Tax administration
Balakin, M.S. (2024). Improving the mechanism of tax administration of VAT benefits in the context of digitalization. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 1–16.
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The article explores the issues of improving the mechanism of tax administration of value added tax (VAT) benefits in the context of digitalization. The purpose of the study is to develop an improved control system for the use of VAT tax benefits, taking into account the digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data, in order to increase the efficiency and transparency of tax administration. The object of the study is VAT tax benefits, and the subject is the mechanism of tax administration of these benefits in the context of digitalization. The paper describes the features of VAT taxation, the process of tax administration in the Russian Federation and the historical context of the formation of a system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits. The main focus is on the existing control system and proposed improvements, including the creation of a centralized platform for collecting and analyzing information about taxpayers, as well as automating the processes of confirming the eligibility of tax benefits. The article offers a number of recommendations, including the unification of the list of documents, standardization of documents forms, changes in the VAT declaration and the regulation of the rules governing the rights of taxpayers to refuse to apply the VAT tax benefit. These measures are necessary for the full implementation of the developed control system and can contribute to improving efficiency. The proposed system of control over the use of VAT tax benefits, including digitalization of the process of consolidating taxpayer data, can make significant improvements in VAT tax administration, bringing it to a new level of efficiency and transparency. Creating a centralized platform for collecting and analyzing information about taxpayers, as well as automating the processes of confirming the eligibility of tax benefits, will allow the tax service to significantly reduce the need for manual documentation requests from enterprises, which will reduce the administrative burden for both the tax service and taxpayers. In addition, the introduction of a control system based on consolidated data will improve interaction between various government agencies, contributing to digitalization and optimization of tax processes. This step is an important stage in the formation of tax administration 2.0 and is necessary for the subsequent transition to more advanced forms of administration that ensure increased efficiency, transparency and fairness of the tax system as a whole, which will contribute to accelerating economic growth in the Russian Federation.
digitalization of the economy, digitalization of tax benefits, digitalization, tax benefits, the mechanism of tax administration, value added tax, tax administration, VAT, Economy, tax
Stankovskii, M.V., Vasil'ev, D.A. (2024). On the issue of taxation of a court penalty in the context of sanctions pressure. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 17–29.
The increasing sanctions pressure on the domestic economy made it possible to define the purpose of this study: analysis of modern trends in the interaction of Russian organizations with foreign counterparts in terms of civil and tax law. To achieve this goal, it was necessary to solve a set of problems that ensure a comprehensive study of the problem from both theoretical and practical points of view. The object of the study is economic relations that develop in the process of interaction of Russian organizations with foreign companies. The subject of the study is the economic consequences of failure to fulfill contractual obligations in accordance with the provisions of civil and tax legislation. The work uses general scientific research methods: analysis and synthesis, deduction and induction, generalization, description. In addition, the following specific scientific methods were used: a graphical and tabular methods for presenting the research data, the Delphi method. The novelty of the study consists in revealing the discriminatory nature of taxation of domestic organizations in terms of the application of the provisions of Article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the topic is beyond doubt due to the fact that significant sanctions pressure from Western countries requires the state to take specific measures to protect the interests of Russian companies. The main results of the study are presented in the form of developed mechanisms for improving the procedure for recognizing income in the form of penalties in accordance with Article 271 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. The scientific work may be of interest to a wide range of users due to a detailed consideration of the problem through the prism of civil and tax legislation.
tax legislation, non-operating income, accrual basis, procedure for payment of income, corporate income tax, astrent, contractual obligations, tax penalty, stipulated restrictions, application of sanctions
Advokatova, A.S., Goncharenko, L.I., Zavorikin, A.A. (2024). Russian experience in applying environmental payments in the context of fiscal regulation of business involvement in ESG processes. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 30–49.
The study of the evolutionary aspect of changes in the composition and structure of fiscal instruments of environmental protection in the Russian Federation is particularly relevant under the influence of the international scientific and public agenda in the field of sustainable development. The purpose of the research is to analyze the experience of using payments and fees of a direct and indirect environmental nature, institutional forms of their mobilization and application, as well as the level of effectiveness of their impact on achieving the goals set – to find an answer to the question of ways to eliminate shortcomings and possible measures to improve the mechanism of their collection and use. The author examines the institutional structure of fiscal instruments for influencing environmental problems of doing business. On the one hand, the tendency towards centralization of income management is shown, since the target state extra-budgetary funds were disbanded with the transition to income distribution through the budget levels of the budgetary system, on the other hand, the experience of other institutional forms. The analysis and assessment of the structure of environmental payments and fees is given, among which there are payments with the status of a system codified instrument administered by the Federal Tax Service of Russia, as well as a number of uncodified fees, fiscal payments and parafiscalities. The conclusion is made about the comparability of Russia's practice with the actions of developing countries, as well as the influence of a number of cross-border factors on environmental fiscal payments policy, in particular the EU's CBAM, and the reaction of business to changes in rules in the field of environmental taxation is assessed. Examples of responsible attitude of companies to the problems of the ecological state of the country and regions are given.
environmental policy, environmental incentives, tax credits, corrective taxes, carbon footprint, EU's CBAM, ESG, parafiscalites, environmental taxes, tax
Goncharov, V.V., Malinovskii, O.N., Petrenko, E.G. (2024). The boundaries of public financial control in the Russian Federation: towards the formulation of the problem. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 50–63.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of defining the boundaries of public financial control in the Russian Federation. The relevance of the work is due to the need to resolve the research problem of determining the optimal limits for the implementation of public control in relation to such an important branch of public administration as the financial activities of public authorities, local governments, as well as other objects of public control endowed by legislation with the right to exercise certain public powers. The authors investigate the risks associated with insufficient and superficial implementation of public control in this area, as well as with the excessive influence of subjects of public control on the activities of the above-mentioned objects. The main problems preventing the definition of the boundaries of public financial control are formalized and analyzed: the disregard of this institution by the Constitution of the country; the lack of its detail in financial legislation; the lack of consolidation of the system of public control, as well as the concept of "financial public control" in the legislation on public control; the lack of development of the concept and limits of the boundaries of public financial control in scientific legal doctrine weak use of foreign experience and modern digital technologies in this field. The article uses a number of scientific research methods: formal-logical; comparative-legal; historical-legal; statistical; sociological; financial analysis; method of analyzing specific legal situations. In this work, ways to solve the above-mentioned problems related to the definition of the boundaries of public financial control are developed and justified, including by: incorporating the institute of public control into the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and the concepts of "public control system", "public financial control" into current legislation with the definition of the boundaries of its implementation; implementation of a system of measures to to stimulate these scientific and theoretical developments in the domestic scientific legal doctrine of public control, dedicated to defining the boundaries of public financial control; the adoption by the Government of the Russian Federation with the assistance of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation of a number of federal programs dedicated to the development of the institute of public financial control (taking into account positive foreign experience, as well as modern digital technologies and artificial intelligence technologies).
subjects, state control, borders, democracy, problem, Russian Federation, financial control, public control, optimization, principles
Gerasimova, A.E. (2024). Analysis of the tax sensitivity of particular sectors of the economy. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 64–79.
The article is devoted to the quantitative assessment of the tax sensitivity of particular sectors of the economy. The subject of the study is a system of indicators characterizing the sectors of the economy at the macro and micro levels. The purpose of the study is to analyze the dependence of economic sectors on the tax burden. The paper focuses on the importance of taxes for the economic growth of the country's economy and sectoral differences caused by the level of technological development, regional conditions, as well as government regulation. A methodological approach developed by the author allowed to assess the tax sensitivity of individual industries, tested on the most important sectors for the Russian budget. The author analyzes the tax burden and revenues to the consolidated budget, identifies the industries that have the greatest impact on the budget and builds models for them that allow quantifying tax sensitivity across a set of organizations. Modern machine learning methods such as decision tree, gradient boosting, nearest neighbor method, as well as the classical linear regression method were used as analysis methods. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the possibility of using the developed methodological approach to assess differences in the tax sensitivity of individual sectors of the economy for making managerial decisions differentially for each individual sector. As a result of the conducted research, the high tax sensitivity of the extractive industry, manufacturing and construction industries has been revealed. The average level of tax sensitivity is typical for wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles. Low tax sensitivity was found in financial and insurance activities. Based on the results of the assessment, recommendations are proposed for the introduction of tax instruments into the activities of individual industries and a conclusion is made about the need to specialize tax incentive mechanisms by economic sectors in order to increase economic growth and optimize tax revenues.
python programming language, linear regression, nearest neighbor method, gradient boosting, decision tree, machine learning methods, tax burden, forecasting models, industry specifics, tax sensitivity
Tikhonova, A.V. (2024). Improving excise taxes on "harmful" products taking into account their effects. Taxes and Taxation, 4, 80–94.
The article is devoted to a relevant area of tax science – strengthening the effects of excise taxes on alcoholic, tobacco products and sugar-containing beverages. In particular, the article is devoted to the fiscal, price, redistributive and consumer effects of excise taxes, which is the subject of the research. The topic of the study corresponds to the modern vector of the tax policy of the Russian Federation. The object of the study is economic relations that develop in the process of excise taxation of certain goods in Russia. In the work, the author gives a statistical assessment of the effects of excise taxes in Russia according to the Federal Tax Service, Rosstat, UN and WHO for the period from 2006 to 2023. In addition, the effects of excise taxation of "harmful" products in certain countries are presented: in the countries of the European Union, Australia, Belgium, China (Hong Kong), Brazil. In the work, the method of bibliographic analysis was used to analyze foreign experience. The results of Russian practice are assessed using the analysis of dynamic series and correlation analysis. The scientific novelty of this study consists in the development and substantiation of proposals for improving tax policy measures in the field of excise taxes on food and beverages aimed at enhancing their effects in the current economic conditions. Specific practical recommendations for the introduction of excise taxes on non-alcoholic beer and beverages made with artificial sweeteners have been developed. Based on open data, an estimated fiscal effect has been estimated. The study has a significant limitation, since it does not provide an assessment of other economic, social and cultural factors affecting the consumption of "harmful" foods and beverages.
consumption taxes, budget tax revenues, fiscal function, sugar-sweetened beverages, consumption structure, tobacco products, alcohol, indirect taxes, healthcare financing, tax efficiency