Palamarchuk, O.O. (2024). The need and prerequisites for conducting an unaccountable form of VAT calculation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 1–14.
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The article discusses the prerequisites for the creation of a new concept of VAT calculation based on the transfer of the function of calculating VAT to tax authorities through invoices, with the simultaneous cancellation of tax reporting on this tax. This concept implies that sellers issue invoices in electronic form through an electronic document management operator, who will transfer them to the tax authorities for their calculation of tax and billing to the taxpayer for payment. This approach will eliminate the need for businesses to comply with frequently changing tax laws and reduce the risks of tax evasion. The topic of the article is relevant because the current concept of the procedure for calculating and declaring taxes was introduced in the last century and is aimed at self-calculation of taxes by the taxpayer with subsequent preparation and filing of tax returns. However, modern conditions raise the issue of effective tax calculation in a new way and allows shifting these functions to fiscal authorities. The purpose of the study is to determine the readiness of the current situation for the introduction of a new concept of VAT calculation, the subject is the current VAT calculation mechanism. This work has practical significance, which consists in the potential introduction of a new concept of tax calculation. Before considering the issue outlined in this article, it is necessary to understand the conceptual apparatus, however, the study of tax terms does not relate to the topic of this work, which is why it will not be given. Therefore, for the purposes of this article, the calculation and procedure for calculating taxes means a set of actions of a taxpayer (or a tax authority in the case of transfer of such a function to it) to determine the amount of tax due to the budget.
tax return, invoice, Background, effectiveness, business, declaration, calculation of tax, automation, VAT, tax
Shilekhin, K.E. (2024). The tax on professional income as a threat to economic security. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 15–30.
The object of the study is the social relations that developed after the introduction of the tax on professional income. Not only the legal relations regulated by Federal Law No. 422-FZ dated November 27, 2018 "On conducting an experiment to establish a special tax regime "Tax on professional income" are being studied, but also the employment relations of persons who have switched to this special tax regime. The author examines in detail such aspects of the topic as: the dynamics of the number of self-employed, the structure of self-employment, the ratio of self-employment and traditional forms of employment, the socio-economic consequences of the experiment, the importance of the tax on professional income for the economic security of Russian society. Thus, the subject of the study is the socially significant consequences of conducting a tax experiment, the influence of specific legal norms on the whole set of public relations is studied. The methodological basis of the research is dialectical materialism. The object of research is considered comprehensively and in connection with other phenomena of social matter. General scientific and special research methods are used to collect, process, generalize, analyze and interpret the material: induction, deduction, document analysis. The novelty of the research is determined by a number of aspects. Firstly, the social relations caused by the introduction of a tax on professional income are analyzed comprehensively in all their diversity, not limited, as is often the case, to the fiscal component. Secondly, current empirical data are being investigated not only by tax authorities, but also by other government agencies and public organizations. Thirdly, for the first time, the socio-economic essence of the tax on professional income is exposed, and its significant disadvantages are shown on specific empirical data. Taken together, these circumstances allow us to formulate a conclusion about the impact of the tax regime in question on a key element of the country's economic security. The author formulated a hypothesis about the possibility of overcoming existing problems and justified the need to change existing approaches to regulating public relations in the field of self-employment.
special tax regime, economic security, self-employment, working conditions, platform employment, taxation, busyness, the labor market, professional income, Self-employment
Protasova, I.I. (2024). Organization of the VAT taxation and tax control system in the digital economy. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 31–43.
In the article, the author investigates the question of the possibility and necessity of using innovative digital solutions in organizing the procedure of work of tax authorities with taxpayers in terms of applying the 0% rate and reimbursement of value added tax. The relevance of the study is justified by the changed conditions for the application of the VAT refund application procedure, the reduction of the period of desk inspection and the preparation of registers of documents confirming the 0 percent rate through the use of information services of the Federal Tax Service. The research methodology is based on the generalization and analysis of regulatory documents, as well as the practical experience of maritime transport enterprises, customs and tax authorities in terms of digitalization of individual processes. To achieve this goal, the author has considered in detail the new procedure for VAT refund. The legal justification of the procedure and reasons for carrying out tax control measures aimed at confirming the right to apply the 0 percent tax rate and tax deductions is analyzed.The necessity of further transformation of interaction between taxpayers and tax authorities in the direction of the use of digital technologies, including in the organization of tax control, is substantiated. Based on the results of the study, the author made reasonable conclusions about the need for further research and elaboration of issues on the implementation of the possibility of assessing the application of a new declarative procedure for tax refund before filing a value-added tax declaration, the legal status of the "Office – Exporter" service and the possibility of using participants in foreign economic activity providing transshipment and forwarding services in order to form a register documents confirming the 0 percent rate. The improvement of the existing information services of the Federal Tax Service and the introduction into commercial operation of the new service "Exporter's Office" will provide comfortable conditions for tax administration to conscientious taxpayers, reduce the administrative burden, shorten the period of desk inspection, eliminate technical errors and stop intentional actions aimed at illegal VAT refund and the application of the 0% rate.
electronic document management, digital economy, tax control measures, tax deductions, cameral tax audit, information services of the Federal Tax Service, tax refund, tax administration, Tax declaration, value added tax
Orekhov, K.N. (2024). On the issue of the concept of comparability: levels of application and scope of application in data taxation. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 44–62.
This work focuses on the study of the concept of data comparability. Despite the importance of ensuring comparability of data in theory, in practice, analysts often forget about the need to verify whether information collected from different sources, for different subjects of economic activity, is suitable for comparative research. Based on this: the object of the study is to directly ensure the comparability of data, and the subject of the study is the application of this theory in practice, with an emphasis on the field of taxation. Moving from general, abstract economic examples in theory related to financial data and reporting, the author gradually moves on to the study of comparability in transfer pricing, in industry analysis using such industry averages as profitability and tax burden. The article uses a number of scientific research methods: formal logical, induction and deduction, as well as dialectical research method. Studying Russian and foreign sources, the author identifies three levels in theory: accounting, correctional and expert; which is also a scientific novelty. With their help, the difficulties associated with comparing enterprises with different characteristics are considered, the scope of comparability is explored, taking into account factors such as differences in jurisdictions, economic conditions and the changing regulatory landscape. Shedding light on these issues, this article gradually delves into the application of the concept in practice in the analysis of tax-related data, pointing out both the positive and negative sides of using industry-wide relative indicators when comparing organizations. At the end of the study, it is concluded that there is a need to apply a more targeted approach when comparing the results of economic activity of organizations.
types of economic activity, relative indicators, absolute indicators, tax burden, analysis of financial statements, data taxation, comparability of data, the usefulness of information, data comparability levels, industry analysis
Sidorova, E.Y., Artem'ev, A.A. (2024). Tax and customs status of imported fish products manufactured in the Exclusive Economic Zone of Russia and the World Ocean. Taxes and Taxation, 1, 63–78.
Subject – customs status of goods. The aim is to study the tax and customs status of fish import and of fish products made in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the EEZ of the Russian Federation) and the World Ocean. The authors of the study analyze the law enforcement practice, formed over the past few years, what allow them to draw attention to the methodological underdevelopment of a set of issues related to the determination of customs legal relations of fish and fish products imported (manufactured) by Russian fishing vessels (or production of fish products) (hereinafter - Goods) outside the state territory of Russia. Scientific contribution: Development of practical cases to determine the tax and customs consequences of importing fish (catches), produced (caught) in the EEZ of the Russian Federation. Results and conclusions: The results of the study show that the current regulation (norms of the Customs Code of the EAEU) does not allow to make an unambiguous conclusion as to whether such goods should be considered in customs legal relations as "goods of the Union" or as "foreign goods". In connection with the above, it seems relevant to solve the problem related to the development of methodological approaches to determining the status of imported Goods.
customs consequences, foreign vessels, Russian vessels, World Ocean, Exclusive Economic Zone, Union goods, VAT, excise duty, import, fish products