations count: 1
Zaryanov E. —
Soft power as a characteristic feature of political influence of a superpower state in the multipolar world.
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 1.
– P. 89 - 122.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2015.1.12649 URL:
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This article concerns specific features of influence of the superpowers upon the international political processes ongoing in the modern multipolar world. The multipolar world today is an international configuration, where the world is divided into the spheres of influence among the superpower states, and none of the existing power centers is capable of independently pushing its will into the other sphere without a wide-ranged coalition of powers. There is no method to change the amount of sphere of influence, rather than by force. In such a situation the importance of the non-military influence in international relations, including soft power resources are regarded as politicians and legal scholars as an important resource for the foreign political power of a state claiming the status of the global center or an apex of power, in other words, the superpower status. In spite of the disputes regarding intepretation of the term, it should be stated that the term "superpower" now returned into the lexicon of political science after it has been ignored by most American, Western European and Russian specialists in the sphere of international relations. This article provides analysis of hte modern changes in the political map of hte world. It is pointed out that in the modern rapidly changing multipolar world the non-forceful methods of influence gain more and more importance, and they form the modern system of international relations. The role of soft power and its cultural communication instruments for the political influence of superpowers in the modern global world is growing. In the conditions of multipolar world the formation of the soft power potential as the means for national and international security becomes one of the key factors for the preservation of state sovereignty, territorial integrity of the state, consolidation of the society, formation of the conditions for successful resolution of the internal problems, and accordingly for the active foreign policy of the state.
Citations count: 1
Zobnin A.V. —
The “Bahrain syndrome”: the influence of international factors on Russia-Bahrain relations in 2014 – 2015
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 85 - 102.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.4.16693 URL:
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The object of the research covers Russia-Bahrain relations on the recent stage (2014 – 2015); the subject includes the features and specific peculiarities of the so-called “Bahrain syndrome”. The “Bahrain syndrome” is defined by the author as a phenomenon of a foreign-policy behavior of small states which is characterized by the active participation of various coalitions, maneuvering between the interests of the great powers for the purpose of maintaining the balance of powers in the region, the support of political agreements with financial and economic treaties for the purpose of realization of national needs. The research focuses on the factors, promoting the development and evolution of the “Bahrain syndrome”, their interdependence and ability to influence the formation of Russia-Bahrain relations. The key research method is the comparative-political analysis; the author also applies the factor analysis when defining the factors influencing the formation of the “Bahrain syndrome”. The author concludes that the general features of the “Bahrain syndrome” can be supplemented with the specific components, relevant only to the Kingdom of Bahrain, such as the restriction of the discussion of some domestic policy issues with the partners, particularly, the reluctance to involve the other states in the problems of internal development of the Bahrain society; particular spheres of social and cultural cooperation develop without any connection with political and economic spheres of bilateral relations. Among the reasons and factors, influencing the formation and evolution of the “Bahrain syndrome”, the author enumerates the factors of Ukraine and Crimea, the USA and Great Britain, and the factor of the “Arab Spring”. The latter can be considered as the stimulating factor, and the former two – as the hampering ones.
Citations count: 1
Krivov S., Sidorova E. —
Migration tendencies in the Arab Middle East: history and modernity
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 4.
– P. 53 - 65.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.4.17153 URL:
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The urgency of the research in undoubtful, since today the migration of the population is a complex socio-economic phenomenon, connected with various sides of social life, the formation and development of the tendencies of their transformation. Moreover, migration is the most important factor defining the dynamics of socio-economic processes. But we should take into consideration that both the politics of adaptation and integration of migrants and the approaches to the granting of national citizenship are, as a rule, overlooked by the researchers. Constructivism is one of the methodological approaches to the analysis of social factors and processes in the Arab word. The use of the constructivist approach furthers a deeper understanding of political and social processes in the Arab Middle East. In the result of the research, the authors conclude that the problem of forced migration is one of the most serious demographic problems not only in the Arab Middle East, but in the whole world in general. The effective migration management can help create the necessary conditions for the observation of human rights and freedoms, the improvement of the quality of life and the reduction of social tension.
Citations count: 1
Kuznetsov D.A. —
Potential of forming a complex approach to studying regional integration and trans-regionalism
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.1.28870 URL:
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Based on the review of elaborations within the theory of integration and new regionalism, the author considers the importance of formation of a complex system approach to studying the processes of regional integration and trans-regionalism. The author judges from the essential likelihood of processes of regional and trans-regional integration and the potential of forming a synthetic approach to studying their structure, internal and external environment under the conditions they operate in, and the effects and potential of their development in the context of further transformation of the modern political system. The article describes the attempt to critically analyze the key elaborations within the theory of integration and new regionalism aimed for the purpose of developing a complex approach. The key author’s contribution in the study of the topic is the comparison of the main theoretical elaborations and the formulation of the author’s definition of regional integration and trans-regionalism and the complex system approach to studying integrational processes - the author’s research programme of this topic which could be used for further studies of integration.
Citations count: 1
Borisov A.V. —
Russia’s Soft Power: specificity of understanding and evaluating
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.1.32217 URL:
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The article contains the critical analysis of the understanding of “soft power” in Russia as a state’s foreign policy instrument. The author notes that the strategic planning guidelines defining the fundamental principles, priorities, goals and tasks in the field of foreign policy and national security contain numerous references to the importance of “soft power” and emphasize the necessity of increasing Russia’s role in the global humanitarian space. However, the instrumental understanding contradicts the initial understanding of “soft power” as a way to legitimize a state’s foreign policy efforts and leads to refocusing from the evaluation of the effect of using humanitarian technologies to the evaluation of the humanitarian activity itself. In the author’s opinion, such approach hampers the appropriate usage of Russia’s resources of “soft power” for the purposes of its foreign policy, and sidetracks from the understanding that the efforts aimed at the cultivation of soft power are directed towards a state’s internal policy, whereas being only projected outwardly.
Citations count: 1
Borisov A.V. —
The UN Humanitarian System: Crisis, Opportunities and Russia's Position
// World Politics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 13 - 25.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.1.39979 EDN: DVINVY URL:
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The article deals with the problems of formation and functioning of the UN humanitarian system. The author argues that the crisis is not related to the growing gap between funding needs and the amount of donor funds placed at the disposal of the UN, but to the fact that the humanitarian community, which the UN claims to be in charge of, does not represent an integral organism with a clearly defined control center. The Organization's attempts to build a system for coordinating the efforts of the world community to support the affected countries and help people in need and danger ended in failure. At present, the role of the UN is reduced to the performance of two interrelated functions: a channel for bringing donor funds to secondary recipients and a gatekeeper that determines who can be attributed to the humanitarian community, what type of activity deserves to be called humanitarian. In this regard, the author notes, the position of Russia raises questions when strategic planning documents and regulations governing the process of providing humanitarian assistance state that Russia is part of the global humanitarian system. The author suggests that efforts are needed to expose the essence of the existing humanitarian system and offer an alternative that will promote and realize Russia's national interests.
Citations count: 1
Emelianenko E.G. —
Postcolonial Africa: problems and prospects
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 2.
– P. 86 - 101.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.2.33344 URL:
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The article considers the problems of transition of African states to the south of Sahara from the position of the “hopeless continent” to the economic rise and raises the questions of conformity with these changes. The author gives special attention to the consequences of decolonization, the functioning of modern political institutions, the actions of the elite, the migration issues, labor discrimination of African migrants in Europe, and the aftereffect of economic presence of China in African countries. The author draws attention to the fact that the so-called raise had already been experienced by the Africal continent. Since the acquisition of independence, many texts have been published including scientific articles, describing Africa “on the rise”. However, in unfavorable conditions resulting from the policies of colonial powers, African states can’t overcome the lingering crisis due to internal reasons. Political elites are pursuing their policies for the convenience of former colonial powers rather than of their own state. The author’s personal attendance at the economic forum within the Russia-Africa summit helped collect unique materials and expert opinions of political and public leaders of African States about topical problems. The author analyzes the consequences of decolonization and the activities of modern “partners” and concludes that, in a time of resource shortage experienced by many countries, African states to the South of Sahara will face even more serious economic, ecological and social problems. Based on its past, Africa should find its own development path and protect its own interests and values. During the development of state and national strategies, a special role should be given to the issues of education, as it is the basis for the formation of human values and worldview for the future.
Citations count: 1
Filatova A.A. —
Opposition of the Latin American expatriate communities to the immigration policy of the President George Bush Jr in the USA in the XXI century.
// World Politics.
– 2013. – ¹ 1.
– P. 12 - 23.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2013.1.726 URL:
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In the second half of the XX century there appeared a tendency to the strenghtening of the role of the Spanish-speaking Americans in the social and political life of the USA. It is related to the quality and quantity changes in the ethnical composition of the American society. The Spanish-speaking Americans, together with the Afro-Americans and other national minorities took an active part in fighting for their civil rights, including their election rights. The policy of the President George Bush, Jr, towards the Latin American immigrants in the XXI century strengthened the information opposition between the "two Americas", which took place both within the US territory and throughout the American continent. The Spanish-speaking Americans have considerable influence upon the formation of social, economic and foreign political courses of the state, and they also directly influence the transformation of the political bases for the Republican and Democratic Parties of the USA, as well as other political institutions of the American society. From the XXI century the Latino community became an important factor in the political history of the USA, and the political elites fight for the influence over the Latin community. The historical experience of the poly-ethnical American society allows to understand the important specific features of the political processes in the modern multinational states.
Citations count: 1
Manoilo A.V. —
Geopolitical Order of the Modern World in the Context of Global Instability
// World Politics.
– 2015. – ¹ 2.
– P. 86 - 98.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2015.2.15309 URL:
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The modern geopolitical order of the world is characterized by an extreme instability. Its main peculiarity is that geopolitical borders, delimiting modern states and nations, exist now not so much within geographical boundaries of watersheds (mountain ranges) and coastlines, as in the minds of people who have learned to divide the society into "the same" and "the others" on the basis of belonging to certain national interests, values, ideological concepts, doctrines, and patterns of political behavior which can be followed by both continental and island states. The methodology of the research is based on the system, structural-functional, and comparative political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, and observation.Symbols serving as markers are used to consolidate these boundaries in the minds of the population, marking "the same" and separating them from “the others.” Often these markers are of a primitive character, such as flowers (roses in Georgia, tulips in Kyrgyzstan, cornflowers in Belarus, cactuses in Mexico, and jasmine in Tunisia) in the hands of the participants of the color revolutions in the CIS, orange rags in Ukraine, or white ribbons in Russia, dates in Tunisia and Egypt, etc.
Citations count: 1
Hong S. —
South Korea’s foreign policy in the Arctic
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 107 - 126.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.1.22275 URL:
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The paper studies the Arctic strategy of the Republic of Korea. The author considers economic and political reasons, urging South Korea to activate its policy in the region. Economic opportunities of the Arctic are connected with energy resources and exploitation of transport routes (the Northern Sea Route), transformation of the ports of South Korea into large logistic centers, and development of shipbuilding. The political aspect of the Arctic strategy is determined by Korea’s aspiration to extend its international influence and to be recognized as a middle power.
The research methodology is based on general scientific and specific research methods: analysis, synthesis, generalization, comparison, the historical and statistical methods. The author concludes that in the Arctic institutions, South Korea positions itself as a middle power, and it is an appropriate country for such a role, taking into account its non-aggressive policy in the region. It is ready to serve as a link between the countries – permanent members of the Arctic council and non-Arctic countries, having interests in the region.
Citations count: 1
Avatkov V.A., Baranchikov A. —
Recep Tayyip Erdogan's "silent revolution"
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.24470 URL:
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The article analyzes the reforms of the "silent revolution" performed by the leader of the Justice and Development Party Recep Tayyip Erdogan since 2002. The paper considers transformations in the spheres of the interior and foreign policy. The author compares President Erdogan with "The Father of the Nation" Mustafa Kemal, and points at similarities of their rhetoric. The author emphasizes the importance of the revolutionary nature of the reforms, which had helped the Turkish President to gain absolute power. The author analyzes Erdogan's and Atatürk's reforms using the system approach. It allows forming a comprehensive view of the performed transformations and links between them. The scientific novelty consists in comparing two Turkish leaders - Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Mustafa Kemal in terms of their reforms and rhetoric. The author concludes that Erdogan draws a parallel between his transformations and the reforms of the first Turkish president. Using this parallel, he wants to form a positive image of the reforms performed by the Justice and Development Party.
Citations count: 1
Murgas R. —
Russia-EU relations in the energy sphere after the Energy Union Strategy presentation
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 9.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.4.28566 URL:
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The importance of the issue under consideration is determined by the increase of the role of the energy factor in the international policy. Along with traditional actors (states), large national and transnational oil and gas companies and various international institutions aimed at regulating international relations in the energy sphere have become the significant actors on the international scene in the energy sphere. An important stage of reforming the common energy policy of the EU was the 2015 Energy Union Strategy. The object of this research is the current energy policy of the EU. The research subject is its key actors - the European Commission, Gazprom, the EU and Russia. Using the historical, logical, comparative and analytical research methods the author attempts to answer the question “How is the interaction of the key actors of international relations in the energy sphere characterized after the formation of the European Energy Union?”. The author concludes that having vested the European Commission with extra authorities in the sphere of common energy, the EU turned it into a strong independent non-governmental actor of the global policy and bilateral international relations in the energy sphere. Interacting with the EU member-states, Russia’s authorities and the executives of the Gazprom company, the EC increases its leverage among the EU’s institutions and strengthens its role as a mediator on the international scene. The energy strategy has transformed interrelations between the EU and Russia from strategic partnership to traditional cooperation. However, Gazprom has maintained its role in the EU’s market using progressive rise of gas supply. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the definition of the current interaction between the actors of the international relations in the energy sphere.
Citations count: 1
Shapiro N.I. —
Continuity and novations in U.S. policy in Afghanistan
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 4.
– P. 26 - 45.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.4.31510 URL:
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The research object is U.S. strategy in asymmetric regional conflicts in the Middle East. The research subject is the process of formation and implementation of U.S. strategy in the conflict situation in Afghanistan and its consequences for regional and international security. The author demonstrates the confrontation between the competing coalitions of supporters of different behaviour strategies in the conflict reflecting the fundamental contradiction in U.S. political elite between the supporters of interventionism and a moderate foreign policy line. The author reveals the elements of continuity and transformation of U.S. policy in the conflict situation in Afghanistan. The research is based on the traditions of the systems approach to studying international relations and world policy. The author uses the elements of the historical-political and structural-functional analysis. The author studies the role of a personal factor in the development of foreign policy decisions using the techniques of political psychology. The author concludes that as a result of complex socio-political interactions, foreign policy of a state can markedly differ from the subjective goals and preferences of particular participants of foreign policy process. The experience of modification of U.S. strategy in Afghanistan undertaken by the Administrations of Barack Obama and Donald Trump, shows that the basic guidelines of U.S. policy have been stable during quite a long period of time. The interpretation of the key goal in the conflict - the prevention of Afghanistan turning into a base for international terrorism - hasn’t changed for a long period of time. The reduction of involvement in the conflict, which started during Obama’s administration, is in compliance with U.S. long-term orientation to more prudent, pragmatic and selective involvement into conflicts on the periphery of the world system.
Citations count: 1
Shugurov M.V., Kolodub G.V. —
CERN's sanctions regime against Russian science: nature, features and consequences
// World Politics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 32 - 56.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.4.69270 EDN: SVKAPQ URL:
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The subject of the article is the process of forming the CERN sanctions regime regarding Russia's participation in global scientific megaprojects in the field of theoretical physics. The purpose of the article is to reveal the content and organizational mechanism of CERN sanctions aimed at ending institutional cooperation with Russia. The objectives of the study include determining the algorithm of the long-term bilateral strategic partnership between Russia and CERN; revealing the grounds and logic of CERN's unilateral termination of promising cooperation with Russia, as well as predicting the negative consequences of sanctions. The authors pay special attention to testing the research hypothesis that CERN's anti–Russian sanctions policy is based on a combination of, on the one hand, politicized principles, and, on the other, extreme prudence, which resulted in the "stretching" of the measures taken over time and their focus on taking into account the current geopolitical situation. This indicates the incompleteness of the transition from the logic of scientific diplomacy to the rigid logic of sanctions, which makes it possible to predict the preservation of some elements of scientific diplomacy in relations between CERN and Russia. The methodological base of the research includes traditional methods and approaches (analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization; modeling; forecasting; the general scientific principle of dialectical development; a systematic approach), as well as new methods (meta-analysis, discursive analysis, stochastic factor analysis). It is concluded that CERN's sanctions policy, based on an appeal to value motivations, is characterized by flexible consideration of the current geopolitical situation and the gradual nature of the restrictive measures taken. The research hypothesis about the preservation of a certain potential of scientific diplomacy in relations between CERN and Russia has been confirmed in the work. This is reflected in the continuation of cooperation and fulfillment of obligations under existing bilateral agreements. It is proved that, by their nature, CERN sanctions belong to an independent category of sanctions against Russian science, which are imposed by international structures operating in the field of megascience. The novelty of the research lies in the actualization of the need to develop a special direction of Russian scientific and technical policy aimed at mitigating the consequences of sanctions complications in relations with international organizational structures in the field of megascience.
Citations count: 1
Vardan G. —
The Causes of Failure of the Turkish Model to Resolve the Conflicts in Abkhazia, Nagorno-Karabakh and South Ossetia in 2008 ("The Caucasus Stability and Cooperation Platform»)
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 2.
– P. 35 - 44.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.2.26411 URL:
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The Objective of the study is to analyze the causes of failure of the “The Caucasus stability and cooperation platform”. Despite a number of subjective and objective reasons that influenced the implementation of the Turkish initiative, a specific role should be assigned to Turkey's bilateral relations with the South Caucasus countries and Russia. The research will make it possible to understand the importance of the above-mentioned factor in failure of Turkish peacekeeping initiatives and to elicit the main reasons for the countries ' distrust of Ankara's regional policy. To study the above objects, the scientific research was based on the principles of historicism and scientific objectivity. In the course of the research the author used the method of comparative analysis of historical events that influenced the theme of the scientific work. The novelty of the scientific work lies in identification of the influence of bilateral relations between Turkey and the countries involved in the new model of regional security. The study will also provide an opportunity to highlight the expectations and concerns of the countries of the South Caucasus, Turkey and Russia about “The Caucasus stability and cooperation platform”.
Citations count: 1
Yanik A.A. —
Adaptive management methods (the case-study of China’s immigration policy during the COVID-19 pandemic period)
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 4.
– P. 1 - 17.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.4.34542 URL:
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The article contains the results of the analysis of China’s immigration regulation dynamics during the period of January - November 2020 in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The comparative research of changes in the epidemiological situation and immigration regime helps to study the example of the experience of a large scale usage of the principles of adaptive and agile management in the context of global uncertainty and a rapidly changing situation, and to detect the significant factors influencing the immigration policy of China. To solve these tasks, the author uses general scientific methods and research techniques: observation, description, analysis, synthesis, generalization, abstraction, the comparative method and other methods. The results of the case-study show that China, pursuing its immigration policy during the period under study, had to search for a balance between the necessity to eliminate the possibility of importing the new corona cases and the importance of maintaining and developing foreign economic relations in terms of the limitation of transborder mobility. At the same time, the case of China proves that, in the context of global uncertainty, the principles of adaptive politics with their complicated procedures of harmonization of controversial interests are more often substituted by the principles of agile management, which designates the transition on the governmental level to the trial-and-error management method. It’s obvious that the end of the pandemic will put on the agenda the issue of the evaluation of the adaptive and agile management experience, which requires the creation of suitable scientific tools.
Citations count: 1
Eldeeb A.M. —
Ideological Rapprochement of the Islamic Revolution and the Muslim Brotherhood
// World Politics.
– 2023. – ¹ 4.
– P. 21 - 31.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.4.37310 EDN: VRYEIU URL:
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The creation of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood movement in Egypt in 1928, and the success of the Shiite Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, led by the Khomeini movement, are important events in the twentieth century for the Muslim world and the Middle East. The role of these two movements is clear and important in all the historical events that have taken place in the Middle East over the past 60 years. The two movements have converged in some ideology since the 1950s, despite the existence of a Sunni-Shiite conflict 1,300 years ago. In this article, we will try to answer the question of why there are strong relations between the Sunni movement and the Shiite movement by telling about the historical events between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Khomeini revolution in Iran, using an analytical approach to the events that took place in the Middle East that united these two movements, such as the Khomeini Revolution of 1979 The Iranian-Iraqi War of 1980-1988, the Palestinian crisis and the Egyptian Revolution of 2011. We will also clarify the relationship between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Turkish-Qatari-Iranian triangle. The article explains the long-standing relations between the Muslim Brotherhood and the Iranian revolution, and focuses on the continuation of these relations to the present, which has influenced the situation in the Arab region, especially in the Arab Republic of Egypt. This article proves the relationship between this group and Iran, even though Iran is a Shiite state and the Brotherhood is a Sunni group. The emphasis was placed on the fact that these relations had a great negative role on the events in Egypt after the Egyptian revolution of 2011, as well as on the form of relations in the Persian Gulf region with the union of Iran, Turkey and the State of Qatar.
Citations count: 1
Albertyan A.P. —
Development of the mineral resource complex as an increase in the geopolitical status of Russia
// World Politics.
– 2022. – ¹ 1.
– P. 48 - 58.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2022.1.37713 URL:
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The state of the mineral resource complex is one of the foundations of the functioning and development of Russia in the context of the global geopolitical struggle. The geopolitical status of the state today largely depends on how the country will be able to respond to the challenges associated with the depletion of traditional mining areas and the beginning of a new stage of energy transition. In this article, the author provides an overview of the mineral resource complex of Russia, and also analyzes the dependence of the geopolitical status on the state of the mineral resource complex. According to the results of the study, the author concludes that the mineral resource potential of Russia, although it is one of the largest in the world, at the same time, there is a problem of shortage of certain types of minerals (manganese, chromium, titanium, bauxite, zirconium, beryllium, lithium, rhenium, rare earths of the yttrium group, hydrofluoric spar, bentonites for foundry production, feldspar raw materials, kaolin, large-leaf muscovite, iodine, bromine) and the country's dependence on imports. The deficit is caused by both the growth of consumption of certain types of minerals, and low quality, as well as poor development of some domestic deposits. In order to successfully develop Russia, the country needs to increase the volume and improve the quality of the mineral resource base that can meet the demand of high-tech and technological sectors of the economy (military-industrial complex, dual-use systems, medicine, etc.).Increasing the volume and improving the quality of the country's mineral resource base is possible due to the development of new areas and the search for new, high-quality deposits of strategic and scarce mineral raw materials. In this connection, the author examines in detail the cooperation in the field of mineral resources development in the Republic of Kazakhstan, in the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, as well as with the People's Republic of China. In carrying out this research, the author applied the methods of content analysis, historical and systemic.
Citations count: 1
Trunov I.L. —
Unified judicial power in Russia.
// World Politics.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 182 - 190.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.2.10765 URL:
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On October 7, 2013 the President of the Russian Federation has introduced a draft of the law of the Russian Federation on the amendments into the Constitution of the Russian Federation - "On the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Prosecution of the Russian Federation". It is proposed to amend Art. 71, 83, 102, 104, 125, 126 and 128 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and to exclude Art. 127. In addition to amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it shall be necessary to amend 28 Federal Constitutional Laws and Federal Laws, which shall form the second stage of hte legislative work on uniting the supreme courts. In order to achieve the results and to unite the courts of different jurisdictions, there shall be a transitional period of six months. In order to form the united court the special qualification board for the choice of candidates for the positions of judges of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation shall be formed, and it shall include 27 members. The new united Supreme Court of the Russian Federation shall be comprised of 170 judges.
Citations count: 1
Shapkin M.N. —
Russia-Kazakhstan energy cooperation under the new geopolitical circumstances
// World Politics.
– 2016. – ¹ 2.
– P. 1 - 11.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.2.18357 URL:
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The article considers Russia-Kazakhstan relations in the sphere of energy gaining special significance in the new reality of the global world. Energy cooperation is the most important factor of formation of the new political and economic strategies of both countries. The author studies the role of this sphere for the cooperation of the countries, the formation of interrelation models and the development of their national economies. The author analyzes the impact of the negative tendencies in this sphere on the dynamics of bilateral Russia-Kazakhstan relations, their multilateral cooperation with other countries, including their relations within Eurasian integration, and the prospects of these negative tendencies overcoming. The research methodology comprises general scientific methods and approaches, and the complex approach, which includes the wide range of social sciences. The novelty of the study consists in the consideration of bilateral relations of Russia and Kazakhstan from the position of the geopolitics of natural resources and their influence on various aspects of bilateral relations. The author concludes about the necessity to extend multilateral cooperation against the background of common and similar drawbacks of raw-materials-based economies of Russia and Kazakhstan. Their common drawbacks can serve as an impetus to the search for a collective approach which would simplify the task of development of a common modernization scenario aimed at the newest technologies mastering and introduction of innovations within the economies of the Union thus promoting their mutual integration.
Citations count: 1
Liubimova A. —
A new form of international activity of far-right groups
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 2.
– P. 24 - 33.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.2.19018 URL:
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The paper considers the peculiarities and specificity of development of international activities of far-right parties of the European Union at the present stage, and its influence on the phenomenon of popularization of far-right political parties in these countries. The purpose of the research is to define the importance of international cooperation of European far-right political parties. The activity of the European Alliance for Freedom and the Europe of Nations and Freedom group can hardly be called the successful examples of cooperation, but the foundation of the PEGIDA group and its growing importance and popularization in the countries of the European Union gives reasons to identify this movement as a new form of cooperation of far-right political forces. The author considers ideological and institutional aspects of contemporary international cooperation of far-right parties of the European Union and the immigration problem in the European context, and analyzes the PEGIDA movement and its popularization in France and Britain. The growth of Euroscepticism and radicalism, and electoral successes of far-right parties in recent decades speak for significant strengthening of the positions of far-right parties in the contemporary Europe, and the immigration problem remains one of the most serious problems of the European Union. To achieve their goals, far-right political forces seek for new forms of successful international cooperation.
Citations count: 1
Karpovich O.G. —
Features of Waging Modern Information Wars in the Media
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 64 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.21896 URL:
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The article researches the theory and practice of organizing and conducting operations of information and psychological wars in the media including the Internet. The object of this study is types of modern information confrontation (including information wars and psychological operations), the subject is forms and methods of their application in competitiveness between states, in international relations and world politics. The purpose of the research is to reveal features of waging modern information wars and organizing psychological operations. The methodological basis of the research is a structural and functional approach, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization, and observation. The author draws attention to the fact that modern information warfare is an interstate conflict that arises at the stage of comprehension and aggravation of political contradictions between future antagonists represented by states and political elites. The conflict forms a future structure of conflict relations and creates conditions for use of direct armed force by one of the Antagonists. Information warfare is a special stage of political (international) conflict, encompassing preliminary and preparatory phases of the development of an armed conflict. Structurally, information warfare consists of a sequence of information operations, and the operations themselves - of a sequence of information attacks coordinated in terms of goals, tasks, objects and time of information impact. In modern international relations and world politics, information war operations are planned not in a template way, but in situ using a variety of different schemes, techniques and approaches. At the same time, the effectiveness of information war operations often depends not on the selected means and methods of informational influence on the enemy but on the width and synchrony of coverage of mass audience by this influence. That is - on the channels that bring the manager of information-psychological influence to minds of concrete citizens.
Citations count: 1
Shamakhov V.A., Kovalev A.A. —
Transformation of the geography of global security in the age of civilizational confrontation
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 4.
– P. 43 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.4.26709 URL:
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The purpose of the work is to study the changing geography of international security in the modern age of civilizational confrontation. To achieve this goal the authors solve several tasks: 1) the authors consider the understanding of the territory of a nation-state in the modern studies; 2) the authors study the problem of blurring the areas of war and peace; 3) the authors consider the new geography of power beyond national borders; 4) the authors analyze the methods and approaches to studying the new geopolitical landscape of the modernity in the age of civilizational confrontation. The results of the research can be used for the preparation of general and special courses in political science, sociology, geopolitics, and the history of international relations. The research methodology includes general scientific and comparative analysis, the historical and logical, and specific methods of political science (event-analysis, case-study, expert assessment). The authors study the modern interpretations of the theory of a nation-state, consider the problem of blurring the areas of war and peace and the key aspects of the new geography of power beyond state borders, analyze the key methods and approaches to studying the new geopolitical landscape of the modernity in the age of civilizational confrontation. In spite of the tendencies indicating the renaissance of nationalism in the modern civilizational confrontation, the larger structural transformations in the world policy still point at the necessity to solve security problems taking into account the geographical borders of a state and the current state of the globalising world. Blurring the borders between the areas of war and peace will mean the decrease of effectiveness of the policy of containment or strategical negotiations which is based on the understanding of states as unitary subjects.
Citations count: 1
The Technological Confrontation between China and the United States: the Front and Core of the Sino-US Strategic Game
// World Politics.
– 2023. – ¹ 1.
– P. 1 - 12.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2023.1.39781 EDN: GIJKDJ URL:
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In recent years, China's scientific and technological power has risen rapidly, threatening the United States' supremacy in this field. In order to contain the continuous development of China's scientific and technological strength, the US government has adopted a series of policies and measures since the Trump administration. At present, the technological confrontation between China and the United States is becoming increasingly fierce. In order to better understand this technological confrontation, this paper will use methods of analysis, information synthesis, comparison, induction, and deduction to analyze the causes of Sino-US science and technology confrontation, list the specific measures taken by the United States, study the comparative advantages of the United States and China in this confrontation, and finally analyze the global impacts of the Sino-US technological confrontation. With the rise and development of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, scientific and technological competition is gradually becoming the front and core of Sino-US strategic game, which is different from the traditional geostrategic competition in content and form. This is the first time that the strategic competition of major powers mainly focuses on the field of non-physical geography for mankind. Neither China nor the United States has sufficient experience, and there is also a lack of historical experience to learn from. This paper argues that the Sino-US technological confrontation will not only affect the relationship between China and the United States, but also have negative impacts on the world. Therefore, China and the United States should look for areas of science and technology that can cooperate actively, promote the common prosperity and development of global science and technology, and let science and technology play a new and more constructive role in global politics.
Citations count: 1
Boyarkina A.V. —
Fight against poverty in China in the context of the idea of Community of Common Destiny for Mankind in 2013 - 2020
// World Politics.
– 2021. – ¹ 3.
– P. 63 - 82.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.3.34893 URL:
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The goal of the research is to study the fight against poverty in China in the context of Xi Jinping’s concept of Community of Common Destiny for Mankind after his coming to power in 2013. The tasks of the research are: 1) to demonstrate the process of fight against poverty in China within a doctrinal approach with the “fine control is the basis” theory, a new model of fighting against poverty with the Chinese specificity, and other political and economic tools; 2) to consider the institutional approach to the fight against poverty in China and at a global scale; 3) to study the Community of Common Destiny for Mankind concept as a global “drive” of the fight against poverty in the form of interaction with international institutions. The research subject is the political, economic, and social tools of the fight against poverty in China in 2013 - 2020. There is ample debate about eradication of poverty in China, Russia and other countries of the regional dimension, both in Russian and foreign scientific communities, aimed at studying its origins, approaches to its measurement, its socio-economic consequences, the process of the fight against poverty in the context of COVID-19 isolation period, etc. In this context, the author's special contribution to the research of this issue is the consideration of the problem of poverty in China and in the world within the concept “Community of Common Destiny for Mankind”. It hasn’t been studied sufficiently enough in Russia yet. The author arrives at the conclusion that the idea of the Community of Common Destiny for Mankind ensures an effective and positive result of solving the problem of the fight against poverty in various regions of China and in the world.
Citations count: 1
Rustamova L.R. —
The reform of the Bundeswehr and the future of Germany’s peacekeeping activities
// World Politics.
– 2021. – ¹ 4.
– P. 29 - 43.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2021.4.36992 URL:
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The reform of the Bunderwehr has been in the focus of attention of Russian and foreign research since the unification of the country^ when Germany started speaking about its responsibility for peace and political stability. Germany’s army had to not only rearm and optimize military personnel, but also to conceptualize its new role in the world and extend its global representation for the purpose of conflict settlement. However, over the last years, the consideration of problems of the Bundeswehr reforming and development has become especially important due to the fact that the Bundeswehr faces new challenges and threats, including those of a non-military nature. The reforms of Germany’s army, which have been covered in the recent documents aimed at the substantiation of the increased use of the Bundeswehr abroad, reflect the political leaders’ aspiration to make it a more effective instrument of protection against hybrid threats and prevention of conflicts affecting Germany’s security. The purpose of the article is to analyze the reform of the Bundeswehr and their influence on Germany’s peacekeeping activities. The study is based on discourse-analysis and the analysis of the main documents, determining the directions of modernization of Germany’s army, and the documents, regulating peacekeeping activities, official reports of the Ministry of Defense, official reports of the Ministry of Defense, and mass media materials about the state and the problems of the armed forces. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it considers the reform of the Bundeswehr in its close correlation with its peacekeeping profile as the main sphere of using Germany’s army. Based on the analysis of the recent documents, regulating its activities, the author comes to the conclusion that its reforming is aimed at the expansion of peacekeeping activities, while peace-enforcement operations are considered as a last-ditch measure.
Citations count: 1
Plavinskii V.B. —
The issues of international recognition of the state sovereignty of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic
// World Politics.
– 2016. – ¹ 4.
– P. 34 - 43.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2016.4.21016 URL:
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The research object is Transdniestria as a geopolitically important territory, affecting the interests of different subjects of international and regional political process. The author compares various approaches of the international community to the solution of the problem of recognition of the PMR, appeared in the result of disintegration processes of the post-Soviet period. The author studies the reports of the well-known international law specialists, who had been solving the question about the possibility of recognition of the PMR’s sovereignty. The article analyzes the relations between the Republic of Moldova and the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic, and the Russia’s position on the problem of recognition of the PMR’s state sovereignty. The author uses the system approach, helping get the complex vision of the object within its environment and the set of its elements in their interrelation and interaction. The author concludes that, in the context of an apparent failure of international law, the geopolitical and strategical interests of the key international actors, pursuing their own interests, become the defining factor in the questions of recognition/non-recognition of new states. In the result, the object of collisions – Transdniestria – acts as a by-product of their political confrontation. The situation around unrecognized states needs to be revised; the stereotypes of interpretation of statehood should be overcome; such states shouldn’t be considered strictly in terms of the Yalta-Helsinki agreements. These steps could decrease the level of political prejudice in relation to these states on the part of global powers.
Citations count: 1
Karpovich O.G. —
World politics and non-state actors of international relations
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 119 - 128.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.3.22927 URL:
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The article studies the role and place of non-state actors within the international relations system and world politics. The research object is the system of world politics, the research subject is the role and place of non-state actors of international relations – “actors beyond sovereignty” in world politics. The purpose of the research is to define the role and place of non-state actors (including special subjects of world politics – non-governmental organizations and trans-national corporations) within the system of world politics. The research methodology is based on the system, structural-functional, comparative-political approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction and observation. The author gives attention to the fact that in contemporary world politics, non-state actors play a special role: their “intervention” into the international relations sphere has led to complete transformation of fundamental principles of international politics, emergence of global politics, erosion of sovereignty and borders of nation-states and their loss of monopoly on relations between nations and peoples. Trans-national corporations are among the most active non-state actors. In their form and mode of existence they are not specialized actors: they can successfully embed into any vacant political niches and play any roles using the support of nation-states. TNCs create specialized subordinate branches – political movements, parties, fractions, blocks, which they use to solve particular problems. Contemporary TNCs consider political activity as a natural continuation of project activity, which is a natural component of any business. Solution of political problems via bargaining based on equivalent exchange is a typical style of TNCs, which they stick to in the sphere of political relations. In response to non-state actors “intervention” into world politics, the system of conventional actors of international relations dynamically transforms begetting new forms of participation of nation-states in global political processes and new forms of inter-state interaction, which suit the changed conditions of competition and the international relations system’s evolution trends.
Citations count: 1
Rustamova L.R. —
Public Diplomacy of Russia in Conflict Resolution in Syria
// World Politics.
– 2018. – ¹ 1.
– P. 33 - 37.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2018.1.25576 URL:
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The article focuses on participation of Russia in conflict resolutionin Syria through public diplomacy. The purpose of the study is to determine the effectiveness of public diplomacy methods in improving the image of Russia as the main peace-keeping force in the Syrian conflict in the context of the negative information background formed due to the recent events in Ukraine. The author explores the areas for interaction between agencies of Russia and other countries involved in the settlement of the conflict, in particular, the provision of humanitarian assistance and the establishment of interfaith dialogue. The author also analyzes the coverage of humanitarian operations and Russia's participation in the conflict settlement both by Russian military structures and media outlets and by Western media. The methodological basis of the study includes a system approach, as well as general scientific and particular scientific methods, including analysis, synthesis, comparison, and historical method. Analyzing the humanitarian activity of the main Russian institutions of public diplomacy as well as their efforts to cooperate with Western military forces, the author comes to the conclusion that, generally, Western media outlets (which serve as the main source of information for a foreign audience) put a negative spin on it, and Russia has not progressed much in improvement of its image through a military campaign in Syria; but Russia's military operations together with civilian projects for rehabilitation of Syrian infrastructure, cultural events were significant in terms of ensuring success recognition of Russia's foreign policy in Syria.
Citations count: 1
Kirechko E.M. —
The key features of political culture in Latin America
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 14 - 21.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.24502 URL:
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The research object is the political culture of the countries of Latin America. The author focuses on the statistical data illustrating different aspects of political culture of such countries as Brazil, Venezuela, Honduras, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago and some others. The research subject is the results of sociological surveys, which had been held within the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University during a long period of time, their analysis and interpretation in the context of the current political culture theories and history of the region. The author concludes that political values of Latin Americans are, firstly, traditional and conservative, and secondly, some of them hamper democratic transition. The analysis shows that the components of political culture of the region, which at first sight have negative sides, are nevertheless the part of history and culture of the region and reflect the people's worldview.
Citations count: 1
Plokhotnikov K.E. —
Mathematical model of geopolitics
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 3.
– P. 23 - 74.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.3.23674 URL:
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Mathematical model of geopolitics is a conditional name of several models, which are naturally connected with and serve as companions to the main theme – geopolitics. The author introduces the central notion of a mathematical model of geopolitics – capacity of a habitat. Geopolitics includes climate, terrain, peculiarities of logistics of global flows of commodities, and geopolitical confrontation in terms of “sea – continent”, i.e. all those things composing the material set of conditions of existence of the population of the world. This set to a significant extent mediates political behavior of people. The author doesn’t adhere to the position of environmental determinism in the form of geopolitics, but tries to outline manifestations of geopolitics in the real politics. In all the demonstrated mathematical models, the author refers to a computational experiment, the results of which are presented and discussed in the text. The computational experiment is based on the data about climate, terrain, population and other components typical for modern geo-information systems. The mathematics of these models implies knowing the fundamentals: numerical methods, statistics, methods of optimization and some other disciplines. The author describes the density of habitat capacity in different countries. Par for the course, the top positions are taken by, in decreasing order, Russia, the USA, Brazil, China, Australia. The author defines and studies the index of specific capacity of habitat per capita, ranks countries and territories according to this index. Special attention is given to the correlation between these indexes in particular countries compared to Russia. The author studies the issue of interaction between the density of habitat capacity and terrain, compares territories concentrating 50% of the population and 50% of density of habitat capacity, and outlines the density gradient margins. The author classifies countries and territories in terms of “high – low” and “favourable – unfavourable”, i.e. in four categories taking account of terrain and density of habitat capacity. The paper contains the maps of territories of all four types. The author introduces and calculates the diversity index of particular territories and countries. Within the global traffic calculation, the author creates a specific index of percentage “sea – continent”. Based on this index, the author classifies points (territories) in geopolitical terms. This index helps formalize such well-known geopolitical notions as “Heartland” and “Rimland”. The author composes combined global and regional maps with political and geopolitical marking. These maps are analyzed for so-called geopolitical splits. Such splits are detected when some geopolitical lines don’t coincide with the state border, but lay deeply across its territory. The author demonstrates the numerical solution of the problem of optimal distribution of points (in terms of minimal transportation expenses) serving as logistics hubs on the planet.
Citations count: 1
Israilov A.K., Shiriiazdanova I.F., Gatamova M.M., Ekazheva E.B. —
The energy factor of the Persian Gulf countries in the American strategy of containing the PRC
// World Politics.
– 2020. – ¹ 3.
– P. 1 - 13.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2020.3.33779 URL:
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The article examines the foundations of the US geopolitical interests in the Persian Gulf region, the increasing influence of China on the region and the subsequent US strategy regarding the containment of the PRC. The Persian Gulf region is of economic interest to a number of countries due to its rich hydrocarbon resources, as well as its unique geographical location, which has historically been subject to geopolitical influence. The stable growth of China's economy (before a 6.8% decline in GDP during the pandemic in the first quarter of 2020), China's growing cooperation with the Persian Gulf countries causes the United States to fear about losing its weight in world politics and, in particular, the loss of influence in the Persian Gulf region. Â The article shows the main directions and ways of implementing the American strategy of containing China in the context of the energy factor of the Persian Gulf countries by: creating a "Middle East Strategic Alliance" (MESA), increasing the share of energy exports to the Chinese market for use later as a tool of pressure on China. Special attention is paid to the possibility of the United States joining the "price war" to restore oil prices.
The study revealed that the energy factor of the Persian Gulf countries plays a significant role in the American strategy of deterring the PRC, which is determined by a number of geopolitical, economic and other factors.
Citations count: 1
Gusher A.I. —
Crisis in Ukraine: geopolitical and geostrategical aspects.
// World Politics.
– 2014. – ¹ 4.
– P. 79 - 89.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.4.11605 URL:
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It has been a long time since such an acute military and political situation with long-standing consequences as the current situation in Ukraine and around it took place in the world. Yet another political crisis in Ukraine which took place in November 2013 continued as three months of tough opposition between the government and its opponents, and it was finished on February 22, 2014, with an armed insurrection was implemented and the government was taken over by the group of Yatsenyuk-Klichko-Tyagniboka representing the interests of the pro-Western Ukrainian nationalists and the fascist and extremist Banderovite groups. It took place the next day after President Yanukovych and the above-mentioned leaders of the opposing parties "Batkivschina", "Udar" and "Soboda" in the presence of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany, Poland, France and representative of Russia has signed the treaty on the conditions and procedure of crisis regulation. All of the Ukrainian government system fell under the pressure of opposition, Banderovite groups and the crowds of people intoxicated by the anti-Russian propaganda. President Yanukovych, who did not show either the government power or the personal bravery secretly left the country just before these events and he hid in the territory of the Russian Federation. Maybe for all of the people caring for the destiny of the Ukrainian people it was the moment of truth, and it showed the rotten and ugly situation in the Ukrainian politics and the lack of perspective in the efforts of Russia on honest and businesslike interactions and cooperation with the current Ukrainian political elite.
Citations count: 1
Goltsov A.G. —
The International Order in the Arctic: A Geopolitical Dimension
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 4.
– P. 44 - 55.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2017.4.18211 URL:
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The article investigates geopolitical aspects of the contemporary international order in the Arctic region. Arctic states have not only different political, military and economic interests, but also common ones – primarily environmental. Global warming increases the strategic importance of the Northern Sea Route and the Northwest Passage. The international order in the Arctic region is primarily determined by the provisions of international law, the balance (correlation) of power potentials of the Western states and Russia as well as by geopolitical aspects of interaction between them. The main research methods which have been used are abstraction, analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, geopolitical modeling and comparative political method. In the relations between the Western Arctic states (the USA, Canada, Norway and Denmark) there are contentious issues, but they are not of conflict character. There is revitalization of Arctic geopolitics of the United States and enhancement of its influence on the situation in the region. The Arctic is of vital geostrategic and geoeconomic importance for Russia. Russia seeks to use international legal basis for legitimization of its claims upon extension of the continental shelf in the Arctic and establishment of control over the area of the North Pole. Canada and Denmark put forward similar claims. China is interested in internationalization of the Arctic. The NATO Arctic countries and Russia develop their military potential in the region. Bipolar confrontation in the Arctic between the West and Russia will probably increase. The International institutions particularly the UN and the Arctic Council have limited opportunities for settlement of the disputes. To optimize the regional international order it is necessary to improve the methods of Arctic diplomacy. The establishment of the polycentric order of peaceful interaction in the Arctic region involves reaching a geopolitical compromise between the Western states and Russia.
Citations count: 1
Osipov E.A. —
France: A way to conservatism?
// World Politics.
– 2019. – ¹ 1.
– P. 45 - 52.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8671.2019.1.28972 URL:
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Over recent years, in the face of migration crisis, growing popularity of Islam and the failure of multiculturalism policy, public demand for the rightward turn in the politics, from centrism to conservatism, has been growing in France. The article analyzes the main stages of “awakening” of conservative, specifically Catholic, electorate: from the 1968 defeat to emerging from coma during the legalisation of same-sex marriage by the French Parliament in 2012. The author uses the historic, chronological and system methods to both analyze the evolution of political life in France of the last half a century, and consider the role of rightist political parties and movements in the political system. The research is based on the analysis if the latest French historiography and materials of the most influential mass media. The topicality of the issue consists in the fact that the rightist turn in politics is typical for many European countries. As for France, the victory of conservative François Fillon in the rightist primaries in 2016, or the election of Laurent Wauquiez as a leader of the republicans in 2017, as well as Marion Maréchal-Le Pen’s high ratings, prove that French conservatives have fairly meaningful political future.
Citations count: 1
Raikhlin E.I. —
Abraham Lincoln and the second American revolution.
// World Politics.
– 2014. – ¹ 2.
– P. 62 - 85.
DOI: 10.7256/2306-4226.2014.2.9464 URL:
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The article is divided into three parts: social and political situation, which caused the Civil War; personality and biography of Abraham Lincoln, and, finally, evaluation of the role of Lincoln in the second American revolution. The end of the war for the independence did not introduce changes into the development of either the North or the South, each of the parts of the new state continued its development according to the path, which was predefined by its geographical, climatic, demographic, and cultural situation. The goal of the article was to find out how viable was the statement, that Abraham Lincoln played a prominent role in the development of the USA. There are usually two arguments in favor of this statement. According to the first one, role of Lincoln was purely positive. That is, if not for Lincoln and his participation in the Civil War, the state would be split in two, slavery would remain in the South, and the USA would have never become what it is now. According to the second position, Lincoln played a purely negative role in the US history, since the Civil War was forced upon Lincoln by the South, and the war with all of its personal, material and financial losses was not necessary, the institution of slavery was dying out in the Southern states, which bordered the North, and the industrial revolution in the South made slavery outdates and non-economical anyway, so these processes would naturally preserve the Union and a united democratic nation.
Citations count: 1
Naryshkina M.V. —
Social strain in the Zabaikalye territory as a factor of political risk in the activities of the United Russia party
// World Politics.
– 2017. – ¹ 1.
– P. 66 - 80.
DOI: 10.7256/2409-8671.2017.1.22614 URL:
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The research subject is social strain and protest activity as factors of political risk in the activities of the United Russia party. The author presents different interpretations and definitions of the term “social strain”. Special attention is given to the events of the last 2-3 years, which had significant impact on social strain and protest activity growth in the country and its regions (affiliation of Crimea and Sevastopol, anti-Russian sanctions, the “Platon” system launching, etc.). Besides, the author considers the socio-economic situation in the Zabaikalye territory (backdated wages, unemployment, inflation, etc.) as the factors of political risk in the work of the regional branch of the United Russia party. To solve the research tasks, the author uses general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction. Besides, the author uses specific research methods: statistical, comparative, extrapolation, modeling, prognostication, content-analysis and analysis of social media.
Based on the analysis, the author concludes that among the significant consequences of the economic and social crisis and dissatisfaction of the population with the party’s policy in Russia, are the party’s rating downgrade, increase of protest sentiment and social strain, electoral behavior change. According to the conducted research, the protest potential of the Zabaikalye territory is significantly higher than in Russia in general. The current socio-economic situation in Russia and in the Zabaikalye territory is one of the factors of political risk in the work of the United Russian party and its regional branch.