Budaev, A.V..
Key approaches towards the use of “soft power” in the interests of implementation of the
foreign policy of the Russian Federation.
// Trends and management.
2014. № 2.
P. 175-187.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2014.2.65193 URL:
The modern Russian political science and practice interpret the term “soft power” very widely. It is due
to the fact that the “soft power” concept was taken from the Anglo-Saxon neo-liberal literature, interpreted into
Russian by several authors at once, and they did not even try to synchronize these interpretation, thus each of them
has put a different meaning into the term “soft power”, and these meanings differ from the classical neo-liberal
works. Many Russian authors did not use an interpretation at all (since many people in the Russian Federation know
English language), and based their understanding of the term “soft power” solely on their intuition. As a result many
interpretations of this term appeared, and they are often rather far from the original, causing confusion in the studies
of experience of applying soft power instruments in the foreign policy of the modern states.
international relations, foreign policy, Russia, soft power, conflicts, diplomacy, state, interests, values, security.
Shevyakova, A.V., Kuznetsov, V.I..
Model of PR-campaigns when French and Russia were transferred to the Renewable
Energy Resources (RER).
// Trends and management.
2014. № 1.
P. 74-84.
DOI: 10.7256/2454-0730.2014.1.65221 URL:
In this article the authors attempt to evaluate the importance of organization of the PR –campaign for the transfer
to the RER. The study of these issues is influenced by the RER-sphere, since it is important for the journalist and PR-clients
to learn professional terminology to make the general public and business circles more informed. The object of studies
involves national strategies for the RER transition in France and in Russia, since the trend for sustainable development
society formation is the main goal in the agenda of both Russia and France. Based upon the comparative analysis of practice
in France and in Russia the authors evaluate the transition to the RER as a social process, offering specific solutions
for the problems, which appear in the course of transfer to the RER. Studies of the role of the PR-campaigns in the process
of transition to the RER is an novel direction in the humanities. Lack of special studies of importance of the PR campaigns
in the process of transition to the RER significantly slows down the processes of economic and social transformation.
Examples of PR- campaigns in France and in Russia are quite reflective of use of successful features and overcoming the
existing problems.
transfer to the RER, France, Russia, Shevyakova, Kuznetsov, trends, alternative energy, social process, geothermal energy, solar energy.